
I'm working on quite complicated scientific project.

I decided to use a configuration file for model description. However it was quite complicated to parse all strings after ConfigParser and convert every option to required objects, so I would like to avoid this long/boring code.

I wrote very simple parser which converts all options into Python objects by default. With some additional name resolving I've got a simple, elegant and useful solution.

import os,sys,ConfigParser, types
import logging
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

def nameresolv(item,nspace):
        copir = item.split("@")
        if len(copir) < 2: 
                res = item
                res = ''
                for pre,var in map(None,copir[::2],copir[1::2]):
                        if pre != None: res += pre
                        if var == None: continue
                        var = var.split(":")
                        if len(var) != 2: return None
                        if not var[0] in nspace : return None
                        if not var[1] in nspace[var[0]] : return None
                        res += 'nspace["%s"]["%s"]'%tuple(var)
        copir = res.split("$")
        if len(copir) < 2: return res
        res = ''
        for pre,var in map(None,copir[::2],copir[1::2]):
                if pre != None: res += pre
                if var == None: continue
                var = var.split(":")
                if len(var) != 2: return None
                if not var[0] in nspace : return None
                if not var[1] in nspace[var[0]] : return None
                if type(nspace[var[0]][var[1]]) is types.LambdaType and nspace[var[0]][var[1]].__name__ == '<lambda>':
                        res += 'nspace["%s"]["%s"]'%tuple(var)
                        res += str(nspace[var[0]][var[1]])
        return unicode(res)

def confreader(filename,nspace = {}):
        Reads file with configurations and returns dictionary with sections
        and options. All options will be turned into python objects (DON'T 

        You can use @SECTION:OPTION@ notation to refer to existed python object,
        or $SECTION:OPTION$ to convert object back into a string and insert a string.

        Returns option dictionary or {}. 
        Empty dictionary indicates error with file opening, reading or parsing.

        If confreader couldn't turn option into some python object, this 
        options is skipped and Warning message will put in logger.

        if      filename == None:
                return nspace
        if not os.access(filename,os.R_OK):
                return nspace
        config = ConfigParser()
                config.read( filename )
        except :
                return nspace
        for section in config.sections():
                if not section in nspace: nspace[section]={}
                for option in config.options(section):
                        if option in nspace[section]:
                                logging.error("Name conflict option \'%s\' exists in section [\'%s\']"%(option,section) ) 
                                return {}                               
                        xitem = unicode( config.get(section,option) )
                        item = nameresolv(xitem,nspace)
                        if item == None:
                                logging.error("Problem with resolving option in  [\'%s\']\'%s\'=\'%s\'"%(section,option,item) ) 
                                return {}
                                exec "nspace[\""+section+"\"][\""+option+"\"]="+item
                        except :
                                logging.warning("Problem with reading configuration from the %s"%filename) 
                                logging.warning("Cannot read section: \'%s\', option: \'%s\'"%(section,option) )
                                logging.warning("        %s"%item)
                                logging.warning("!!!! SKIPPED IT !!!!")

        return nspace

An example:

#FILE: examples.cfg

x = ["a","b"]
y = [ @LINKS:x@, "c"]
z = ["x"]+@LINKS:x@+["c","d"]

x = 5
y = 7
lst = range(@COMPUTATIONS:x*y@)

fun = lambda x: x**2+32
operation = @FUNCTIONS:fun@(12)
fun(x+y) = @FUNCTIONS:fun@(@COMPUTATIONS:x+y@)

x = "I"
y = "Python"
exmp1 = @LINKS_AND_STRINGS:x@+' love '+@LINKS_AND_STRINGS:y@
#same but with string resolving. Please not that sting inside ' '
#BUT this will create an a problem
#You can resolve variable into string
exmp4 = 'In my $LINKS_AND_STRINGS:y$ + conf, $LINKS_AND_STRINGS:x$ can     resolve x+y = $COMPUTATIONS:x+y$ inline'

#END  examples.cfg

And the result of parsing:

