I have recently gotten back into development and I am wondering if the script I have just created is clearly documented and easily understandable throughout each step. Is it easy to understand?
class Encryption {
public function Encrypt ($String){
* Create an Encrypted String.
* @Var string
$Size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_CAST_256,MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv($Size,MCRYPT_RAND);
$Hash = strlen($String);
"EncryptedString" => openssl_encrypt($String, "AES-256-CBC",$Hash,0,$iv),
"IV" => $iv,
"Hash" => $Hash
public function Merge($Array){
* Merge The Array Returned From the String Encryption into a string
* Information:
* 1) Convert Each Element from the array into their personal variables
* 2) Create an Array from the first element. Will be used at the later stages
* 3) Get the length of the current IV passed
* 4) Create an empty string to be manipulated using the attaching loop
# $Array = $this->Encrypt($String);
$Encrypted_String = $Array['EncryptedString'];
$IV = $Array['IV'];
$Hash = $Array['Hash'];
$Hash_Count = count(str_split($Hash));
$EncStr_Arr = str_split($Encrypted_String);
$Count = strlen($IV);
$Increment = 0;
$String = "";
// NEW: Appending the Hash Count, to be used in later functions. So The correct Hash can be obtained.
$String .= $Hash_Count.$Count.$Hash; // Append the Count and Hash (as EncryptedString and IV are different lengths. Used to compensate
While ($Increment < $Count){
* This loop appends to the string created in the order:
* Even: IV Character
* Odd: EncryptedString Character
* Unset Elements of the Array for each iteration
$String .= $IV[$Increment];
$String .= $Encrypted_String[$Increment];
* After The loop has broken (Increment reaches the count of the IV), implode the Remainder elements (encrypted string)
* and return string + imploded array
$Encrypted_String = implode("",$EncStr_Arr);
return $String.$Encrypted_String;
public function UnMerge($String){
* function splits a string into 3 elements of an array to a usable format for the decryption
* 1) Split the String into an Array, 1 character = 1 element
* 2) The hash count is obtained (pushed to first character in the merge)
* 3) Unset the Hash Number
* 4) IV length is stored and created into the 2 digit number to be used later
* 5) Unset the IV Containers in elements 1 & 2
* 6) Reset the Array Index to 0
* 7) See While loop Comments
$String_Array = str_split($String);
$Hash_Count = $String_Array[0];
$IVLength = $String_Array[1].$String_Array[2];
$Hash = NULL;
$Hash_Incrementer = 0;
$String_Array = array_values($String_Array);
while ($Hash_Incrementer < $Hash_Count){
* Use a while loop to pull correct Hash number from the string & unsetting as we go
$Hash .= $String_Array[$Hash_Incrementer];
* Increment the array values to start from 1 instead of 0
array_unshift($String_Array, null);
$IV = null;
$Encryption = null;
foreach ($String_Array AS $Key => $Value){
* Through each iteration of the array (using the keys) decides if the key is odd or even.
* If odd: Appending to the empty $IV var
* If Even: Appending to the encrypted string
if($Key&1) {
$IV .= $Value;
} else {
$Encryption .= $Value;
unset($String_Array[$Key]); // Unset as we go
if ($IVLength*2 == $Key){
* If Correct IV length is equal to the Key then end the foreach loop.
* Length after manipulation in earlier functions = 41
* Pushing the three extra elements into the array = 44
* IV Length Counted = 16.
* Maths:
* 41 + 3 = 44
* 16*2 = 32 + 1 = 33
* 41 - 33 = 8 (Remainding Characters from the EncryptedString
return array(
* Return an Array with correct information to be used for Decryption.
* "EncryptedString" = What was pushed in earlire foreach with an imploded array of the remainding Chars
* "IV" = The Correct IV
* "Hash" = A Type juggled integer containing the Hash as created in the Encryption
"EncryptedString" => $Encryption.implode("",$String_Array),
"IV" => $IV,
"Hash" => (int)$Hash
function Decrypt($Array){
* Decrypt The Encrypted String with passing correct information as managed by UnMergeString
return openssl_decrypt($Array['EncryptedString'],"AES-256-CBC",$Array['Hash'],0,$Array['IV']);