I have written a partition function in Python (my_partition_adv
). I have written this one after reading a similar function from a website. The version of the partition function from the website is also given below (parititon_inplace
As I am a beginner in Python, I want to know the following things:
My version looks certainly more readable than the partition_in_place_with_additional_memory.
Are there any drawbacks for my version in terms of complexity that I am missing?
Are there any other drawbacks for my_partition_adv over partition_inplace?
def partition_inplace(A, start, stop, pivot_index):
items_less_than = []
items_greater_than_or_equal = []
read_index = start
while read_index <= stop:
item = A[read_index]
if item < pivot_value:
items_less_than.append( item )
items_greater_than_or_equal.append( item )
read_index += 1
write_index = start
for item in items_less_than:
A[write_index] = item
write_index += 1
for item in items_greater_than_or_equal:
A[write_index] = item
write_index += 1
return len(items_less_than)
def my_partition_adv(A,p_val):
less_than = []
greater_than_or_equal = []
for index, item in enumerate(A):
if item < p_val:
for index,item in enumerate(less_than):
A[index] = less_than[index]
for index,item in enumerate(greater_than_or_equal):
A[len(less_than) + index] = greater_than_or_equal[index]
return len(less_than)