I just wrote this short little program to increment up the build number for my projects every time I build them.
After compiling this exe, I just call it in the pre-build command line.
I did take out the filename string because I used it thrice, and I figured I'd get some flack if I didn't.
static void Main()
int num;
string file = "AssemblyInfo.cs";
if (File.Exists(file))
File.WriteAllLines(file, File.ReadAllLines(file).Select(s => !s.Trim().StartsWith("[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion(") ? s : string.Join(".", s.Trim(']').Trim(')').Trim('"').Split('.').Select((n, i) => i != 3 ? n : !int.TryParse(n, out num) ? n : (num + 1).ToString())) + "\")]"));
I realize this is complex, and the average person wont be able to read it. I use magic numbers, and I do some things specifically to keep the glory on 1 line. Feel free to bask in the presence of psychedelic code (which just wants to be your friend).
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
in your AssemblyInfo.cs file? \$\endgroup\$