This code is going to be included in my Minesweeper Probabilities project. (so far it only exists on the develop-branch)
The purpose is to return a specific combination, let's say for example that you have 7 elements and want to return 3 of them, simple combinatorics tells us that there are \$\binom{7}{3} = \frac{7*6*5}{3*2*1} = 35\$ combinations to do this, so let's say that we want to return an arbitrary combination, let's say combination number \$20\$.
So we have to decide the order for the combinations. Let's take the elements [0 1 2 3 4 5 6], the order that felt the most natural to me is:
012 013 014 015 016
023 024 025 026
034 035 036
045 046
123 124 125 126
134 135 136
145 146
234 235...
So when we have written these, we can see that 134
is the 20th combination.
But without actually writing them all down, how can we come to the conclusion that 134
is the 20th combination?
There are \$\binom{6}{2} = 15\$ combinations where \$0\$ is the first number. As \$20 > 15\$, we know that 0 is not the first number. So we reduce 20 by 15, increase the nextNumber
variable and continue.
Then we have nextNumber == 2
and combination == 5
, as there are \$\binom{5}{2}\$ combinations where \$1\$ is the first number, we know that 1 is the first number, reduce the remainingSize
and continue on our way...
Then there are 4 combinations were 2 is the next number [123, 125, 126, 127], but as 5 > 4, 2 is not the next number. So again we reduce the combination we're looking for (5) by the number of combinations for 2 being the next number (4), so we get combination = 1
and also increase nextNumber
to 3.
Now, as combination == 1
the remaining numbers are 3 and 4.
I hope the code is pretty self-explanatory.
As I need to support very big combinations, such as \$\binom{256}{51} = 2.034*10^{54}\$, I assumed that double
will not have enough precision, so I went with BigInteger
. I hope this doesn't cause too much impact on performance though.
Can also be found on github.
public static BigInteger nCrBigInt(int n, int r) {
if (r > n || r < 0) {
return BigInteger.ZERO;
if (r == 0 || r == n) {
return BigInteger.ONE;
if (r > n / 2) {
// As Pascal's triangle is horizontally symmetric, use that property to reduce the for-loop below
r = n - r;
BigInteger value = BigInteger.ONE;
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
value = value.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(n - i)).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(i + 1));
return value;
public static int[] specificCombination(final int elements, final int size, final BigInteger combinationNumber) {
if (combinationNumber.signum() != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Combination must be positive");
if (elements < 0 || size < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Elements and size cannot be negative");
int[] result = new int[size];
int resultIndex = 0;
int nextNumber = 0;
BigInteger combination = combinationNumber;
int remainingSize = size;
int remainingElements = elements;
while (remainingSize > 0) {
BigInteger ncr = nCrBigInt(remainingElements - 1, remainingSize - 1);
if (ncr.signum() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Combination out of range: " + combinationNumber + " with " + elements + " elements and size " + size);
if (combination.compareTo(ncr) <= 0) {
result[resultIndex] = nextNumber;
else {
combination = combination.subtract(ncr);
return result;
public void specificCombinationVeryBig() {
int[] result = Combinatorics.specificCombination(256, 51, BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE - 42));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,26,27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 52, 73, 94, 99, 132, 163, 169, 179, 190, 214, 227, 230 }, result);
public void specificCombinations() {
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{ 0, 1, 2, 3 }, Combinatorics.specificCombination(8, 4, BigInteger.ONE));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{ 0, 1, 2, 4 }, Combinatorics.specificCombination(8, 4, BigInteger.valueOf(2)));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{ 0, 2, 4, 5 }, Combinatorics.specificCombination(8, 4, BigInteger.valueOf(20)));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{ 1, 4, 6 }, Combinatorics.specificCombination(7, 3, BigInteger.valueOf(24)));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{ 1, 5, 6 }, Combinatorics.specificCombination(7, 3, BigInteger.valueOf(25)));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{ }, Combinatorics.specificCombination(7, 0, BigInteger.ONE));
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void specificCombinationOutOfRange() {
Combinatorics.specificCombination(7, 3, BigInteger.valueOf(36));
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void specificCombinationZeroOrLess() {
Combinatorics.specificCombination(7, 3, BigInteger.ZERO);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void specificCombinationWithNegativeSize() {
Combinatorics.specificCombination(7, -1, BigInteger.ONE);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void specificCombinationWithTooBigSize() {
Combinatorics.specificCombination(7, 8, BigInteger.ONE);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void specificCombinationWithNegativeElements() {
Combinatorics.specificCombination(-1, 3, BigInteger.ONE);
public void nCrBigInt() {
assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(28), Combinatorics.nCrBigInt(8, 2));
assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(28), Combinatorics.nCrBigInt(8, 6));
assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(70), Combinatorics.nCrBigInt(8, 4));
assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(56), Combinatorics.nCrBigInt(8, 3));
assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(35), Combinatorics.nCrBigInt(7, 3));
assertEquals(BigInteger.ZERO, Combinatorics.nCrBigInt(1, -1));
assertEquals(BigInteger.ZERO, Combinatorics.nCrBigInt(0, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
assertEquals(BigInteger.ONE, Combinatorics.nCrBigInt(i, 0));
assertEquals(BigInteger.ONE, Combinatorics.nCrBigInt(i, i));
Primary Concerns
- Is there a better way? Specifically with regards to performance.
- I have added some test cases, are there any edge-cases I have missed? (I don't think there are)