Inspired by this post, I wanted to be able, in any vba project I could be working on, to create a test class and write test methods. Like this:
ThisWorkbook Workbook | class module (client code)
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestAreEqual()
Assert.AreEqual 12, 34, "Values should be equal."
End Sub
Public Sub TestAreNotEqual()
Assert.AreNotEqual 12, 34, "Values should not be equal."
End Sub
Public Sub TestAreSame()
Assert.AreSame New Collection, New Collection, "Objects should be same reference."
End Sub
Public Sub TestAreNotSame()
Assert.AreNotSame New Collection, New Collection, "Objects should not be the same reference."
End Sub
Public Sub TestFail()
Assert.Fail "This wasn't meant to be."
End Sub
Public Sub TestInconclusive()
Assert.Inconclusive "No idea."
End Sub
Public Sub TestIsFalse()
Assert.IsFalse False, "True should be False."
End Sub
Public Sub TestIsNothing()
Dim foo As Object
Assert.IsNothing foo, "Foo should be nothing."
End Sub
Public Sub TestIsNotNothing()
Dim foo As New Collection
Assert.IsNotNothing foo, "Foo shouldn't be nothing."
End Sub
Public Sub TestIsTrue()
Assert.IsTrue True, "False should be True."
End Sub
Public Sub TestBlowUp()
Debug.Print 1 / 0
Assert.Fail "Test should have failed by now."
End Sub
Public Sub Test()
Dim methods As List
Set methods = List.Create
methods.Add "TestAreEqual", _
"TestAreNotEqual", _
"TestAreSame", _
"TestAreNotSame", _
"TestFail", _
"TestInconclusive", _
"TestIsFalse", _
"TestIsNothing", _
"TestIsNotNothing", _
"TestIsTrue", _
TestClass.RegisterTestClass Me, methods
End Sub
Test() method output:
2014-09-14 23:00:54 TestIsTrue: [PASS]
2014-09-14 23:00:54 TestIsFalse: [PASS]
2014-09-14 23:00:54 TestAreEqual: [FAIL] - AreEqual failed: Values should be equal.
2014-09-14 23:00:54 TestAreNotEqual: [PASS]
2014-09-14 23:00:54 TestAreSame: [FAIL] - Objects should be same reference.
2014-09-14 23:00:54 TestAreNotSame: [PASS]
2014-09-14 23:00:54 TestFail: [FAIL] - This wasn't meant to be.
2014-09-14 23:00:54 TestInconclusive: [INCONCLUSIVE] - No idea.
2014-09-14 23:00:54 TestIsNothing: [PASS]
2014-09-14 23:00:54 TestIsNotNothing: [PASS]
2014-09-14 23:50:35 TestBlowUp: [INCONCLUSIVE] - Test raised an error: Division by zero
The test code above is really testing that the Assert
class works as intended:
Assert class module
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "Assert"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Public Event AssertSucceeded()
Public Event AssertFailed(ByVal message As String)
Public Event AssertInconclusive(ByVal message As String)
Option Explicit
Public Property Get DefaultInstance() As Assert
Set DefaultInstance = Me
End Property
Public Sub IsTrue(ByVal condition As Boolean, Optional ByVal message As String)
If condition Then
RaiseEvent AssertSucceeded
RaiseEvent AssertFailed("IsTrue failed: " & message)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub IsFalse(ByVal condition As Boolean, Optional ByVal message As String)
If Not condition Then
RaiseEvent AssertSucceeded
RaiseEvent AssertFailed("IsFalse failed: " & message)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Inconclusive(Optional ByVal message As String)
RaiseEvent AssertInconclusive(message)
End Sub
Public Sub Fail(Optional ByVal message As String)
RaiseEvent AssertFailed(message)
End Sub
Public Sub IsNothing(ByVal value As Object, Optional ByVal message As String)
If value Is Nothing Then
RaiseEvent AssertSucceeded
RaiseEvent AssertFailed("IsNothing failed: " & message)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub IsNotNothing(ByVal value As Object, Optional ByVal message As String)
If Not value Is Nothing Then
RaiseEvent AssertSucceeded
RaiseEvent AssertFailed("IsNotNothing failed: " & message)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AreEqual(ByVal value1 As Variant, ByVal value2 As Variant, Optional ByVal message As String)
Dim result As Boolean
result = (value1 = value2)
If IsObject(value1) And IsObject(value2) Then
If TypeOf value1 Is IEquatable And TypeOf value2 Is IEquatable Then
Dim equatable1 As IEquatable
Set equatable1 = value1
Dim equatable2 As IEquatable
Set equatable2 = value2
