The following three source files is to define and test a class StackLayer
While it was written in a need for scalable layer-based architecture design, it was also a practice for std::shared_ptr
(I'm new to C++11).
I'm not sure if I'm understanding the concept and best practices for std::weak_ptr
and std::shared_ptr
You will notice that the LayerNode
is completely public
to derived classes, which I couldn't avoid because of some error std::shared_ptr
was complaining about ("conversion exists but inaccessible"). I don't like this because it ruins all the encapsulation.
I'm also not sure if I have any memory leak or not (at least it is not breaking).
To prevent lower layer to access higher layer, I also had to make GetLayer function return null if that case happens. Should I assert or throw on this case instead of returning nullptr
I only tested it in Visual C++ CPT120 (might have missing 'typename' errors in gcc, or not if I get lucky)
template<typename Derived>
class Singleton
// Getter
static Derived& GetInstance( void )
static Derived s_instance;
return s_instance;
// Ctor
Singleton( void ){}
// Dtor
virtual ~Singleton( void ){}
Singleton( const Singleton& rhs );
Singleton& operator=( const Singleton& rhs );
}; // class Singleton
#include "Singleton.h" // Singleton
#include <vector> // std::vector
#include <memory> // std::shared_ptr std::weak_ptr std::dynamic_casting
#include <unordered_map> // std::unordered_map
#include <cassert> // assert
#include <type_traits> // std::is_pointer
#include <algorithm> // std::for_each
#include <functional> // std::function
class LayerStack;
// public Inherit this class to make a layer.
// layer is to be added to an instance of LayerStack before calling GetLayer function.(Look at LayerStack::Push function)
template <typename Derived>
class Layer : public LayerStack::LayerNode, public Singleton<Derived>
friend class LayerStack;
typedef Derived instance_type;
Layer( void )
: LayerNode( typeid(Derived).hash_code() )
, Singleton()
template <typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> GetLayer( void )
return LayerNode::m_pLayerStack->QueryLayerFrom<T>(m_attitue);
} // std::shared_ptr<T> GetLayer( void )
virtual ~Layer( void ) {}
}; // class Layer : public LayerStack::LayerNode, public Singleton<Derived>
// Layer Stack.
// Can store instance of layer inheriting class Layer.
// These rules are to be followred:
// * Each type of layer can only appear once in the same layer stack.( Layer is Singleton. Look at Layer definition )
// * Layer can access other layer by calling GetLayer function, but not in ascending order( Only layer pushed eairler than caller layer can be accessed. In other words, top layer can acess all layers, while bottom layer cannot access any layer)
class LayerStack
template <typename Derived>
friend class Layer;
typedef std::size_t type_hash_type;
typedef std::size_t size_type;
struct LayerNode
LayerNode( type_hash_type typeHash )
: m_pLayerStack(nullptr)
, m_typeHash(typeHash)
, m_attitue(0)
virtual ~LayerNode( void ) {}
LayerStack* m_pLayerStack;
LayerStack::type_hash_type m_typeHash;
int m_attitue;
typedef std::unordered_map<type_hash_type, std::weak_ptr<LayerNode>> layer_map_type;
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LayerNode>> layer_vec_type;
layer_map_type m_layerMap;
layer_vec_type m_layerVec;
LayerStack( void )
: m_layerMap()
, m_layerVec()
template <typename T>
void Push( std::shared_ptr<T>&& item )
static_assert(!std::is_pointer<T>::value, "Cannot use a shared pointer to a pointer");
// Gets type hash code
type_hash_type h = typeid(T).hash_code();
// Search item by the hash code from the map.
