This is a simple GTK+ program that takes a spun article as input and shows a random output every time the user clicks the "Spin" button.
It supports many levels of nested spinning like:
The {car|automobile} is {{very |}fine|{really {pretty |}|}cool|all right}
I tested it and it seems to be correct, but I would like to receive any suggestions on how to improve the code, specially if there's some bug I didn't notice.
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dynamic_string.h"
#include <time.h>
#define SUCCESS 1
#define ERROR 0
GtkWidget *output_text;
size_t get_size(const char *src)
const char *start = src;
while(*++src && *src != '}')
if(*src == '{')
src += get_size(src) - 1;
return (src - start) + 1;
size_t get_count(const char *src)
size_t count = 1;
if(*src == '}')
if(*src == '|')
if(*src == '{')
src += get_size(src) - 1;
return count;
const char *get_word_n(const char *start, size_t n)
size_t count = 0;
if(count == n)
return start;
if(*start == '}')
if(*start == '|')
if(*start == '{')
start += get_size(start) - 1;
puts("Invalid format or there are not as many words as you expected.");
return NULL;
int choose_one(const char *src, Dynamic_String *dest)
size_t count = get_count(src);
const char *str = get_word_n(src, rand() % count);
if(str == NULL)
return ERROR;
while(*str && *str != '}' && *str != '|'){
if(*str == '{'){
if(choose_one(str, dest) == ERROR)
return ERROR;
str += get_size(str) - 1;
if(ds_push_back(dest, *str) == DS_ERROR)
return SUCCESS;
gboolean spin(GtkButton *button, GdkEvent *event, GtkWidget *input)
Dynamic_String output;
ds_allocate(&output, 4095);
GtkTextBuffer *buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(input));
GtkTextIter start, end;
gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds(buffer, &start, &end);
char *content = gtk_text_buffer_get_text(buffer, &start, &end, FALSE);
for(size_t i = 0; content[i] != '\0'; ++i){
if(content[i] == '{'){
if(choose_one(&content[i], &output) == ERROR)
goto end;
i += get_size(&content[i]) - 1;
if(ds_push_back(&output, content[i]) == DS_ERROR)
buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(output_text));
gtk_text_buffer_set_text(buffer, output.cstring, -1);
return FALSE;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
/* Main window */
GtkWidget *window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), "Article Viewer");
gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(window), 0);
gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(window), 1280, 720);
g_signal_connect(window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL);
/* Text container, scrolling */
GtkWidget *scrolled_window = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrolled_window),
gtk_widget_set_hexpand(scrolled_window, TRUE);
gtk_widget_set_vexpand(scrolled_window, TRUE);
/* Text container */
GtkWidget *input_text = gtk_text_view_new();
gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size( GTK_TEXT_VIEW(input_text),
10 );
gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size( GTK_TEXT_VIEW(input_text),
10 );
gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size( GTK_TEXT_VIEW(input_text),
10 );
gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size( GTK_TEXT_VIEW(input_text),
10 );
gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(input_text), GTK_WRAP_WORD_CHAR);
/* Add text to container */
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(scrolled_window), input_text);
/* Append input tab */
GtkWidget *notebook = gtk_notebook_new();
GtkWidget *label = gtk_label_new("Input");
gtk_notebook_append_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(notebook), scrolled_window, label);
/* Output container */
GtkWidget *box = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);
gtk_box_set_homogeneous(GTK_BOX(box), FALSE);
/* Spin button */
GtkWidget *button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Spin");
g_signal_connect(button, "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(spin), input_text);
/* Add button to box */
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
/* Output scrolling */
scrolled_window = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrolled_window),
gtk_widget_set_hexpand(scrolled_window, TRUE);
gtk_widget_set_vexpand(scrolled_window, TRUE);
