I'd like feedback on my revised code after my previous question.
The goal is to create a module which can display, update, save dictionaries as .csv files. I'll use this in another program to update its settings.
I'm learning Python so I'm looking for any and all critiques on mechanics and style.
import csv
# Imports a file as a dictionary with csv
def csv_import(filename):
dictionary = {}
for key, value in csv.reader(open(filename)):
dictionary[key] = value
imported_dictionary = dictionary
return imported_dictionary
# Saves a dictionary as a file with csv
def csv_export(dictionary, filename):
csv_file = csv.writer(open(filename, "w"))
for key, value in dictionary.items():
csv_file.writerow([key, value])
# Automatically adjusts column widths
def auto_width(dictionary, min_len, max_len):
key_len = len(max(dictionary.iterkeys(), key = len))
value_len = len(max(dictionary.itervalues()))
key_len = int(key_len)
value_len = int(value_len)
min_len = int(min_len)
max_len = int(max_len)
if key_len > max_len:
key_len = max_len
if value_len > max_len:
value_len = max_len
if key_len < min_len:
key_len = min_len
if value_len < min_len:
value_len = min_len
adjusted_key_len = key_len
adjusted_value_len = value_len
return (adjusted_key_len, adjusted_value_len)
# Prints to console keys, values in columns
def print_formatted_dict(dictionary, min_len, max_len):
# If no column width is specified the max item length will be used
key_len, value_len = auto_width(dictionary, min_len, max_len)
title_align = '{:^%s} {:^%s}' % (key_len, value_len)
key_value_align = '{:<%s} {:<%s}' % (key_len, value_len)
print title_align.format(key_title, value_title)
for key, value in dictionary.items():
print key_value_align.format(key, value)
# Raw_input question loop returning answers conditionally
def ask(question, choices, true_if = None):
answer = ''
# Loops while answer not in choices
while answer not in choices:
answer = raw_input(question)
# Returns bool if specified that answer need match only one of choices
if true_if != None:
if answer == true_if:
return True
return False
# Returns any of the possible choices as answer
ask_answer = answer
return ask_answer
# Raw_input question joined to item string accepting any answer
def ask_about(question, item):
question = question + item + ': '
answer = raw_input(question)
ask_about_answer = answer
return ask_about_answer
# A loop for specifying keys to add, pop, or change key values
def change_dict(dictionary, min_len, max_len):
changed = False
change_answer = ''
while change_answer != 'no':
change_answer = ask(change_question, yes_no_pop_display)
if change_answer == 'yes':
key_answer = raw_input(key_question)
value_answer = ask_about(value_question, key_answer)
dictionary[key_answer] = (value_answer)
print_formatted_dict(dictionary, min_len, max_len)
changed = True
if change_answer == 'pop':
key_answer = raw_input(key_question)
dictionary.pop(key_answer, 0)
print_formatted_dict(dictionary, min_len, max_len)
if change_answer == 'display':
min_len = ask_digit(min_len_question)
max_len = ask_digit(max_len_question)
print_formatted_dict(dictionary, min_len, max_len)
changed_dictionary = dictionary
return (changed_dictionary, changed)
# Return an answer only if it is a digit
def ask_digit(question):
answer = ''
is_digit = answer.isdigit()
while is_digit == False:
answer = raw_input(question)
is_digit = answer.isdigit()
ask_digit_answer = answer
return ask_digit_answer
# Return a filename only if '.' is in the string
def valid_filename():
filename_answer = ''
while '.' not in filename_answer:
filename_answer = raw_input(filename_question)
returned_filename_answer = filename_answer
return returned_filename_answer
# Save a file with csv_import()
def save_dict(dictionary):
filename_answer = valid_filename()
csv_export(dictionary, filename_answer)
# Load a file with csv as a dictionary using a user specified filename
def load_dict(dictionary):
filename_answer = valid_filename()
dictionary = csv_import(filename_answer)
loaded_dictionary = dictionary
return loaded_dictionary
# A function to display, edit, and save dictionaries as .csv files
def edit_dict(dictionary = None, filename = None):
# If nothing is passed a dictionary is loaded from default.csv
if dictionary == None and filename == None:
default_filename = 'default.csv'
dictionary = csv_import(default_filename)
# If a filename is passed it is loaded as a dictionary
if filename != None:
dictionary = csv_import(filename)
# The dictionary is displayed in columns
print_formatted_dict(dictionary, min_len, max_len)
load_answer = 'yes'
while load_answer == 'yes':
# The dictionary values may be changed by specifying key values
dictionary, changed = change_dict(dictionary, min_len, max_len)
if changed == True:
# The dictionary may be saved if changes were made
if ask(save_question, yes_no, 'yes'):
print_formatted_dict(dictionary, min_len, max_len)
# A new dictionary may be loaded with csv_import()
load_answer = ask(load_question, yes_no)
if load_answer == 'yes':
dictionary = load_dict(dictionary)
print_formatted_dict(dictionary, min_len, max_len)
changed == False
# The last dictionary loaded is returned
edited_dict = dictionary
return edited_dict
# Question strings
value_question = 'Specify '
key_question = 'Key to change/add: '
load_question = 'Load a file? '
change_question = 'Specify change (yes/no/pop/display): '
filename_question = 'Filename: '
save_question = 'Save file? '
min_len_question = 'Min column width? '
max_len_question = 'Max column width? '
# Integers
min_len = 15
max_len = 50
# Strings for formatting dictionary display
key_title = 'Key'
value_title = 'Value'
# List variable used by multiple functions
yes_no = ['yes', 'no']
yes_no_pop_display = ['yes', 'no', 'pop', 'display']
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here's sample usage...
Key Value
gil 500
Specify change (yes/no/pop/display): yes
Key to change/add: gil
Specify gil: 0
Key Value
gil 0
Specify change (yes/no/pop/display): yes
Key to change/add: sword
Specify sword: diamond
Key Value
gil 0
sword diamond
Specify change (yes/no/pop/display): pop
Key to change/add: gil
Key Value
sword diamond
Specify change (yes/no/pop/display): yes
Key to change/add: a very long key a very long key
Specify a very long key a very long key: small value
Key Value
a very long key a very long key small value
sword diamond
Specify change (yes/no/pop/display): display
Min column width? 0
Max column width? 0
Key Value
a very long key a very long key small value
sword diamond
Specify change (yes/no/pop/display): display
Min column width? 0
Max column width? 50
Key Value
a very long key a very long key small value
sword diamond
Specify change (yes/no/pop/display): no
Save file? yes
Filename: mystuff
Filename: mystuff.csv