I need to get some scripts from the different social networking site and cache them. I want the function to be asynchronous, and non-blocking.
I have settled with a script, but I am not really sure if it is not overly complicated to do the job.
I did replace a normal for
loop, and this method is much faster. I do not know why, but it just is.
// Cached scritps
var cachedScriptPromises = {};
// Location of the scripts
var Scripts : {
twitter : '//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js',
facebook : 'http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect.php/js/FB.Share',
googleplus : 'https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js',
linkedin : 'http://platform.linkedin.com/in.js'
// When the button is clicked all the scripts
// are loaded. The conainers are already
// on the website. They will be filled
// as soon as the script is loaded.
for( var script in Scripts ){
jQuery.cachedGetScript( Scripts[script] );
// Function that get and caches the scripts
jQuery.cachedGetScript = function( script ) {
if ( !cachedScriptPromises[ script ] ) {
cachedScriptPromises[ script ] = jQuery.Deferred(function( defer ) {
jQuery.getScript( script ).then( defer.resolve, defer.reject );
return cachedScriptPromises[ script ];
Eventually this function can be expanded by adding some before and after actions. The thing is that the files are loaded so quickly that I have removed these features, but I am planning to do this as soon as the project becomes bigger.
Does anyone have any suggestions on making this better? Maybe some adjustments to the code, or go a complete other way with this.