I'm currently building a text editor using contenteditable and RoR back end. As the editor is WYSIWYG and trying to follow DRY, I used only one file to 3 actions: Show, Edit and New.
Edit and new will pretty much be the same, however, show won't be editable and won't show the Subtitle if it's empty. I was doing it all through JavaScript, but it didn't feel right to me, so I decided to make it using rails.
This is the final result. 0 Javascript, all rails. It is working now, but it's not DRY. There are lots of repeated conditions.
How can this code be more DRY and human-readable?
%section#text-header.new-text-container.row{style: ("background: url('#{@text.text_images.last.photo.url}') center center no-repeat transparent; background-size: cover;" unless @text.text_images.empty?)}
- if (current_page?(edit_text_url(@text)) || current_page?(new_text_url))
= render 'direct_upload', callback: text_cover_url
%h1#title.col-xs-12.col-sm-11.col-md-11.col-lg-11.placeholdify{class: ('editable' if current_page?(edit_text_url(@text)) || current_page?(new_text_url)), contenteditable: (true if current_page?(edit_text_url(@text)) || current_page?(new_text_url)), data: {placeholder: t(:title)}}= raw(@text.title) unless @text.title.nil?
- if (((@text.subtitle.nil? || @text.subtitle.empty?) && (current_page?(edit_text_url(@text)) || current_page?(new_text_url))) || [email protected]?)
%h2#subtitle.col-xs-12.col-sm-11.col-md-11.col-lg-11.placeholdify{class: ('editable' if current_page?(edit_text_url(@text)) || current_page?(new_text_url)), contenteditable: (true if current_page?(edit_text_url(@text)) || current_page?(new_text_url)), data: {placeholder: t(:sub_title)}}= raw(@text.subtitle) unless @text.subtitle.nil?
-if @text.is_draft
%span.pull-left= t(:text_still_draft)
- if (current_page?(new_text_url) || current_page?(edit_text_url(@text)))
= select("text", "category_id", Category.all.collect { |c| [t(c.locale_key.to_sym), c.id]}, {include_blank: t(:select_cat)})
= select("text", "language_id", Language.all.collect { |l| [l.name, l.id] }, {include_blank: t(:select_lan)})
%button#publish= t(:publish)
= link_to t(:save_draft), @text, class: 'btn'
- elsif (!current_page?(new_text_url) && !current_page?(edit_text_url(@text))) && (!@current_user.nil? && @current_user.id == @text.user_id)
= link_to '', edit_text_path(@text), class: 'btn icon-editor edit-icon'
= link_to '', text_path(@text), method: :delete , data: {confirm: t(:exclusion_confirm)},class: 'btn icon-editor delete-icon'
%p#text.placeholdify{class: ('editable' if current_page?(edit_text_url(@text)) || current_page?(new_text_url)),contenteditable: (true if current_page?(edit_text_url(@text)) || current_page?(new_text_url)), data: {placeholder: t(:new_text)}}= @text.description.html_safe unless @text.description.nil?
= hidden_field_tag 'my_text', @text.id
(current_page?(edit_text_url(@text)) || current_page?(new_text_url))
is used twice and could be refactored into anew_or_edit_page?
method. \$\endgroup\$