I am implementing a mutable trie. I tested and it produces correct results. However, it is very slow. I benchmark it against plain old Data.Map
, which is more than twice as fast.
So what am I doing wrong? I am expecting a fundamental flaw in the way I write mutable code here and not some micro performance tricks. I assume STVector
is fast enough.
module Trie(Trie, empty, insert, member) where
import Data.Char (ord, toUpper)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as V
-- In a real world scenario, we would probably want to our mutable trie to base
-- on PrimMonad and PrimState so that it can work within both IO and ST. Also,
-- our trie only accepts String keys composed of capitalized English alphabets
-- ([A-Z]+). Values, though, can be of any type. Finally, there should have
-- been a function to retrieve the value given a key, but we omitted it because
-- of laziness (pun intended).
data Trie s a = Trie {
trieValue :: Maybe a ,
trieChildren :: V.STVector s (Maybe (Trie s a))
toIndex :: Char -> Int
toIndex c = (ord (toUpper c) - ord 'A') `mod` 26
empty :: ST s (Trie s a)
empty = emptyWith Nothing
newChildren :: ST s (V.STVector s (Maybe (Trie s a)))
newChildren = V.replicate 26 Nothing
emptyWith :: Maybe a -> ST s (Trie s a)
emptyWith x = newChildren >>= return . Trie x
insert :: Trie s a -> String -> a -> ST s (Trie s a)
insert = insert' . Just
insert' :: Maybe (Trie s a) -> String -> a -> ST s (Trie s a)
insert' Nothing cs z = do
node <- empty
insert node cs z
insert' (Just root@(Trie _ ys)) [c] z = do
node <- emptyWith (Just z)
V.write ys (toIndex c) (Just node)
return root
insert' (Just root@(Trie _ ys)) (c:cs) z = do
let i = toIndex c
y <- V.read ys i
insert' y cs z >>= V.write ys i . Just
return root
member :: Trie s a -> String -> ST s Bool
member = member' . Just
member' :: Maybe (Trie s a) -> String -> ST s Bool
member' Nothing _ = return False
member' (Just (Trie x _)) [] = return (isJust x)
member' (Just (Trie _ ys)) (c:cs) =
V.read ys (toIndex c) >>= flip member' cs
toIndex c = ord c - 65
. Shaves off a second or so. \$\endgroup\$