Yes, the guards make !!
safe, but your code has other issues, stylistic and functional:
Unneeded pointful style
First, it's often a good idea to try running your code through HLint. Doing so, you get the following suggestion:
: Error: Avoid lambda
Found: \x -> snd x
Why not: snd
1 suggestion
Indeed, why not. If we're to use point-free style for this, we could also simplify
filter (\x -> fst x /= i)
filter ((/= i) . fst)
At some point, point-free style can get difficult to read, but in this case I think it is still readable.
Parentheses that can be replaced with a use of $
Right here:
(map (\x -> snd x) . filter (\x -> fst x /= i)) zipped
Using $
, you could also inline zipped
map snd . filter ((/= i) . fst) $ zip [1..] xs
Incorrect base case
Shouldn't any index on an empty list be considered an error? As is, you're completely ignoring the index. For consistency, I would make the first case return Nothing
Unnecessary case
This case is already handled by the latter case:
| i == 0 = Just xs
It can be safely removed.
Failure to work on infinite lists
The operation you have defined (move an element at a certain index to the front) is well-defined on infinite lists, but your code fails to handle the case. In particular, length
will not terminate on infinite lists. The current structure of your code cannot handle this. Rewriting it to make explicit the recursion and to avoid calculating the length should make it work on infinite lists.
Test case:
ghci> fmap (take 20) $ pushToTop [0..] 12
[12, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]