I'm a freelancer and I recently wrote a python script that processes input xlsx files that contain data in a particular format and output a csv file in another format as required.
The code works well and fulfills the requirements, but I am looking for a code review with suggestions on performance, improved readability, better organization, better practices etc. It uses openpyxl library, and is quite long, as there are a lot of operations so I'm sharing you paste links below:
- utilities.py
- main.py (the main file)
Here are some bits of code from the file main.py (required packages are imported above):
println("Reading arguments for input directory..")
args = sys.argv
input_dir_name = args[1]
except IndexError:
# invalid syntax used
println("ERROR! Please use correct syntax.")
println("Syntax is python main.py <input folder name> .")
println("Example: python main.py 2014-05-20")
# Select input and output directory
input_dir = 'input/' + input_dir_name
# Iterate over all files in the input directory
println("Reading input from directory ./" + input_dir + "..")
# Get list of all files
allfiles = [ f for f in listdir(input_dir) if isfile(join(input_dir, f)) ]
# Invalid directory
println("ERROR! The specified input directory was not found.")
println("Please make sure you are running the script in the correct directory.")
# create output folder if output folder doesn't exist
output_dir = 'output/' + input_dir_name
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
for f in allfiles:
# initialize variables
matrix = []
rows = cols = i = j = 0
single_rows = break_row = break_col = 0
single_rows_complete = break_word_found = 0
println("New input file found: " + f)
# Get state and file name without extension
f_state = utilities.getFileState(f)
f_name = utilities.removeFileExt(f)
break_word, bw_is_string = estado(f_state)
if (break_word == ""):
println("Omitting input file: " + f + " as no break word was found for this state. State code was: " + f_state)
input_file = input_dir + '/' + f
output_file = output_dir + '/' + f_name + '.csv'
# Open csv writer for output
writer = csv.writer(open(output_file, 'wb'))
println("Output file path: " + repr(output_file))
# Load first worksheet of input file for processing
println("Opening Input Excel Workbook..")
wb = load_workbook(filename = input_file, use_iterators = True)
ws = wb.active
# Count number of rows and columns
println("Counting number of rows and columns..")
for row in ws.iter_rows():
rows = rows + 1
if (rows == 1):
for cell in row:
cols = cols + 1
println("Complete. Total Rows = " + repr(rows) + " and Total Cols = " + repr(cols) + ".")
# define matrix 2d array for storing excel data
matrix = [[0 for x in xrange(cols)] for x in xrange(rows)]
# code continues...
and another..
# Generate output csv heading row
println("Generating Column Names for Output..")
if (break_col == 0): # Content starts from first column
csv_headers = ['Municipios']
else: # Content starts from second column, with first column being S.No.
csv_headers = ['S.No.', 'Municipios']
j = break_col + 1
i = break_row - 1
# loop over columns starting from break col's next col
while (j < cols):
# call the get col label method
col_label = utilities.getRecursiveColLabel(matrix, i, j, single_rows, break_row)
# format it so that there is no _ at the end
col_label = col_label[1:]
if (col_label[-1:] == '_'):
col_label = col_label[:-1]
# println("Column name for col=" + repr(j) + " is: " + col_label)
j = j + 1 # col increment
# write into output file
println("Column names written to output successfully.")
# start from break row to write actual statistics data
i = break_row
println("Writing Statistics data to output..")
# loop over all rows
while (i < rows):
# this data var will be stored into the csv finally
stats_data = []
# If break word is in first column, that means the names are in the format <int> <str>
# println("In first col: " + repr(matrix[i][0]))
if (break_col == 0):
if (i == break_row):
# if this is the row containing breakword then format is only <str>
# stats_data.append(0)
# here format is <int> <str>
parts = matrix[i][break_col].split()
if utilities.RepresentsInt(parts[0]):
# stats_data.append(int(parts[0]))
# if format is something else just append the value as it is
# if breakword is not in the first column, that means input is properly numbered with 123 in col A
# append directly into output
if (isinstance(matrix[i][0], basestring)):
if (isinstance(matrix[i][1], basestring)):
j = break_col + 1
# loop over all columns starting from next the break word col
# this does the actual statistics numbers in the input
while (j < cols):
# format output
# println("Here i= " + repr(i) + " and j=" + repr(j))
c = matrix[i][j]
if (isinstance(c, basestring)):
if (c.strip().lower() == "(x)"): # replace (x) values with 0
elif (c.strip() == u'\xad'): # special replacement for unicode problems
else: # if it is a string (-,chars) then it needs to be properly encoded
elif utilities.RepresentsInt(c): # if the number is an integer
else: # if its not a string just append it as it is
j = j + 1 # col increment
# write current row to output csv
i = i + 1 # row increment
println("Writing output complete successfully.")
println("Closing Input and Output files..")