Looks good.
Couple of things I would do differently (not that your way is wrong).
Rather than pass references to the containers around I would pass iterators into the containers. This allows your sort algorithm to be container agnostic:
void merge_sort(std::vector<int>& numbers)
// My version looks like this
template<typename I> // Notice the template
void merge_sort(I begin, I end) // Just means I don't care what type
{} // of iterator is used.
Same applies to merge()
Rather than creating sub arrays in merge_sort()
I would do it inside merge()
. With your current implementation you have a space complexity of \$O(N^2)\$. If you do it inside the merge
you just need to allocate enough space to merge the current two ranges which is at most \$O(2N)\$ => \$O(N)\$.
Where you have:
std::vector<int>::size_type middle = numbers.size() / 2;
std::vector<int> left(numbers.begin(), numbers.begin() + middle);
std::vector<int> right(numbers.begin() + middle, numbers.end());
// My version looks like this:
std::size_t mid = length/2;
I midPoint = std::next(begin, mid);
// Merge in place.
mergeSort(begin, midPoint);
mergeSort(midPoint, end);
I could not work out how to merge without using a temporary (and I don;t have my copy of Knuth here). So my version of merge()
merges the two sorted sub vectors into a temporary then copies back over the original.
Looking at your merge code it's slightly hard to follow (but I groked it). I personally prefer a simpler version.
// In this loop:
// l: current position in left sub-array
// r: current position in right sub-array
// i: current position into merged array.
// Note because we are merging in-place.
// begin/midPoint/end are iterators to the input arrays that
// split it into two parts.
while(l < midPoint && r < end)
if (*l < *r)
{ *i = *l;
{ *i = *r;
// One of the ranges is empty at this point.
// So only one of the loops will execute.
while(l < midPoint)
{ *i = *l;
while(r < end)
{ *i = *r;
A slight variation on this that I use; Where you use if () {} else {}
I prefer to use the Condition Operator
=> Test ? <TrueWork> : <FalseWork>
. I also have done this a few times and can safely compress ++
operations onto the same lines (Note I don't compress all of them; this is just personal preferences as I think it makes it easier to read this way). Which leaves me with:
while(l < midPoint && r < end)
*i = std::move((*l < *r) ? *l++ : *r++);
while(l < midPoint)
{ *i = std::move(*l++);
while(r < end)
{ *i = std::move(*r++);
Notice: I use std::move()
here. This is because my sort works on generic containers (not just integer containers). So I may be sorting an array of strings.
Final result is:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
template<typename I>
void doMerge(I begin, I midPoint, I end)
typename std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type> TmpVec;
TmpVec tmp(std::make_move_iterator(begin), std::make_move_iterator(end));
TmpVec::iterator beginAlt = std::begin(tmp);
TmpVec::iterator endAlt = std::end(tmp);
TmpVec::iterator midAlt = std::next(beginAlt, std::distance(begin, midPoint));
TmpVec::iterator l = beginAlt
TmpVec::iterator r = midAlt;
I i = begin;
while(l < midAlt && r < endAlt)
*i = std::move((*l < *r) ? *l++ : *r++);
while(l < midAlt)
{ *i = std::move(*l++);
while(r < endAlt)
{ *i = std::move(*r++);
template<typename I>
void mergeSort(I begin, I end)
std::size_t length = std::distance(begin, end);
if (length <= 1)
{ return;
std::size_t mid = length/2;
I midPoint = std::next(begin, mid);
mergeSort(begin, midPoint);
mergeSort(midPoint, end);
doMerge(begin, midPoint, end);
int main()
std::vector<int> data {{ 5,12,45,2,67,8}};
mergeSort(std::begin(data), std::end(data));
std::copy(std::begin(data), std::end(data), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ", "));
std::cout << "\n";