result = equatable1.Equals(equatable2)
End If
End If
If result Then
RaiseEvent AssertSucceeded
RaiseEvent AssertFailed("AreEqual failed: " & message)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AreNotEqual(ByVal value1 As Variant, ByVal value2 As Variant, Optional ByVal message As String)
Dim result As Boolean
result = (value1 = value2)
If IsObject(value1) And IsObject(value2) Then
If TypeOf value1 Is IEquatable And TypeOf value2 Is IEquatable Then
Dim equatable1 As IEquatable
Set equatable1 = value1
Dim equatable2 As IEquatable
Set equatable2 = value2
result = equatable1.Equals(equatable2)
End If
End If
If Not result Then
RaiseEvent AssertSucceeded
RaiseEvent AssertFailed(message)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AreSame(ByVal value1 As Object, ByVal value2 As Object, Optional ByVal message As String)
If (ObjPtr(value1) = ObjPtr(value2)) Then
RaiseEvent AssertSucceeded
RaiseEvent AssertFailed(message)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AreNotSame(ByVal value1 As Object, ByVal value2 As Object, Optional ByVal message As String)
If Not (ObjPtr(value1) = ObjPtr(value2)) Then
RaiseEvent AssertSucceeded
RaiseEvent AssertFailed(message)
End If
End Sub
The TestClass
default instance contains all the logic. Here's the code, I'll list my concerns after:
TestClass class module
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "TestClass"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Private testOutput As ITestOutput
Private currentTest As String
Private currentTestFailed As Boolean
Private registeredMethods As New Dictionary
Private WithEvents assertion As Assert
Attribute assertion.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Public Sub RegisterTestClass(ByVal owner As Object, ByVal methods As List)
Dim method As Variant
For Each method In methods
RegisterTestMethod owner, method
End Sub
Public Sub RegisterTestMethod(ByVal owner As Object, ByVal name As String)
If registeredMethods.Exists(name) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim testReference As Tuple
Set testReference = Tuple.Create(owner, name)
registeredMethods.Add name, testReference
End Sub
Public Sub RunAllTests()
Dim testName As Variant
For Each testName In registeredMethods
RunTest testName
End Sub
Public Sub RunTest(ByVal name As String)
currentTest = name
currentTestFailed = False
Dim result As TestResult
On Error GoTo CleanFail
Dim output As New DebugTestOutput 'todo: decouple
Set testOutput = output
Dim test As Tuple
Set test = registeredMethods(name)
CallByName test.Item1, test.Item2, VbMethod
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = AssertError Then
Set result = TestResult.Create(Failed, Err.Description)
Resume CleanExit
ElseIf Err.Number = InconclusiveAssertError Then
Set result = TestResult.Create(Inconclusive, Err.Description)
Resume CleanExit
Set result = TestResult.Create(Inconclusive, "Test raised an error: " & Err.Description)
Resume CleanExit
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set assertion = Assert.DefaultInstance
End Sub
Private Sub assertion_AssertSucceeded()
If currentTestFailed Then Exit Sub
Dim result As TestResult
Set result = TestResult.Create(Succeeded)
testOutput.WriteResult currentTest, result
End Sub
Private Sub assertion_AssertFailed(ByVal message As String)
If currentTestFailed Then Exit Sub
currentTestFailed = True
Dim result As TestResult
Set result = TestResult.Create(Failed, message)
testOutput.WriteResult currentTest, result
End Sub
Private Sub assertion_AssertInconclusive(ByVal message As String)
If currentTestFailed Then Exit Sub
currentTestFailed = True
Dim result As TestResult
Set result = TestResult.Create(Inconclusive, message)
testOutput.WriteResult currentTest, result
End Sub
The whole event-handling hack is a work-around to avoid forcing the client to write test Function
methods that return a TestResult
object: at one point I had all methods in the Assert
class as functions returning a TestResult
object, and the client /test code had to return the test outcome to the TestClass
. I'm not crazy about the design I have, but I find leaking the TestResult
type into the client code would be messier.
