I was needed a SET-like data structure written in pure C for some university class, so I've implemented a simple one - the Treap (or cartesian tree).
Please check if everything is okay (actually, I'm not sure that there isn't a memory leak there).
#define NODE struct Node
#define pNODE struct Node*
#define ppNODE struct Node**
/* Each node of the tree has the following structure: */
struct Node {
long key, priority; /* priority is a kind of `technical' information */
char* assoc; /* pointer to a user's data (imagine MAP) */
NODE *left, *right; /* links to the left and right child */
/* Returns a pointer to the tree consisting only from the root */
pNODE construct_tree(void);
/* Inserts new element to the tree.
Returns 0 if there was no such element in tree and -1 otherwise
(in such case, nothing is inserted) */
char insert(pNODE, long, char*);
/* Erases a node with a particular key.
returns 0 if an element with key `key' was deleted
and -1 otherwise. */
char erase(pNODE, long);
/* Returns a pointer to node with the particular key
or NULL if there is no such node. */
pNODE find(pNODE, long);
/* Clean up. One should call this function every time
when the tree isn't needed no more. */
void destruct_tree(pNODE);
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "cartesian_tree.h"
pNODE construct_tree(void) {
srand(time(0)); /* treap is a randomized data structure, remember? */
pNODE root = (pNODE)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
root->key = root->priority = LONG_MIN;
root->assoc = NULL;
root->left = root->right = NULL;
return root;
char insert(pNODE root, long key, char* assoc) {
/* nope, Mr. Duplicate, we don't wanna see you at our party */
if(find(root, key))
return -1;
/* constructing a new node */
pNODE fresh_node = (pNODE)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
fresh_node->key = key;
fresh_node->priority = ((rand() << 15) | rand());
fresh_node->assoc = assoc;
/* searching for the proper place for new node */
ppNODE T = &(root->right);
while(1) {
/* if we're at the bottom */
if(!*T) {
*T = fresh_node;
return 0;
if((*T)->priority > fresh_node->priority)
/* choosing the right direction */
T = (fresh_node->key < (*T)->key) ? &((*T)->left) : &((*T)->right);
/* placing new node to its place */
pNODE to_split = *T;
*T = fresh_node;
/* splitting a treap into two smaller treaps,
those smaller than `key', and those larger than `key' */
ppNODE left_subt = &((*T)->left);
ppNODE right_subt = &((*T)->right);
while(to_split) {
if(to_split->key < key) {
*left_subt = to_split;
left_subt = &((*left_subt)->right);
to_split = to_split->right;
} else {
*right_subt = to_split;
right_subt = &((*right_subt)->left);
to_split = to_split->left;
return 0;
char erase(pNODE root, long key) {
/* searching for the node */
pNODE pos = root;
ppNODE pred_link;
while(pos) {
if(pos->left->key == key) {
pred_link = &(pos->left);
pos = pos->left;
if(pos->right->key == key) {
pred_link = &(pos->right);
pos = pos->right;
pos = (key < pos->key) ? pos->left : pos->right;
/* if there is no node with such key */
return -1;
pNODE to_free = pos;
/* performing a `merge' operation */
pNODE left_subt = pos->left;
pNODE right_subt = pos->right;
while(1) {
if(!left_subt || !right_subt) {
*pred_link = left_subt ? left_subt : right_subt;
if(left_subt->priority < right_subt->priority) {
*pred_link = left_subt;
pred_link = &(left_subt->right);
left_subt = left_subt->right;
} else {
*pred_link = right_subt;
pred_link = &(right_subt->left);
right_subt = right_subt->left;
/* sorry friend, we don't need you anymore */
return 0;
pNODE find(pNODE root, long key) {
pNODE T = root;
/* lookup like in ordinary BST */
while(T) {
if(key == T->key)
return T;
T = (key < T->key) ? T->left : T->right;
return NULL;
void destruct_tree(pNODE T) {
/* recursive depth-first traversal */
example.c (one can simply test all the above code)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cartesian_tree.h"
int main(void) {
char buf[10];
pNODE T = construct_tree();
long key;
printf("Usage:\nadd <key>\nremove <key>\nlookup <key>\n\n");
while(1) {
/* dealing with user */
scanf("%s %ld", buf, &key);
if(!strcmp(buf, "add")) {
if(!insert(T, key, NULL))
puts("Inserted, OK.");
puts("Ooops, a duplicate detected.");
else if(!strcmp(buf, "remove")) {
if(!erase(T, key))
puts("Found and erased, OK.");
puts("No such element.");
else if(!strcmp(buf, "lookup")) {
if(find(T, key))
puts("Yup, found.");
puts("Not found.");
} else {