>>> from pyconf import pyconf 
>>> cfg = pyconf("examples.cfg")
>>> for name in cfg: print name
>>> for name  in cfg["LINKS"]: print name,"=",cfg["LINKS"][name]
y = [['a', 'b'], 'c']
x = ['a', 'b']
z = ['x', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
>>> for name  in cfg["COMPUTATIONS"]: print name,"=",cfg["COMPUTATIONS"][name]
filter = [5, 6]
lst = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34]
x+y = 12
y = 7
x = 5
x*y = 35
>>> for name  in cfg["FUNCTIONS"]: print name,"=",cfg["FUNCTIONS"][name]
fun = <function <lambda> at 0xa5841ec>
operation = 176
fun(x+y) = 176
>>> for name  in cfg["LINKS_AND_STRINGS"]: print name,"=",cfg["LINKS_AND_STRINGS"][name]
y = Python
x = I
exmp4 = In my Python + conf, I can resolve x+y = 12 inline
exmp1 = I love Python
exmp2 = I love Python

I'd like to ask Python gurus for their opinion and any suggestions on code improvement. I'll appreciate any ideas on making this code better. Yep, feel free to use it if you'd like.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ it might be helpful to provide an example of how you actually intend to use this programme for model description. There might be easier ways than using a config file. \$\endgroup\$
    – Stuart
    Commented Jun 8, 2014 at 22:23
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you for comment @Stuart. I used to use a lot of different approaches: XML, SQL (SQLight), just python and NEURON[neuron.yale.edu/neuron/] structures and so on. When I started my new project I have found that config file seems to be well fitted for my model description. However it was hard to describe some computation procedures in config (like some parameter gradients in a population of neurons). So in this solution, python functionality appears in config file only when we need it. Yes and I call lambda functions from code also. \$\endgroup\$
    – rth
    Commented Jun 9, 2014 at 3:14

1 Answer 1


Firstly, some general style comments:

  1. Take a look at PEP8, the official Python style guide. This gives some really nice pointers on how to style your code.
  2. Avoid multiple statements per line. You do this a lot. Putting multiple statements on a single line makes the code more difficult to follow. So instead of this:

    if pre != None: res += pre

    use this style:

    if pre is not None:
        res += pre
  3. Use better variable names. When thinking of names, its better to err on the side of being too verbose than being too terse. Some shortened names are fine due to a global understanding of what they mean (i.e. str, char, etc.). Applying this idea:


    is better than:

  4. Whitespace is your friend. Place single blank lines to separate logical sections of code. Also, PEP8 gives a nice overview of where space in statements is appropriate and when its not. A (somewhat extreme) example:

    # This is bad whitespace
    foo=  list ( [2,3,4,   5 ])
    # This is 'correct' whitespace
    foo = list([2, 3, 4, 5])
  5. Technically your indentation is fine. However, conventional Python uses a 4-space indentation level to mark deeper blocks of code.

  6. In Python, the naming convention for basically everything is to use underscores_in_names. I don't see any camelCase or PascalCase in your code (which is good). However, your function names confreader and nameresolv should be formatted like so: conf_reader and name_resolv.

    Since we're already speaking on function names, typically you want to start function names with a verb:

    # This is better than...
    def resolve_name():
    # this.
    def name_resolve():
  7. Each import of individual modules should get their own line:

    # No
    import os, sys, logging
    # Yes
    import os
    import sys
    import logging
    # This is also fine
    from mymodule import foo, bar, baz

Now onto some improvements:

  1. In your nameresolv function, you have a for loop where you use map with a None function. What this does according to the docs is:

    If function is None, the identity function is assumed;

    So your code works. However, in Python 3.X this actually errors. Essentially what you want to do is get pairs of consecutive elements in an iterable. To do this, we can use the zip function:

    for pre, var in zip(copir[::2], copir[1::2]):
  2. Because we now use the zip function, we can remove the None check and simply append pre each time. This is because pre will either be a necessary string or it will be ''. Either way it is fine to append to res.