// item shouldn't be duplicate(Singleton)
assert(m_layerMap.find(h) == m_layerMap.end());
// Set Parent pointer
item->m_pLayerStack = this;
// Add item to the vector
// Add item to the map
m_layerMap[h] = item;
// Set attitue
item->m_attitue = m_layerVec.size();
} // void Push( std::shared_ptr<T>&& item )
void Pop( void )
} // void Pop( void )
template <typename CAST_TYPE>
void ForAscendingEach( std::function<void(CAST_TYPE*)> callback)
std::for_each( m_layerVec.begin(), m_layerVec.end(), [&]( std::shared_ptr<LayerNode> spNode )
template <typename CAST_TYPE>
void ForDescendingEach( std::function<void(CAST_TYPE*)> callback)
std::for_each( m_layerVec.rbegin(), m_layerVec.rend(), [&]( std::shared_ptr<LayerNode> spNode )
template <typename CAST_TYPE, typename ...Args>
void ForAscendingEach( void (CAST_TYPE::*callback)(Args...) , Args... args)
std::for_each( m_layerVec.begin(), m_layerVec.end(), [&]( std::shared_ptr<LayerNode> spNode )
template <typename CAST_TYPE, typename ...Args>
void ForDescendingEach( void (CAST_TYPE::*callback)(Args...) , Args... args)
std::for_each( m_layerVec.rbegin(), m_layerVec.rend(), [&]( std::shared_ptr<LayerNode> spNode )
size_type Size( void )
return m_layerVec.size();
} // size_type Size( void )
template <typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> QueryLayer( void )
assert( m_layerMap.find(typeid(T).hash_code()) != m_layerMap.end() );
return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<T>(m_layerMap[typeid(T).hash_code()].lock());
template <typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> QueryLayerFrom( int attitue )
assert( m_layerMap.find(typeid(T).hash_code()) != m_layerMap.end() );
return m_layerMap[typeid(T).hash_code()].lock()->m_attitue < attitue
? std::dynamic_pointer_cast<T>(m_layerMap[typeid(T).hash_code()].lock())
: nullptr;
}; // class LayerStack
#include "LayerStack.h"
#include <iostream>
#define PROMPT(MSG) do { std::cout << " * " << (MSG) << std::endl; } while(0)
#define SHOW(EXPR) do { std::cout << (#EXPR) << " : " << (EXPR) << std::endl; } while(0)
class Base
virtual ~Base( void ){}
virtual void Print( void ) = 0;
virtual void PrintInt( int i ) = 0;
class A : public Layer<A>, public Base
virtual void Print( void ) override
std::cout << "A Printing" << std::endl;
virtual void PrintInt( int i ) override
std::cout << "A Printing " << i << std::endl;
class B : public Layer<B>, public Base
virtual void Print( void ) override
std::cout << "B Printing" << std::endl;
virtual void PrintInt( int i ) override
std::cout << "B Printing " << i << std::endl;
void PrintBase( Base* pBase )
int main( void )
LayerStack stack;
PROMPT("Pushing A");
stack.Push( std::make_shared<A>() );
PROMPT("Pushing B");
stack.Push( std::make_shared<B>() );
PROMPT("Now Stack Looks like:");
PROMPT(" [Top] B");
PROMPT(" [Bottom] A");
PROMPT("Query A Directly from the stack layer");
std::shared_ptr<A> sptra;
SHOW(sptra = stack.QueryLayer<A>());
PROMPT("Query B Directly from the stack layer");
std::shared_ptr<B> sptrb;
SHOW(sptrb = stack.QueryLayer<B>());
PROMPT("Call function in ascending order");
PROMPT("Call function in descending order");
PROMPT("Call member function in ascending order");
stack.ForAscendingEach<Base>(&Base::PrintInt, 1);
PROMPT("Call member function in descending order");
stack.ForDescendingEach<Base>(&Base::PrintInt, 2);
PROMPT("Accessing A from B should success(A is lower than B.(A is pushed eairlier) descending access is allowed)");
SHOW(sptra = sptrb->GetLayer<A>());
PROMPT("Accessing B from A should fail(B is higher than A.(B is pushed later) ascending access is prevented.)");
SHOW(sptrb = sptra->GetLayer<B>());
PROMPT("Popping A");
PROMPT("Popping B");
return 0;
} // int main( void )
* Pushing A stack.Size() : 1 * Pushing B stack.Size() : 2 * Now Stack Looks like: * [Top] B * [Bottom] A * Query A Directly from the stack layer sptra = stack.QueryLayer<A>() : 01009074 * Query B Directly from the stack layer sptrb = stack.QueryLayer<B>() : 0100D544 * Call function in ascending order A Printing B Printing * Call function in descending order B Printing A Printing * Call member function in ascending order A Printing 1 B Printing 1 * Call member function in descending order B Printing 2 A Printing 2 * Accessing A from B should success(A is lower than B.(A is pushed eairlier) de scending access is allowed) sptra = sptrb->GetLayer<A>() : 01009074 * Accessing B from A should fail(B is higher than A.(B is pushed later) ascendi ng access is prevented.) sptrb = sptra->GetLayer<B>() : 00000000 * Popping A stack.Size() : 1 * Popping B stack.Size() : 0
Singleton( const Singleton& ) = delete;