I've written an interpreter for a simple assembly-like language and it's performing slower than I would like.
It's split into 3 files: the Parser that converts the source to a vector of ints, the VM that actually runs the bytecode, and Tests that has a bubble sort written in the language.
It sorts 100 numbers in about 6 seconds in GHCi. The profiler doesn't tell me much except that the most time is spent inside the step function as it's expected.
The Parser file isn't that needed because it's only run once so it doesn't affect performance.
Another thing to note is that it takes around 250 000 ticks (instructions executed) to do it so I'm pretty sure it could be much faster than 6 seconds.
Is there anything obvious that I could improve?
module Parser where
import Data.Vector (Vector, fromList)
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.List (sort)
type ByteCode = [Int]
data OpCode = Push | Pop | Add | Sub | Mult | Div | Store | Load | Jmp | Cmp | Not | Br | Dup | Inc | Dec | Swp
deriving (Enum, Read, Show, Ord, Eq)
arity :: Vector Int
arity = (fromList . map snd . sort) $ zip [Push, Store, Load] [1, 1..] ++ zip [Pop, Add, Sub, Mult, Div] [0, 0..]
charIsNumeric :: Char -> Bool
charIsNumeric c = '0' <= c && '9' >= c
stringIsNumeric :: String -> Bool
stringIsNumeric ('-' : s) = all charIsNumeric s
stringIsNumeric s = all charIsNumeric s
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize [] = []
capitalize (x : xs) = toUpper x : xs
wordToByteCode :: String -> Int
wordToByteCode str = if stringIsNumeric str then read str else fromEnum opCodeEnum
opCodeEnum :: OpCode
opCodeEnum = read $ capitalize str
stringToByteCode :: String -> ByteCode
stringToByteCode = map wordToByteCode . words
sourceToByteCode :: String -> ByteCode
sourceToByteCode = map wordToByteCode . concatMap words . lines
module VM where
import Parser (ByteCode, OpCode(..), arity)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Utility
data VM = VM {
byteCode :: Vector Int,
programCounter :: Int,
stack :: [Int],
memory :: IM.IntMap Int
deriving (Show)
fromCode :: ByteCode -> VM
fromCode code = VM { byteCode = Vector.fromList code, programCounter = 0, stack = [], memory = IM.empty }
step :: VM -> VM
step vm = next
bc = byteCode vm
pc = programCounter vm
st = stack vm
mm = memory vm
inst = toEnum $ bc ! pc
pop1 = tail st
pop2 = tail pop1
top1 = head st
top2 = head pop1
nextPc = pc + 1
next = case inst of
Pop -> vm { stack = pop1, programCounter = nextPc }
Push -> vm { stack = bc ! nextPc : st, programCounter = pc + 2 }
Add -> vm { stack = (top1 + top2) : pop2, programCounter = nextPc }
Sub -> vm { stack = (top2 - top1) : pop2, programCounter = nextPc }
Mult -> vm { stack = (top1 * top2) : pop2, programCounter = nextPc }
Div -> vm { stack = (top2 `div` top1) : pop2, programCounter = nextPc }
Store -> vm { stack = pop2, programCounter = nextPc, memory = IM.insert top1 top2 mm }
Load -> vm { stack = mm IM.! top1 : pop1, programCounter = nextPc }
Jmp -> vm { stack = pop1, programCounter = top1 }
Cmp -> vm { stack = signum (top2 - top1) : pop2, programCounter = nextPc }
Not -> vm { stack = (if top1 > 0 then -1 else 1) : pop1, programCounter = nextPc }
Br -> vm { stack = pop2, programCounter = if top2 > 0 then top1 else nextPc }
Dup -> vm { stack = top1 : st, programCounter = nextPc }
Inc -> vm { stack = (top1 + 1) : pop1, programCounter = nextPc }
Dec -> vm { stack = (top1 - 1) : pop1, programCounter = nextPc }
Swp -> vm { stack = top2 : top1 : pop2, programCounter = nextPc }
endState :: VM -> Bool
endState vm = programCounter vm == Vector.length (byteCode vm)
run :: VM -> VM
run = until endState step
runCount :: VM -> (Int, VM)
runCount = untilCount endState step
debug :: (VM -> String) -> VM -> (VM, [String])
debug watch vm = if endState vm then (vm, []) else (nextVm, watch vm : logs)
(nextVm, logs) = debug watch (step vm)
instructionLogger :: VM -> String
instructionLogger vm = show (toEnum $ byteCode vm ! programCounter vm :: OpCode)
watch :: Int -> VM -> String
watch n vm = case IM.lookup n (memory vm) of
Nothing -> "undefined"
Just a -> show a
composeLoggers :: [VM -> String] -> VM -> String
composeLoggers loggers vm = (intercalate " " . map ($ vm)) loggers
printDebug :: (VM -> String) -> VM -> IO ()
printDebug f v = putStr $ unlines $ snd $ debug f v
module Tests where
import qualified Parser as Parser
import qualified VM as VM
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
bubble = unlines [
"push 0", "push 1000", "store",
"push 0", "push 1001", "store",
"push 1000", "load", "load",
"push 1001", "load", "load",
"push 38", "br",
"push 1000", "load", "load",
"push 1001", "load", "load",
"push 1000", "load", "store",
"push 1001", "load", "store",
"push 1001", "load", "inc", "dup", "push 1001", "store",
"push 100",
"cmp", "not",
"push 10", "br",
"push 0", "push 1001", "store",
"push 1000", "load", "inc", "dup", "push 1000", "store",
"push 100",
"cmp", "not",
"push 10", "br"
vm = VM.fromCode $ Parser.sourceToByteCode bubble
vmWithData = vm { VM.memory = IM.fromList $ zip [0..100] [100, 99..0] }
main = print $ VM.run $ vmWithData
dbg = VM.printDebug (VM.composeLoggers [VM.instructionLogger, VM.watch 101, show . VM.programCounter]) vmWithData
module is absent. \$\endgroup\$Utility
was only used foruntilCount
, which I reimplemented. Compiled with -O2, this runs basically instantly. \$\endgroup\$