
This code works as I intended, but I am definitely a JS noob (C++ background), so I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it (for example using .each instead of some kind of a for loop was completely new to me).


function menuBreak() {

var windowWidth = $(window).width();

var menuLength = 0;

$("#navUl > li").each( function (index, element) {
    menuLength += $(this).width();

if( menuLength > windowWidth*.9 ) {
    var newWidth= menuLength*.7;
} else {


And in my HTML, not sure if this is the 'best' way to call it

  $(document).ready(function() {

  $(window).resize(function() {

1 Answer 1


From a once over:

  • You could have used a loop instead of .each(), it would be marginally faster
  • Your indenting is off, I assume you had trouble pasting the code
  • .9 and .7 are magic constants, you should declare these with var and a good name
  • I would use a ternary for this:

    if {
        var newWidth= ;
    } else {

    could be

    var navWidth = ( menuLength > windowWidth *.9 ) ? menuLength *.7 : windowWidth;

    of course with properly named constants this might stretch too much to be easily readable, up to you.

  • With jQuery, the most common way to trigger on ready is

    $( function(){
      //Do Something

    now, since $() expects a function, we might as well pass menuBreak immediately:

    $( menuBreak );

    The same things goes for resize:

    $(window).resize( menuBreak );

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