/* Output text */
output_text = gtk_text_view_new();
gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size( GTK_TEXT_VIEW(output_text),
10 );
gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size( GTK_TEXT_VIEW(output_text),
10 );
gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size( GTK_TEXT_VIEW(output_text),
10 );
gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size( GTK_TEXT_VIEW(output_text),
10 );
gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(output_text), GTK_WRAP_WORD_CHAR);
/* Add output text to scrolling */
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(scrolled_window), output_text);
/* Add scrolled window to box */
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), scrolled_window, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
/* Append output tab */
label = gtk_label_new("Output");
gtk_notebook_append_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(notebook), box, label);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), notebook);
return 0;
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Size and expansion
#define MULTIPLIER 1.00 //add 100% every time
#define FIXED_STEP 0 //overrides multiplier
#define STARTING_SIZE 32
//Return codes
#define DS_SUCCESS 1
#define DS_ERROR 0
//ds_fix return codes
//Can set other memory functions
#define allocate malloc
#define deallocate free
#define reallocate realloc
//Main structure
typedef struct {
char *cstring;
char *position;
char *end; //1 past the end
} Dynamic_String;
typedef struct {
char *content;
char *position;
char *end; //1 past the end
} Dynamic_String;
//Allocate a dynamic string container and call ds_allocate
Dynamic_String *ds_new(size_t custom_size);
//Free contents and container
void ds_delete(Dynamic_String *ds);
//Allocate initial space and set the structure members, return pointer to
//newly allocated memory. Available for use is custom_size. It doesn't
//allocate space for the structure itself
int ds_allocate(Dynamic_String *ds, size_t custom_size);
void ds_free(Dynamic_String *ds);
//Keep memory allocated, clear contents
void ds_clear(Dynamic_String *ds);
/* If the content is manipulated without using these functions, but the memory
allocated is the same and there's a '\0', it corrects the string position.
Otherwise it writes a new '\0' at the end. The string should be usable after
calling this function. */
int ds_fix(Dynamic_String *broken);
//Equivalent to strlen
size_t ds_length(const Dynamic_String *ds);
//Total memory allocated
size_t ds_capacity(const Dynamic_String *ds);
//Space available, accounts for '\0'
size_t ds_space(const Dynamic_String *ds);
bool ds_is_empty(const Dynamic_String *ds);
bool ds_is_full(const Dynamic_String *ds);
//Resize memory and update the structure.
int ds_resize(Dynamic_String *ds, size_t new_size);
//Allocate more bytes
int ds_reserve(Dynamic_String *ds, size_t amount);
//Deallocate part of memory
int ds_shrink(Dynamic_String *ds, size_t amount);
//Reduce allocated storage so it's just enough for the current content
int ds_shrink_to_fit(Dynamic_String *ds);
//Push character to the end of string, return pointer to it
int ds_push_back(Dynamic_String *ds, int c);
//Append one dynamic string to another, return content position
int ds_append(Dynamic_String *destination, const Dynamic_String *source);
//Crop out part of the string
void ds_crop(Dynamic_String *ds, size_t total);
//Append at most n characters from source to destination. Return location of
//source inside destination
int ds_append_n( Dynamic_String *destination,
const Dynamic_String *source,
size_t max );
//Compare two dynamic strings and return 0 if equal, positive if first
//differing character is greater on str1 or negative if smaller
int ds_compare(const Dynamic_String *str1, const Dynamic_String *str2);
//Compare up to n characters
int ds_compare_n( const Dynamic_String *str1,
const Dynamic_String *str2,
size_t max );
//Swap one dynamic string for another
void ds_swap(Dynamic_String *ds1, Dynamic_String *ds2);
////// Functions to work with dynamic and regular strings
//Takes an already allocated regular string and put it into a container. Making
//it a normal dynamic string. Container must not hold an allocated string or
//there will be memory leaks.
