
I use the jQuery Calendar with an underscore template and I wanted to put <li> tags around each week. This does the trick, but it's awful.

<% _.each(days, function(day, index) { %>

    <% if ( index % 7 == 0 && index != 0) { %></li><% } %>
    <% if ( index % 7 == 0) { %><li><% } %>
    <div class="<%= day.classes %>"><%= day.day %></div>
    <% if ( _.size(days) == index + 1 ) { %></li><% } %>

<% }); %>

There must be another (elegant) way of doing this.


1 Answer 1


Interesting question,

you could definitely place the last if outside of the _.each(), this would be faster ( fewer ifs ) and cleaner.

I would also place the first <li> outside of the loop and then merge the 2 remaining if statements inside the loop.

So, something like this:

<% _.each(days, function(day, index) { %>
    <% if( index && index % 7 ) { %></li><li><% } %>
    <div class="<%= day.classes %>"><%= day.day %></div>
<% }); %>

Personally, I would forego this templating for something like this:

function fillTemplate( s ){ 
  //Replace ~ with further provided arguments  
  for( var i = 1, a = s.split('~'), s = '' ; i < arguments.length ; i++ )    
    s = s + a.shift() + arguments[i];  
  return s + a.join("");

var html = '<li>';
_.each( days, function( day, index ){
  if( index && index % 7 )
    html += '</li><li>';
  html += fillTemplate('<div class="~">~</div>', day.classes, day.day );
html += '</li>';

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