I'm working on class for a hash table where collisions are corrected using cuckoo hashing, I had difficulty writing the insert function, the function is supposed to insert the key if the h(key)
is available, if not it is supposed to find the shortest "path" for moving other keys in order to find a place for the inserted key, I'm supposed to have maximum maxdepth
Is there any way to improve my code?
class Cuckoo:
def __init__(self,funcs,tableSize,maxDepth):
self.table = [None]*tableSize
self.funcs = funcs
self.excess = []
self.maxDepth = maxDepth
self.size = tableSize
def insert(self,key):
if Cuckoo.find(self, key) != None: # if key exists
return None
# key doesn't exist
min_insert_way = Cuckoo.insert2(self, key, [], 0)
if min_insert_way[0] == -1: # if we can't commit max 3 replacement
return -1
# we can commit max 3 replacement
i = len(min_insert_way) - 1
orginal_place = self.funcs[min_insert_way[-1]] (key,self.size) # it is the index of key in which it entered
while ( i>=0 ):
function_index = min_insert_way[i]
replaced_element = self.table[self.funcs[function_index](key, self.size)]
self.table[self.funcs[function_index](key, self.size)] = key # we replace he replaced element with key
key = replaced_element
i = i - 1
return orginal_place
def insert2(self, key, way, displacements):
the function get 4 parameters:
1. self == the hash table
2. key
3. way which is in the begging: way == []
4. displacements == how many self.funcs have used
the function return the way in which the insert will be. "way" is list of indexes of the self.funcs in which we do the insert
for exmple, if way == [2,3], we will put "key" in self.table[self.funcs[3]] instead of "replaced_element".
then, we will put "replaced_element" in self.table[self.funcs[2]].
as you can see, the indexes are from the right to the left.
if we have to use self.excess: way == [-1, X(1), X(1), ... X(max_depth)]
if (displacements > self.maxDepth): # if we couldn't find max 3 displacements
return [-1]
for i in range(0, len(self.funcs)):
if self.table[self.funcs[i](key,self.size)] == None: # if one of the functions gives empty place
return [i]
# there is no an empty place
replaced_element = self.table[self.funcs[0](key,self.size)] # "replaced_element" will be replaced by "key"
min_way = Cuckoo.insert2(self, replaced_element, way, displacements+1)
min_way.append(0) # because we have used self.funcs[0]
for i in range (1,len(self.funcs)):
replaced_element = self.table[self.funcs[i](key,self.size)] # "replaced_element" will be replaced by "key"
current_way = Cuckoo.insert2(self, replaced_element, way, displacements+1)
current_way.append(i) # because we have used h(i)
if len(current_way) < len(min_way):
min_way = current_way
return min_way