The netlink service is used, among other things, to notify userspace about hotplug events (e.g. "a device has been connected"). These events come in the form of packets, which follow the following format, explained here:
The netlink packet contains a set of null terminated text lines. The first line of the netlink packet combines the $ACTION and $DEVPATH values, separated by an @ (at sign). Each line after the first contains a KEYWORD=VALUE pair defining a hotplug event variable.
I have made an "SSCCE" of the code I use to parse these kinds of packets, and posted it on I'd like a review on potential risks and bad practices.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
int main (void)
/* Even if a std::string was used, a string literal would not work, because
the fake packet contains '\0'. */
const std::vector<char> msg = {
std::unordered_map<std::string , std::string> hotplug_event_variables;
auto it1 = std::find( msg.begin() , msg.end() , '@' );
if ( it1 != msg.end() )
/* As per the kernel documentation, the piece before the '@' token is
the implicit "ACTION" event variable. */
hotplug_event_variables.emplace( std::piecewise_construct , std::forward_as_tuple("ACTION") , std::forward_as_tuple(msg.begin(),it1) );
/* It points to the '@'; increment it. */
auto it2 = std::find( it1 , msg.end() , '\0' );
if ( it2 != msg.end() )
/* As with the previous event variable, DEVPATH is implicit. */
hotplug_event_variables.emplace( std::piecewise_construct , std::forward_as_tuple("DEVPATH") , std::forward_as_tuple(it1,it2) );
/* It points to the '\0'; increment it. */
* An example packet:
* Pass of the loop
* |$ACTION@$DEVPATH0·····=·····0······=······0|
* ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^
* it1 it2 | || | |
* #1 it3 it4 it5 | |
* #2 it3 it4 it5
for ( auto it3 = it2 , it4 = std::find( it2 , msg.end() , '=' ) , it5 = std::find( it4+1 , msg.end() , '\0') ; it3 != msg.end() , it4 != msg.end() , it5 != msg.end() ; it3 = it5+1 , it4 = std::find( it3 , msg.end() , '=' ) , it5 = std::find( it4 , msg.end() , '\0' ) )
/* While playing with the fake packet, I found that empty pairs
could made it into the map. */
if ( std::distance(it3,it4) > 0 && std::distance(it4+1,it5) > 0 )
hotplug_event_variables.emplace( std::piecewise_construct , std::forward_as_tuple(it3,it4) , std::forward_as_tuple(it4+1,it5) );
* Expected output:
* "ACTION" = "add"
* "DEVPATH" = "/sys/devices"
* "SUBSYSTEM" = "block"
* "DEVTYPE" = "partition"
for ( const auto & x : hotplug_event_variables )
std::cout << '"' << x.first << "\" = \"" << x.second << "\"\n";
More information about netlink may be found at the netlink(7) man page.