I am new to programming in Python and wrote a simple Blackjack project. I am looking for experienced peers to provide a high level code review about the overall design patterns and proper usages. The code performs as expected and passes all my unit tests so I am mainly looking for feedback on how to make the code more clean, modular, and conforming to some of the most common best practices. I am especially nervous about all the variables I am passing and the use (or misuse) of global variables.
P.S. On a side note, for the blackjack players out there I did not implement the "double down" feature yet.
import sys
import os
import random
deck = None
stats = {'player':{'win':0,'lose':0,'tie':0,'blackjack':0},'dealer'{'win':0,'lose':0,'tie':0,'blackjack':0}}
history = {'bets':[]} #use later to log playing history
def NewBlackjackGame():
player = Player("Player 1")
dealer = Player("Dealer")
game = Game(player, dealer,[])
round_number = 1
while player.credits > 1:
print('### Round ' + str(round_number) + ' ###')
round_number = round_number + 1
if player.credits < 1:
print('You are out of credits. Game over.')
class Hand():
def __init__(self, owner):
self.owner = owner
self.cards =[]
self.total = self.get_total()
def show_hand(self,dealer_turn):
if self.owner == "Player 1":
print(self.owner + ' current hand: ' + str(self.cards) + ' for a total of: ' + str(self.get_total()))
if self.owner == "Dealer" and dealer_turn==0:
print('Dealer shows: ' + self.cards[0] + ' and <card face down>') #don't show the card in the hole
if self.owner == "Dealer" and dealer_turn==1:
print(self.owner + ' current hand: ' + str(self.cards) + ' for a total of: ' + str(self.get_total()))
def draw_card(self):
global deck
new_card = deck.draw()
#automatically take care of the "soft" "hard" business
if "A" in self.cards:
self.total = self.get_total()
def adjust_ace_value(self):
global deck
total_of_non_ace_cards = sum(deck.values_lookup[i] for i in self.cards if i != 'A')
if total_of_non_ace_cards <= 10:
def clear_hand(self):
del self.cards[:]
del self.values[:]
def get_total(self):
return sum(c for c in self.values)
class Game():
def __init__(self, player, dealer, stats):
self.player = player
self.dealer = dealer
self.stats = stats
def hit_or_stand(self):
#choice = raw_input('Continue or stop? You have a ' + str(self.get_bust_probability(self.player.hand,self.dealer.hand)) + ' percent probability of busting') #use this later when I help the player if they need help
choice = raw_input('Press any key to Hit, or "s" to [s]tand > ')
if choice == "s":
return 0
return 1
def increment_stats(self,player,cat):
global stats
if player == 'player' and cat == 'win':
stats['player']['win'] = stats['player']['win'] +1
stats['dealer']['lose'] = stats['dealer']['lose'] +1
if player == 'player' and cat == 'lose':
stats['player']['lose'] = stats['player']['lose'] +1
stats['dealer']['win'] = stats['dealer']['win'] +1
if player == 'player' and cat == 'blackjack':
stats['player']['blackjack'] = stats['player']['blackjack'] +1
stats['dealer']['lose'] = stats['dealer']['lose'] +1
if player=='dealer' and cat == 'blackjack':
stats['player']['lose'] = stats['player']['lose'] +1
stats['dealer']['blackjack'] = stats['dealer']['blackjack'] +1
if player == 'player' and cat == 'tie':
stats['player']['tie'] = stats['player']['tie'] +1
stats['dealer']['tie'] = stats['dealer']['tie'] +1
def play_round(self):
global deck
global history
deck = Deck()
initial_bet = 0
dealer_turn =0 #is it the dealer's turn?
hit = None # 1 is player and 0 is dealer
winner = None# -1 for dealer, 1 for player, 0 for tie
##player turn##
while initial_bet < 1 or initial_bet > self.player.credits:
initial_bet = int(raw_input('How much would you like to bet? You have ' + str(self.player.credits) + ' credits. '))
if initial_bet < 1:
print('Please bet at least 1 credit')
if initial_bet > self.player.credits:
print('You do not have sufficient credits to make this wager. You have ' + str(self.player.credits) + ' credits left.')
except ValueError:
print('That was an invalid number. Please enter a value >= 1')
print('You bet ' + str(initial_bet))
for i in range(2):
if self.player.hand.total < 21:
hit = self.hit_or_stand()
if self.player.hand.total == 21:
print('Player Blackjack!')
self.increment_stats('player', 'blackjack')
self.player.change_credits(initial_bet*2.5) #3:2 returns for blackjack
winner = 1
while self.player.hand.total < 21 and hit and winner == None:
if self.player.hand.total > 21:
print('Player bust!')
self.increment_stats('player', 'lose')
winner = -1
hit = self.hit_or_stand()
#player stands
if hit == 0 and winner == None:
print('Player stands. Dealer turn')
dealer_turn = 1
#two cases where dealer wins/ties right away
if self.dealer.hand.total == 21 and self.player.hand.total < 21:
print('Dealer Blackjack!')
self.increment_stats('dealer', 'blackjack')
winner = -1
if self.dealer.hand.total == 21 and self.player.hand.total == 21 and len(self.player.hand.card) ==2:
print('Push! You have tied. You will get back your initial wager.')
self.increment_stats('player', 'tie')
winner = 0
if self.dealer.hand.total > 17 and self.dealer.hand.total > self.player.hand.total:
print('Dealer wins!')
self.increment_stats('player', 'lose')
winner = -1
#if not keep playing...
while self.dealer.hand.total < 17 and winner == None:
print('Dealer draws card...')
if self.dealer.hand.total < 21 and winner == None:
if self.dealer.hand.total > self.player.hand.total:
print('Dealer wins!')
self.increment_stats('player', 'lose')
winner = -1
if self.dealer.hand.total == self.player.hand.total:
print('Push! You have tied. You will get back your initial wager.')
self.increment_stats('player', 'tie')
winner = 0
if self.dealer.hand.total < self.player.hand.total:
print('Player 1 wins!')
self.increment_stats('player', 'win')
winner = 1
if self.dealer.hand.total>21 and winner == None:
print('Dealer bust. Player wins!')
self.increment_stats('player', 'win')
winner = 1
print('Your current credit is: ' + str(self.player.credits))
def get_bust_probability(self,player_hand,dealer_hand):
global deck
margin = 21 - player_hand.total
deck.card_values.append(deck.values_lookup[dealer_hand.cards[1]]) #we need to put back the dealer's hidden card since we cannot account for it in the probabilities
over_margin = len([c for c in deck.card_values if c > margin])
deck.card_values.remove(deck.values_lookup[dealer_hand.cards[1]]) #remove the dealer's hidden card that we had inserted to compute accurate probabilities
return round((over_margin/len(Deck().cards))*100.0)
class Deck():
def __init__(self):
self.values_lookup = {'A':1,'2':2,'3':3,'4':4, '5':5,'6':6,'7':7,'8':8,'9':9,'10':10,'J':10,'K':10,'Q':10}
self.cards = list(self.values_lookup.keys())*4
self.card_values = list(self.values_lookup.values())*4
def shuffle(self):
def draw(self):
self.card_values.remove(self.values_lookup[self.cards[0]]) #update the values list
return self.cards.pop(0)
def cards_left(self):
return len(self.cards)
class Player():
def __init__(self, name):
self.credits = 100
self.hand = Hand(name)
def get_credits(self):
return self.credits
def change_credits(self,value):
self.credits = self.credits + value
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':