I'd bounty an answer that finds a clean and clever way to avoid this:
If currentTestFailed Then Exit Sub
Which is the ugly hack I've come up with, to only report the first failed assertion of a test. It's still not correctly reporting the last successful assertion, but before I work on that feature, I'd like to know whether it'd be better to consider a different approach.
There are a number of constraints, pretty well explained in [this blog with surprisingly similar code]( I stumbled upon when googling about the pesky "automation error" I kept getting when all I wanted was to raise an AssertFailedError
or AssertInconclusiveError
- the TestClass
simply cannot receive a meaningful error that's coming from the client code, so raising an error to halt test method execution is out of the way - and since I didn't want to give the client code the responsibility of determining a test's result, I simply run everything the client method has, and evaluate all assertions made.
TestResult class module
This type wants to encapsulate the result of a test. However because of design constraints it's actually encapsulating the result of an Assert
method call.
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "TestResult"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Public Enum TestOutcome
End Enum
Private Type TTestResult
outcome As TestOutcome
output As String
End Type
Private this As TTestResult
Public Property Get TestOutcome() As TestOutcome
TestOutcome = this.outcome
End Property
Friend Property Let TestOutcome(ByVal value As TestOutcome)
this.outcome = value
End Property
Public Property Get testOutput() As String
testOutput = this.output
End Property
Friend Property Let testOutput(ByVal value As String)
this.output = value
End Property
Public Function Create(ByVal outcome As TestOutcome, Optional ByVal output As String)
Dim result As New TestResult
result.TestOutcome = outcome
result.testOutput = output
Set Create = result
End Function
The output is generated by a DebugTestOutput
class, which implements an ITestOutput
ITestOutput class module (interface)
Option Explicit
Public Sub WriteResult(ByVal name As String, ByVal result As TestResult)
End Sub
Any class can implement this, and once I've decoupled TestClass
from the below implementation, the client code can implement it and supply a custom implementation:
DebugTestOutput class module
Option Explicit
Private Const InconclusiveResult As String = "INCONCLUSIVE"
Private Const SuccessResult As String = "PASS"
Private Const FailureResult As String = "FAIL"
Private outcomeStrings As Dictionary
Implements ITestOutput
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set outcomeStrings = New Dictionary
outcomeStrings.Add Inconclusive, InconclusiveResult
outcomeStrings.Add Failed, FailureResult
outcomeStrings.Add Succeeded, SuccessResult
End Sub
Private Sub ITestOutput_WriteResult(ByVal name As String, ByVal result As TestResult)
If result.testOutput = vbNullString Then
Debug.Print Framework.Strings.Format("{0:s} {1}: [{2}]", Now, name, outcomeStrings(result.TestOutcome))
Debug.Print Framework.Strings.Format("{0:s} {1}: [{2}] - {3}", Now, name, outcomeStrings(result.TestOutcome), result.testOutput)
End If
End Sub
Note that the List
class, and the Framework
module, are outside the scope of this post, but they're dependencies of this library; the project is an Excel add-in (.xlam) called UnitTesting
, referencing another Excel add-in called System
(there's another called Data
, too).