void ds_from_cstring(Dynamic_String *container, char *c_string);
//Reduce storage to the minimum, and return content as C string
char *ds_to_cstring(Dynamic_String *ds);
//Join a list of Dynamic_Strings and return their content as C string
//The list must be delimited by NULL
char *ds_join_list_to_cstring(Dynamic_String **ds_list);
//Return an allocated copy of Dynamic_String content
char *ds_content_copy(const Dynamic_String *ds);
//Append regular C string to Dynamic_String
int ds_append_cstring(Dynamic_String *destination, const char *c_string);
//Appending a C string of known size is faster
int ds_append_cstring_by_length( Dynamic_String *destination,
const char *c_string,
size_t length );
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dynamic_string.h"
///////// Internal methods
static inline size_t max(size_t x, size_t y)
return (x > y) ? x : y;
static inline size_t min(size_t x, size_t y)
return (x < y) ? x : y;
//Compile a different function set depending on settings
#if FIXED_STEP > 0
//Expand according to multiplier or fixed step
static inline int expand(Dynamic_String *ds)
return ds_reserve(ds, FIXED_STEP);
//Expand by at least a minimum value
static inline int expand_by_at_least(Dynamic_String *ds, size_t minimum)
return ds_reserve(ds, max(FIXED_STEP, minimum));
#else //Multiplier will be used
//Expand according to multiplier or fixed step
static inline int expand(Dynamic_String *ds)
return ds_reserve(ds, ds_capacity(ds) * MULTIPLIER);
static inline int expand_by_at_least(Dynamic_String *ds, size_t minimum)
return ds_reserve(ds, max(ds_capacity(ds) * MULTIPLIER, minimum));
///////// Public methods
//Allocate container and space for characters
Dynamic_String *ds_new(size_t custom_size)
Dynamic_String *temp = allocate(sizeof(Dynamic_String));
if(temp == NULL)
return NULL;
if(ds_allocate(temp, custom_size) == DS_ERROR){
return NULL;
return temp;
void ds_delete(Dynamic_String *ds)
/* Allocate initial space and set the structure members, return pointer to newly
allocated memory. Available for use is custom_size. It doesn't allocate
space for the structure itself */
int ds_allocate(Dynamic_String *ds, size_t custom_size)
size_t size = (custom_size > 0) ? custom_size : STARTING_SIZE;
char *start = allocate(size + 1);
if(start == NULL)
return DS_ERROR;
ds->content = ds->position = start;
ds->end = start + size + 1;
*start = '\0';
return DS_SUCCESS;
void ds_free(Dynamic_String *ds)
//Keep memory allocated, clear contents
void ds_clear(Dynamic_String *ds)
ds->position = ds->content;
*ds->position = '\0';
/* If the content is manipulated without using these functions, but the memory
allocated is the same and there's a '\0', it corrects the string position.
Otherwise it writes a new '\0' at the end. The string should be usable after
calling this function. */
int ds_fix(Dynamic_String *broken)
broken->position = memchr(broken->content, '\0', ds_capacity(broken));
if(broken->position == NULL){
broken->position = broken->end - 1;
*broken->position = '\0';
//Equivalent of strlen
size_t ds_length(const Dynamic_String *ds)
return ds->position - ds->content;
//Total memory allocated
size_t ds_capacity(const Dynamic_String *ds)
return ds->end - ds->content;
//Space available, accounts for '\0'
size_t ds_space(const Dynamic_String *ds)
return ds->end - ds->position - 1;
bool ds_is_empty(const Dynamic_String *ds)
return ds->position == ds->content;
bool ds_is_full(const Dynamic_String *ds)
return ds_space(ds) == 0;
//Resize memory and update the structure. Return new location
int ds_resize(Dynamic_String *ds, size_t new_size)
//Location might change
size_t position_offset = ds_length(ds);
//Make sure there's at least 1 byte so the string won't break
char *temp = reallocate(ds->content, max(new_size, 1));
if(temp == NULL){
return DS_ERROR;
ds->content = temp;
ds->end = temp + new_size;
//Position still in range?
if(position_offset < new_size){
ds->position = temp + position_offset;
else {
ds->position = ds->end - 1;
*ds->position = '\0';
return DS_SUCCESS;
//Allocate more bytes
int ds_reserve(Dynamic_String *ds, size_t amount)
return ds_resize(ds, ds_capacity(ds) + amount);
//Deallocate part of memory
int ds_shrink(Dynamic_String *ds, size_t amount)
if(amount >= ds_capacity(ds))
return DS_ERROR;
return ds_resize(ds, ds_capacity(ds) - amount);
//Reduce allocated storage so it's just enough for the current content
int ds_shrink_to_fit(Dynamic_String *ds)
return ds_resize(ds, ds_length(ds) + 1); //There's a '\0'
//Push character to the end of string, return pointer to it
int ds_push_back(Dynamic_String *ds, int c)
if(ds_is_full(ds) && expand(ds) == DS_ERROR){
return DS_ERROR;
*ds->position++ = c;
*ds->position = '\0';
return DS_SUCCESS;
//Append one dynamic string to another
int ds_append(Dynamic_String *destination, const Dynamic_String *source)
size_t destination_space = ds_space(destination);
size_t source_length = ds_length(source);
//Check if there's space, try to allocate more if there isn't
if(source_length > destination_space
&& expand_by_at_least(destination, source_length - destination_space)
return DS_ERROR;
//Update info, where to append?
