I recently have given a coding test in a reputable IT company. There were three coding questions.
They refused me by saying that
as we felt they didn't demonstrate the level of technical depth we're seeking from candidates
Question 1 : Missing level of technical depth (Recursive to Iterative)
Question 2 : Missing level of technical depth (Flatten Tree)
and this is 3rd question.
Question 3:
Our service provides free git and source code repository hosting. One way to represent the history of a source code repository like git is as a graph of commits. Some examples:
A simple linear commit graph. This is the graph of a repository with no branching or merging
The graph of the history of a repository with a single branch. The repository was branched at Commit B. Commits E and F were made against this branch
E-F / A-B-C-D
The graph of the history of a repository with a single branch which is then later merged back into master. The repository was branched at Commit B. Commits E and F were made against this branch. Commit G resulted from merging commits F and D.
E-F / \ A-B-C-D-G
Implement a function that will find the most recent common ancestor of any two commits from a given commit graph. The commit graph is represented as a String[] called commits containing all commit IDs in sorted date order (most recent first) and a String[][] called parents. The parent IDs for the commit ID at index i can be found at parents[i]. The last item in the parents array is always null since this represents the parent of the root commit. For example, the following commit graph:
E-F / \ A-B-C-D-G
will be represented using:
String[] commits = {"G", "F", "E", "D", "C", "B", "A"}; String[][] parents ={{"F","D"},{"E"}, {"B"}, {"C"}, {"B"}, {"A"}, null};
If one commit is an ancestor of the other, return the commit that is the ancestor.
Your implementation must implement the
interface.Sample input:
String[] commits = {"G", "F", "E", "D", "C", "B", "A"}; String[][] parents ={{"F","D"},{"E"}, {"B"}, {"C"}, {"B"}, {"A"}, null}; String commit1 = "D"; String commit2 = "F";
This is asking for the most recent common ancestor of commits D and F in the following commit graph
E-F / \ A-B-C-D-G
The answer is B
Hint: It is possible to write an \$O(n)\$ solution to this problem.
Your class must be named
Answer 3:
package findcommonancestor;
public interface FindCommonAncestor
String findCommmonAncestor(String[] commitHashes, String[][] parentHashes, String commitHash1, String commitHash2);
package findcommonancestor;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class MyFindCommonAncestor {
public String findCommmonAncestor(String[] commitHashes, String[][] parentHashes, String commitHash1, String commitHash2) {
boolean[] indexesCommit1 = markMatchingIndexes(commitHash1, commitHashes, parentHashes);
boolean[] indexesCommit2 = markMatchingIndexes(commitHash2, commitHashes, parentHashes);
for (int i = 0; i < commitHashes.length; i++)
if (indexesCommit1[i] && indexesCommit2[i])
return commitHashes[i];
return null;
private void addToCommitPath(Set<String> commitPathSet, int beginingIndex, String commitHash, String[] commitHashes, String[][] parentHashes) {
int index = beginingIndex;
//for (; index < commitHashes.length; index++) {
while( index < commitHashes.length ) {
if (commitHashes[index].equals(commitHash)) { //check if commit exists in the parent's commits array then take out its index from parent
break; //if commit found in parent then get it and break further loop iteration
index++ ;
//}//end for loop
if (parentHashes[index] != null) { //make sure index is not null i.e. before any initial/first commit
for (String parent : parentHashes[index]) { //loop over and collect all corresponding matching commits from parent's commit array
if (!commitPathSet.contains(parent))
addToCommitPath(commitPathSet, index, parent, commitHashes, parentHashes);
}//end for loop
}//end if
private boolean[] markMatchingIndexes(String commitHash, String[] commitHashes, String[][] parentHashes) {
Set<String> allCommitPathsSet = new HashSet<String>();
addToCommitPath(allCommitPathsSet, 0, commitHash, commitHashes, parentHashes);
boolean[] indexesCommit1 = new boolean[commitHashes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < commitHashes.length; i++) {
indexesCommit1[i] = allCommitPathsSet.contains(commitHashes[i]);
return indexesCommit1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] commits = { "G", "F", "E", "D", "C", "B", "A" };
String[][] parents = { { "F", "D" }, { "E" }, { "B" }, { "C" }, { "B" }, { "A" }, null };
String commit1 = "G";
String commit2 = "B";
MyFindCommonAncestor myFindCommonAncestor = new MyFindCommonAncestor();
System.out.println("Common Ancestor is " + myFindCommonAncestor.findCommmonAncestor(commits, parents, commit1, commit2));