I am constructing a form builder in ASP.NET and I am wanting help with the structure of my POCO classes I have the following so far. I just don't see why I need to add to a list and then process it further again would their be a neater way to return a list of .net controls just to add to Panel
using LoadControl(controlname)
POCO Class
public class FormClass
public string name { get; set; }
public string displayName { get; set; }
// This may actually work with Type, but I'm not so sure
public string type { get; set; }
public int length { get; set; }
public bool key { get; set; }
public bool required { get; set; }
public string ControlType { get; set; }
And then I'm using the following code to populate a list for further processing:
PortalContext DBConext = new PortalContext();
List<FormClass> formData = new List<FormClass>();
List<FormStructure> frmstructList = new List<FormStructure>();
public List<FormStructure> GetFormDataFromService()
{ // XNamespace xNamespace = "http://CompanyName.AppName.Service.Contracts";
Guid newGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
XElement xdoc = XElement.Load(@"c:\form.xml");
XNamespace ns = xdoc.GetDefaultNamespace();
var classDetails = from classDetail in xdoc.Descendants(ns + "ClassDetails")
select new FormClass
name = (string)classDetail.Element(ns + "name"),
type = (string)classDetail.Element(ns + "type"),
displayName = (string)classDetail.Element(ns + "displayName"),
length = (int)classDetail.Element(ns + "length"),
key = (bool)classDetail.Element(ns + "key"),
required = (bool)classDetail.Element(ns + "required"),
foreach (FormClass classDetail in classDetails)
FormStructure frmstruct = new FormStructure();
frmstruct.FormStructureId = newGuid;
frmstruct.name = classDetail.name;
frmstruct.displayname = classDetail.displayName;
frmstruct.FormKey = classDetail.key;
frmstruct.Required = classDetail.required;
frmstruct.ClassName = "Incident";
if (classDetail.type == "System.String")
frmstruct.ControlType = "TextBox";
if (classDetail.type == "System.Enum") //to be dropdown
frmstruct.ControlType = "DropDown";
if (classDetail.type == "System.DateTime")//date picker
frmstruct.ControlType = "DateTimePicker";
if (classDetail.type == "System.Boolean")
frmstruct.ControlType = "RadioButton";
return frmstructList;
XML Data
<displayName>Display Name</displayName>