Could you please review my code and let me know if there is something wrong? I'm getting the expected results.
I'm trying to do change data capture using hive. We already have an existing CDC in DataStage, but we are trying to implement in HIVE now. Here is what I have done, please correct me if I'm doing something wrong.
Here is the source data:
Table name: month1
e_id, e_name, e_ad 11, john, singapore 22, jack, Melbourne 33, jessy, sydney 44, lampard, canada 55, pomer, perth
Table name2: month2
e_id, e_name, e_add 11, john, odisha 22, jack, Melbourne 44, lampard, canada 55, pomer, perth 66, rahul, mumbai
Here, the key field is the e_id
, and value field is e_name
and e_add
case when cdc_codes ='Updates' Then month2s
when cdc_codes = 'NoChange' then month1s
when cdc_codes = 'New' then month2s
when cdc_codes = 'Deletes' then month1s
else 'Error' end as fin_cols
from (select
case when m1.e_id = m2.e_id and concat(m1.e_name,m1.e_add) = concat(m2.e_name,m2.e_add) then 'NoChange'
when m1.e_id = m2.e_id and concat(m1.e_name,m1.e_add) <> concat(m2.e_name,m2.e_add) then 'Update'
when m1.e_id is null then 'New'
when m2.e_id is null then 'Deletes'
else 'Error' end as cdc_codes,
concat(m1.e_id,',',m1.e_name,',',m1.e_add) as month1s,
concat(m2.e_id,',',m2.e_name,',',m2.e_add) as month2s
from month1 as m1
full outer join
month2 as m2
on m1.e_id = m2.e_id) as b1