I have been working on a program that walks you through "Petals Around the Rose". I would like anyone to review it and point out any bad coding practices, as well as efficiency problems.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
static Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) {
byte[] practice = getResults(5);
System.out.println("The name of the game is Petals Around the Rose."
+ "\nThe name is important. I will roll five dice,"
+ "\nand I will tell you how many petals appear."
+ "\n\nFor example:"
+ "\n" + getFormattedDice(practice)
+ "Will result in " + getAnswer(practice) + "."
+ "\n\nIf you answer correctly 8 times in a row, you"
+ "\nwill be declared a \"Potentate of the Rose\".\n");
byte streak = 0;
while(true) {
if(playOnce(getResults(5))) {
if(streak == 8) {
System.out.println("You are now declared a \"Potentate of the Rose\"!");
System.out.println("Thank you for playing!");
private static boolean playOnce(byte[] nums) {
System.out.println("How many petals here?\n" + getFormattedDice(nums));
byte guess = 0;
byte answer = getAnswer(nums);
boolean valid = false;
while (!valid) {
try {
guess = sc.nextByte();
valid = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.print("\nOops! That is not a number. Try again: ");
if (guess == answer) {
return true;
System.out.println("\nIncorrect. The answer is " + answer + ".");
return false;
private static byte getAnswer(byte[] nums) {
byte answer = 0;
for (byte b : nums) {
if (b == 3) {
answer += 2;
} else if (b == 5) {
answer += 4;
return answer;
private static byte[] getResults(int amt) {
byte[] nums = new byte[amt];
for (int i = 0; i < amt; i++) {
nums[i] = rollADie(6);
return nums;
private static String getFormattedDice(byte[] nums) {
final int SIZE = 8;
final String DOT = "\u00b7";
final String EMPTY = " ";
final String SPACE_5 = " ";
final String SPACE_3 = " ";
final String SPACE = " ";
StringBuffer[] result = new StringBuffer[] {
new StringBuffer(SIZE * nums.length + 1),
new StringBuffer(SIZE * nums.length + 1),
new StringBuffer(SIZE * nums.length + 1) };
for (byte num : nums) {
switch (num) {
case (byte) 1:
result[0].append(EMPTY + "|");
result[1].append(SPACE_3 + DOT + SPACE_3 + "|");
result[2].append(EMPTY + "|");
case (byte) 2:
result[0].append(SPACE + DOT + SPACE_5 + "|");
result[1].append(EMPTY + "|");
result[2].append(SPACE_5 + DOT + SPACE + "|");
case (byte) 3:
result[0].append(SPACE + DOT + SPACE_5 + "|");
result[1].append(SPACE_3 + DOT + SPACE_3 + "|");
result[2].append(SPACE_5 + DOT + SPACE + "|");
case (byte) 4:
result[0].append(SPACE + DOT + SPACE_3 + DOT + SPACE + "|");
result[1].append(EMPTY + "|");
result[2].append(SPACE + DOT + SPACE_3 + DOT + SPACE + "|");
case (byte) 5:
result[0].append(SPACE + DOT + SPACE_3 + DOT + SPACE + "|");
result[1].append(SPACE_3 + DOT + SPACE_3 + "|");
result[2].append(SPACE + DOT + SPACE_3 + DOT + SPACE + "|");
case (byte) 6:
result[0].append(SPACE + DOT + SPACE_3 + DOT + SPACE + "|");
result[1].append(SPACE + DOT + SPACE_3 + DOT + SPACE + "|");
result[2].append(SPACE + DOT + SPACE_3 + DOT + SPACE + "|");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"A number higher than 6 in array.");
return new String(result[0]) + "\n" + new String(result[1]) + "\n"
+ new String(result[2]) + "\n";
private static byte rollADie(int i) {
return (byte) (Math.random() * i + 1);
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