
This is my first attempt at trying to make a CLI note manager, than can be easily published on the web. I have made one note and you can see it live here.

I have added some comments, and placed the function cli_parse to the bottom (for readability). The way I wanted it work is for it just create markdown files with my notes, in a pre-initialized git repository. After the note has been saved, it asks git for the files that have been changed since last commit, and puts all their content into a JSON file which is simply passed to the webpage.

import subprocess
import os
import json
import markdown2
import argparse
import re
from datetime import datetime
from slugify import slugify
import codecs

class GitHandler:
changed_files() looks at all markdown files in notes/
directory, and returns them so that content.json file
can be reupdated.

    def __init__(self,repo_path):
        self.repo_root = self.set_repo(repo_path)

    def set_repo(self,repo_path):
        repo_path = os.path.abspath(repo_path)
        if os.path.exists(repo_path):
            if os.path.isdir(repo_path):
                if os.path.exists(repo_path+'/.git'):
                    return repo_path
                    print """Repository doesn't exist. 
                    Follow the instruction in README."""
                print "Provide path to your repo directory"
                return None
            print "Path Does Not Exist"
            return None

    def add(self):
        subprocess.call(['git','add',self.repo_root + '/notes/'])

    def commit(self,message):

    def changed_files(self):
        return subprocess.check_output(['git','diff','--name-only',

class Note:

    def __init__(self,title,content,tags=[],
            date=datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")):
        self.title = title
        self.content_raw = content
        self.content = self.md_to_html(content)
        self.id = None
        self.tags = tags
        self.date_created = date

    def md_to_html(self, text):
        return markdown2.markdown(text, extras=['fenced-code-blocks'])

    def __str__(self):
        return """


Posted on {2}
Tags: {3}
""".format(self.title,self.content_raw,self.date_created, ",".join(self.tags or [])).encode('utf-8')

class NoteDB:
For CRUD operations on json file

    def __init__(self):
        #self.note = self.note_to_dict(note)
        self.data = self.get_db()

    def get_db(self):
        if os.path.isfile("../data.json"):
            json_data = codecs.open("../data.json",encoding='utf-8')
            # This is giving an 
                data = json.load(json_data)
                return data
                return "{}"
            author = raw_input("Enter your name: ")
            blog_title = raw_input("Blog title: ")
            content = {
                "Blog Title": blog_title,
                "Author": author,
                "count": 0,
                "notes": [],
                "pages": []
            return content

    def write_data(self,data):
        data['count'] = len(data['notes'])
        with codecs.open("../data.json",encoding='utf-8',mode='w') as f:

    def new_id(self):
            lngth = len(self.data['notes'])
            maxid = max([note['id'] for note in self.data['notes']])
            return max( lngth, maxid)
        except ValueError:
            return 0

    def note_to_dict(self,note):
        return {
            "id": self.new_id(),
            "title": note.title,
            "content": note.content,
            "tags": note.tags,
            "date_created": note.date_created

    def all_entries(self):
        for note in self.data['notes']:
            print "{0} -- {1}".format(note['id'],note['title'])

    def get_entry(self,id):
        for note in self.data['notes']:
            if note['id'] == id:
                return note
        print "Error"

    def post_entry(self, note):
        titles = [n['title'] for n in self.data['notes']]
        if isinstance(note, Note):
            if note.title not in titles:
                print "----------"
                for i,n in enumerate(self.data['notes']):
                    if note.title == n['title']:
                        print "----------"
                        self.data['notes'][i] = self.note_to_dict(note)
            print "Error: must be a note object"

    def put_entry(self,note):
        print "Not implemented"

    def delete_entry(self):
        print "Not implemented"

def inline_note(title,body,tags):
        creates a markdown file with content supplied
        and saves it appropriate filename in notes/
        if title and body:
            nt = Note(title,body,tags)
            ndb = NoteDB()
            #make sure file doesn't exist in notes/
            file = open(slugify(title)+'.md','w')
            print "Title and body are required. Tags are optional."

