I tried to look up and suck in most of the information about optimizing this operation and this is what I came up with. As it's pretty much core of the game, I really would like to have it performant as much as I can. I would appreciate if someone can take a look at this and possibly find weak spots.
Note: I am using Browserify, hence that module.exports
. Don't get confused, it is supposed to run in the browser.
module.exports = (tickModule, app) ->
# Function to retrieve current timestamp, hopefully using window.performance object
getTime = if (perf = window.performance)? then -> perf.now() else Date.now
# Store the reference so there is no need for scope lookup in every tick
raf = window.requestAnimationFrame
# Indicates if module is running
running = false
# Holds identifier for cancelAnimationFrame call
requestId = null
# Timestamp of the last run of the tick
previous = 0
# Run the tick loop
tick = ->
return unless running
# Request frame and store identifier
requestId = raf tick
# Retrieve current timestamp
timestamp = getTime()
# Calculate number of seconds from last tick
delta = (timestamp - previous) * 0.001
# Store the timestamp for the next round
previous = timestamp
# Emit event with delta
app.land.emit 'tick', delta, timestamp
# Start ticking when module start
tickModule.addInitializer ->
previous = getTime()
running = true
# Stop ticking when module stops
tickModule.addFinalizer ->
running = false
window.cancelAnimationFrame requestId
I am thinking about removing that requestId
and running
, since I am not really planning to stop the ticking once it starts. It was made merely like nice gesture, but it's not that useful for the game I suppose.