

        let mutable m' = m
        while m' % i = 0L do
            m' <- m' / i

I've refactored it into:

        let m' =
            let rec exhaust m =
                if m % i = 0L then exhaust (m/i)
                else m
            exhaust m

but it's pretty obvious to me that the original code was way more concise and clear than this last one. Is there anything simple and clear that I'm missing regarding this refactor?

The full algorithm:

(* Calculates all the prime factors of a given integer *)
let primeFactors x =
    let rec primeFactors' = function
        | (m, _, r) when m = 1L -> r
        | (m, i, r) ->
            let mutable m' = m
            while m' % i = 0L do
                m' <- m' / i
            primeFactors' (m', (i+1L), (if m <> m' then i::r else r))
    List.rev (primeFactors' (x, 2L, []))
  • \$\begingroup\$ It only looks clearer to the non-functional eye. The second version looks cleaner to me :-) \$\endgroup\$
    – Mau
    Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 9:52

2 Answers 2


I would write it this way

let rec exhaust m i =
    match m % i with
    | 0L -> exhaust (m / i) i
    | _ -> m

Not a huge improvement, but I think it's idiomatic. Now let's look at primeFactors:

let primeFactors x =
    let rec primeFactors' = function
        | (m, _, r) when m = 1L -> r
        | (m, i, r) ->
            let m' = exhaust m i
            primeFactors' (m', (i+1L), (if m <> m' then i::r else r))
    List.rev (primeFactors' (x, 2L, []))

Let's get rid of the when:

let primeFactors x =
    let rec primeFactors' = function
        | (1L, _, r) -> r
        | (m, i, r) ->
            let m' = exhaust m i
            primeFactors' (m', (i+1L), (if m <> m' then i::r else r))
    List.rev (primeFactors' (x, 2L, []))

And tidy up a little

let primeFactors x =
    let rec primeFactors' = function
        | 1L, _, r -> r
        | m, i, r ->
            let m' = exhaust m i
            primeFactors' (m', i + 1L, if m <> m' then i::r else r)
    primeFactors' (x, 2L, []) |> List.rev

I know the style in F# is for short variable names, and I'm all for that for the most part, but I think in this case we can/should make them a bit clearer.

let rec exhaust n factor =
    match n % factor with
    | 0L -> exhaust (n / factor) factor
    | _ -> n

let rec primeFactors' = function
    | 1L, _, factors -> factors
    | n, factor, factors ->
        let m = exhaust n factor
        primeFactors' (m, factor + 1L, if n <> m then factor::factors else factors)

let primeFactors n =
    primeFactors' (n, 2L, []) |> List.rev
  • \$\begingroup\$ "Let's get rid of the when" You couldn't have guessed it, but I have it there as I've originally designed the function to accept bigints instead of longs, and that was an artifact I forgot to remove. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 1:07
  • \$\begingroup\$ I agree that pattern matching is both more idiomatic and more clear, in thenexhaust function. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 1:08
  • \$\begingroup\$ And I totally agree with you about the variable names. :) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 1:08

It's been said that "recursion is the goto of functional programming". If you don't get the tail recursion right, your stack can explode, so I like to use alternatives like fold if I can.

In this case, how about using the under-appreciated unfold (PDF) instead?

let rec exhaust n factor =
    match n % factor with
    | 0L -> exhaust (n / factor) factor
    | _ -> n

let nextFactor (n,factor) =
    if n = 1L then 
        None  // None means terminate the unfold
        let m = exhaust n factor
        let maybePrimeFactor = if n <> m then Some factor else None
        let newState = m, (factor + 1L)
        Some (maybePrimeFactor,newState) // Some means keep the unfold going

let primeFactors n =    
    (n, 2L) 
    |> Seq.unfold nextFactor // this will contain Nones for non-prime factors 
    |> Seq.choose id         // so filter them out

No recursion in the prime factor generation now, but because it uses seq rather than list it is probably not as performant as the list version.

And because the "looping" is separated from the "processing", some people might consider this code somewhat cleaner as a result.

  • \$\begingroup\$ I've had my unfold phase until I finally started realizing that in most cases my code was just getting awkward to look at, at best, and that it often required post-processing (as you did with Seq.choose). Also, a big concern regarding your version performance, as you referred. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 14:02

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