def new_note(title, tags):
    Opens new file with title supplied in default 
    text editor with title, tags and date added to the 
    date = datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
    text = "#{0}\n\nCreated on {2}\nTags:{1}".format(title,tags,date)
    filename = slugify(title)+'.md'
    f = open('../notes/'+filename,'w')
    os.system('{0} {1}'.format('xdg-open', '../notes/'+filename))

def parse_md(filename):
    f = open(filename,'r')
    s = f.read()
    title = re.findall(r'#(.+)\n',s)[0]
    tags = re.findall(r'Tags:(.+)',s)[0].strip().split(',')
    date = re.findall(r'Created on (.+)',s)[0].strip()
    body = re.findall(r'\n([^#].*)Created on', s, re.S)[0].strip()
    return title,body,date,tags

def build():
    Walks through changed files in notes/ and
    updates the content.json file accordingly
    git = GitHandler(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()))
    git.commit("Gitnote commit")
    changed_files = git.changed_files()
    for filename in changed_files:
        if filename[-3:] == '.md':
            filename = '../' + filename
            if os.path.isfile(filename):
                print "-----"
                title,body,date,tags = parse_md(filename)
                nt = Note(title,body,tags,date)
                ndb = NoteDB()

def cli_parse():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-b', '--body')
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--title')
    parser.add_argument('-g', '--tags')
    return vars(parser.parse_args())

def dispatch_method(args):
    if args['mode'] == "inline":

    elif args['mode'] == "new":

    elif args['mode'] == "build":

        print("Doesn't compute. Please type cli --help for usage")




1. New note in text editor:

  >> gitnote new --title "Hello gitnote" --tags "python,angular,github, git"
  >> gitnote build
  >> git push origin master

First command opens "hello-gitnote.md" in your default editor. The title, date and tags have already been entered for you.
Second command updates the json file (db)
Third command deploys to github

2. Inline note:

  >> gitnote inline --body "hello world" --title "this is the title" --tags "hello,world"
  >> gitnote build
  >> git push origin master

First command creates a new file called hello-world.md in notes/
Second command updates the json file (db)
Third command deploys to github

2 Answers 2


Per the style guide, your imports should look like:

import argparse
import codecs
from datetime import datetime
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess

import markdown2
from slugify import slugify

Also per the style guide, there should be a single space between arguments to functions, in the definition and the call (or at least be consistent):

date = re.findall(r'Created on (.+)',s)[0].strip()
                                   # ^ no space here...
body = re.findall(r'\n([^#].*)Created on', s, re.S)[0].strip()
                                        # ^ ...but space here?

There should also be two blank lines between class definitions.

None of your classes or methods have any explanation as to what they're doing - consider adding in docstrings.

Multiline strings like:

        return """


Posted on {2}
Tags: {3}

can be made neater with textwrap.dedent - see e.g. Avoiding Python multiline string indentation. It breaks up the "flow" of the code to see something on the left margin in an instance method definition.

Don't just print "Error" if something goes wrong - raise an Exception. In terms of error handling, a bare except: is a bad idea; handle specific errors (or at least Exception).

You can use this guard to prevent your code running if you later decided to import functionality from it to some other script:

if __name__ == "__main__":

It might make the code easier to read if dispatch_method and cli_parse were the last two functions defined.

I doubt that:

def inline_note(title,body,tags):
    if title and body:

does what you think - there will be a TypeError if too few arguments are supplied. This only guards against e.g. inline_note("", "", ("a tag",)). Maybe use something like:

def inline_note(title, body, tags=None):

to indicate that tags is optional?


A pet peeve of mine is to use ujson, essentially speed for free.

I'd rather use less nested ifs, e.g. for the set_repo function, but really for all those cases:

def set_repo(self, repo_path):
    repo_path = os.path.abspath(repo_path)

    if not os.path.exists(repo_path):
        print "Path Does Not Exist"

    if not os.path.isdir(repo_path):
        print "Provide path to your repo directory"

    if not os.path.exists(repo_path+'/.git'):
        print """Repository doesn't exist.
        Follow the instruction in README."""

    return repo_path

For variable names, I doubt lnght buys you much vs. the more readable one character longer word.

To add to the error handling, I think you should use the check_ functions all the time, so that your program doesn't go ahead if e.g. the git add failed.

get_db should be split into two functions (and possibly a wrapper): one to load the database (load_database?) and one to create it (create_database). The loading call can also use the with-statement to ensure the closing of the file.


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