I'm currently working on optimizing a Barnes-Hut implementation (connected to a previous post I did) and I need help to optimize it further.
After some testing, the main problem appears to be in the Insertion algorithm, which takes roughly 3-10 times as long as the second longest part of the program.
The basis of the program are a number of threads that each act as a worker that does the following when building the tree:
//particle[] is a list that is set in the constructor
public void run(){
boolean run = true;
i = barnesHut.getIndex();
if(i < particle.length){ tree.insertThreaded(particle[i], thread); }
else{ run = false; }
the getIndex function can be found in the BarnesHut class which handles the start of the program and the insertion algorithm. It's synchronized to work as a
public synchronized int getIndex(){
return index++;
Now, the insertion algorithm looks like this:
//entryLock and quadLock are two atomic mutex locks
//childs[][] are the leaves to the tree structur that makes up a Barnes-Hut
public void insertThreaded(BHBody body, int threadID){
if(numberOfParticles == 1){
existingParticle = body;
else if(numberOfParticles == 2){
int[] position = getQuadForBody(existingParticle);
if(childs[position[0]][position[1]] == null){
childs[ position[0] ][ position[1] ].insertThreaded(existingParticle, threadID);
position = getQuadForBody(body);
if(childs[position[0]][position[1]] == null){
childs[ position[0] ][ position[1] ].insertThreaded(body, threadID);
else if(numberOfParticles > 2){
int[] position = getQuadForBody(body);
if(childs[position[0]][position[1]] == null){
childs[position[0]][position[1]].insertThreaded(body, threadID);
The locks are to make sure that no other thread gets into the way of the thread when it's creating something vital, such as a new leaf or even trying to update the number of particles.
The startQuad()
function which creates a new leaf for the current node:
public void startQuad(int x, int y){
if(x == 0 && y == 0)
childs[0][0] = new BHnode(xStart,xMid,yMid,yEnd, debug, range,correction);
if(x == 0 && y == 1)
childs[0][1] = new BHnode(xStart,xMid,yStart,yMid, debug, range,correction);
if(x == 1 && y == 0)
childs[1][0] = new BHnode(xMid,xEnd, yMid,yEnd, debug, range,correction);
if(x == 1 && y == 1)
childs[1][1] = new BHnode(xMid,xEnd,yStart,yMid, debug, range,correction);
The getQuad()
function which returns the quad for the body to be inserted into:
public int[] getQuadForBody(BHBody body){
int x = 0, y = 0;
if( body.getX() > xMid ){
if( body.getY() < yMid ){
int[] a = {x,y};
System.out.println("setting ("+body.getX()+","+body.getY()+") at ("+x+","+y+") with mid " +xMid+","+yMid);
return a;
If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve this code I would be grateful. I've tried a lot of different things, from completly rewriting parts of the code to making things in a different order.