  3. Inside the for loop described above, you can combine multiple of your if statements:

    if len(var) != 2: return None
    if not var[0] in nspace : return None
    if not var[1] in nspace[var[0]] : return None


    if len(var) != 2 or not var[0] in nspace or not var[1] in nspace[var[0]]:
        return None
  4. When creating strings, using str.format is more preferred than using the % formatting notation. So your formatting statement would now look like this:

    res += 'nspace["{}"]["{}"]'.format(*var)
  5. You could (and should) pull your for-loop into its own function. You essentially do the same loop twice. Seeing duplicated code is a sure-fire indicator that a function can be created:

    def build_result(split, namespace, check_lambda=False):
        result = ''
        for prefix, var in zip(split[::2], split[1::2]):
            if not var:
                # This will error if len(var.split()) != 2
                section, option = var.split(':')
            except ValueError:
                return None
            if section not in namespace or option not in namespace[section]:
                return None
            if not check_lambda:
                result += 'namespace["{}"]["{}"]'.format(section, option)
            value = namespace[section][option]
            if isinstance(value, types.LambdaType) and value.__name__ == '<lambda>':
                result += 'namespace["{}"]["{}"]'.format(section, option)
                result += str(value)
        return result

With my suggestions, your code now looks like this:

import os
import sys
import types
import logging
from configparser import ConfigParser

def is_lambda(value):
    return isinstance(value, types.LambdaType) and value.__name__ == '<lambda>'

def build_result(split, namespace, check_lambda=False):
    result = ''
    for prefix, var in zip(split[::2], split[1::2]):
        if not var:

            # This will error if len(var.split()) != 2
            section, option = var.split(':')
        except ValueError:
            return None

        if section not in namespace or option not in namespace[section]:
            return None

        if not check_lambda:
            result += 'namespace["{}"]["{}"]'.format(section, option)

        value = namespace[section][option]
        if is_lambda(value):
            result += 'namespace["{}"]["{}"]'.format(section, option)
            result += str(value)

    return result

def resolve_name(item, namespace):
    # Check "'@' not in" to save from having to call `split`
    if '@' not in item: 
        result = item
        result = build_result(item.split('@'), namespace)

    # Check for error before next build_result
    if result == None:
        return result

    # Same reasoning as above.
    if '$' not in result:
        return result

    return unicode(build_result(result.split("$"), namespace, check_lambda=True))        

def parse_config(filename, namespace={}):
    if not filename or not os.access(filename,os.R_OK):
        return namespace

    config = ConfigParser()
    config.optionxform = str

    # This should not error. If a file could not be read, it will skip it.
    # Worst case, config will be an empty list.
    for section in config.sections():
        if section not in namespace:
            namespace[section] = {}

        for option in config.options(section):
            if option in namespace[section]:
                logging.error("Name conflict option '{}' exists in section ['{}']".format(option, section)) 
                return {}

            item = resolve_name(unicode(config.get(section, option)), namespace)
            if not item:
                logging.error("Problem with resolving option in  ['{}']'{}' = {}'".format(section, option, item))
                return {}

                exec "namespace['{}']['{}'] = {}".format(section, option, item)
            except Exception:
                logging.warning("Problem with reading configuration from the {}".format(filename))
                logging.warning("Cannot read section: '{}', option: '{}'".format(section, option))
                logging.warning("!!!! SKIPPED IT !!!!")

    return namespace
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ if pre is not None is preferable to if pre != None. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 9, 2014 at 18:44
  • \$\begingroup\$ To @DarinDouglass, I have got an error message in line 'if len(var) != 2 or not var[0] in nspace or not var[1] in nspace[var[0]]: return None' It seems we cannot concatenate conditions by or in this case. for example if `v=["a"]' the condition 'if len(v) == 2 or not "b" in v[2]: print v' returns an error 'Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> IndexError: list index out of range ' \$\endgroup\$
    – rth
    Commented Jun 12, 2014 at 2:00
  • \$\begingroup\$ Is your code throwing an IndexError? The only place I see in build_result that could throw that error is the for loop statement (which is not the line you mentioned). Also, I guard against this error with my section, option = var.split() line. This assures that var has two parts to it (i.e var[0] and var[1] are valid indices). \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 12, 2014 at 12:02
  • \$\begingroup\$ To @DarinDouglass. I've found a lot of bugs in your code. Before I used just ideas to improve my code, but today I coped - pasted it. So I've edit code: there was extra column after lambda in the line 7; there were no closed parentheses for logging.warning function in lines 61-63. I add checking if result is None, otherwise it tries split None and end up with exception. \$\endgroup\$
    – rth
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 15:18
  • \$\begingroup\$ @user29689 Thanks for the extra pair of eyes. I wasn't able to test the code before my review went up. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 15:25

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