char *insertion_point = destination->position;
destination->position += source_length;
*destination->position = '\0';
memcpy(insertion_point, source->content, source_length);
return DS_SUCCESS;
/* Append at most n characters from source to destination. Return location of
source inside destination */
int ds_append_n( Dynamic_String *destination,
const Dynamic_String *source,
size_t max )
//Avoid copying too much
max = min(max, ds_length(source));
size_t space = ds_space(destination);
if(max > space && expand_by_at_least(destination, max - space) == DS_ERROR){
return DS_ERROR;
char *insertion_point = destination->position;
destination->position += max;
*destination->position = '\0';
memcpy(insertion_point, source->content, max);
return DS_SUCCESS;
void ds_crop(Dynamic_String *ds, size_t total)
/* Compare two dynamic strings and return 0 if equal, positive if first
differing character is greater on str1 or negative if smaller */
int ds_compare(const Dynamic_String *str1, const Dynamic_String *str2)
size_t length = min(ds_length(str1), ds_length(str2));
return memcmp(str1->content, str2->content, length + 1);
//Compare up to n characters
int ds_compare_n( const Dynamic_String *str1,
const Dynamic_String *str2,
size_t max )
size_t length = min(ds_length(str1), ds_length(str2));
return memcmp(str1->content, str2->content, min(length + 1, max));
//Swap one dynamic string for another
void ds_swap(Dynamic_String *ds1, Dynamic_String *ds2)
Dynamic_String temp = {ds1->content, ds1->position, ds1->end};
ds1->content = ds2->content;
ds1->position = ds2->position;
ds1->end = ds2->end;
ds2->content = temp.content;
ds2->position = temp.position;
ds2->end = temp.end;
///////// Functions to work with dynamic and regular strings
/* Takes an already allocated regular string and put it into a container. Making
it a normal dynamic string. Container must not hold an allocated string or there
will be memory leaks. */
void ds_from_cstring(Dynamic_String *container, char *c_string)
container->content = c_string;
container->position = strchr(c_string, '\0');
container->end = container->position + 1;
//Return an allocated copy of Dynamic_String content
char *ds_content_copy(const Dynamic_String *ds)
size_t length = ds_length(ds);
char *temp = malloc(length + 1);
if(temp == NULL)
return NULL;
return memcpy(temp, ds->content, length + 1);
//Reduce storage to the minimum, and return content as C string
char *ds_to_cstring(Dynamic_String *ds)
//Assume reducing storage will work, if it doesn't return with extra space
return ds->content;
//Join a list of Dynamic_Strings and return their contents as C string
//The list must be delimited by NULL
char *ds_join_list_to_cstring(Dynamic_String **ds_list)
//If all have length 0, return an string with '\0'
size_t total_size = 1;
for(size_t i = 0; ds_list[i] != NULL; ++i)
total_size += ds_length(ds_list[i]);
//Create a temporary string to hold all contents
Dynamic_String temp;
if(ds_allocate(&temp, total_size) == DS_ERROR)
return NULL;
for(size_t i = 0; ds_list[i] != NULL; ++i)
ds_append(&temp, ds_list[i]);
return temp.content;
//Append regular C string to Dynamic_String
int ds_append_cstring(Dynamic_String *dest, const char *c_string)
return ds_append_cstring_by_length(dest, c_string, strlen(c_string));
//Appending a C string of known length is faster
int ds_append_cstring_by_length( Dynamic_String *dest,
const char *c_string,
size_t length )
size_t space = ds_space(dest);
if(space < length && expand_by_at_least(dest, length - space) == DS_ERROR)
return DS_ERROR;
char *insertion_point = dest->position;
dest->position += length;
*dest->position = '\0';
memcpy(insertion_point, c_string, length);
return DS_SUCCESS;
. Specifically, is there a new membercstring
? \$\endgroup\$content
. Sorry about that. \$\endgroup\$