I have a Symfony2 project. I have an Entity Asset
which can have relations with Category
. I store a categoryCount
-field within the Asset
to determine if an asset has one, to select those fast via a DQL-query depending on the current user state.
Now found myself writing something along the lines of this in my AssetRepository
* @param string $orderBy
* @param int $mode
* @return \Doctrine\ORM\Query
public function getQueryForAll($orderBy = 'DESC', $mode = self::FILTER_WITHOUT_QUARANTINED)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('asset');
$qb->orderBy('asset.updatedAt', $orderBy);
$filter = $this->getQuarantinedCriteria($mode);
if ($filter) {
return $query = $qb->getQuery();
* @param int $mode
* @return Criteria|null
protected function getQuarantinedCriteria($mode = self::FILTER_WITHOUT_QUARANTINED) {
$filter = null;
if ($mode === self::FILTER_WITHOUT_QUARANTINED) {
$filter = Criteria::create()
->andWhere(Criteria::expr()->gt('categoryCount', 0));
} else if ($mode === self::FILTER_ONLY_QURANTINED) {
$filter = Criteria::create()
->andWhere(Criteria::expr()->eq('categoryCount', 0));
return $filter;
This doesn't feel right to me. The $mode
flag triggers my code smell alarm, I also am worrying about passing it into each asset querying method.
Furthermore, since I will have to set the mode depending on the state of the current logged in user, I also am worried that I will produce code duplications by doing a lot of if-user-has-the-rights-checks in my actions or services:
* @Route("/all_assets/{page}",
* name="get_paginated_assets",
* requirements={"page" = "\d+"},
* defaults={"page" = "1"},
* options={"expose"=true}
* )
public function getPaginatedAssetActions($page)
$repo = $this->getAssetRepository();
$isAllowedToViewRestrictedAssets = $this->getCurrentUser()->isAdmin();
if ($isAllowedToViewRestrictedAssets) {
$mode = Entity\AssetRepository::FILTER_SHOW_ALL;
$query = $repo->getQueryForAll($mode);
$pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta(new DoctrineORMAdapter($query));
$data = $this->getCurrentPagedResults($pagerfanta, $page);
$view = $this->view();
return $view;
Is this the right way to implement the logic to enable filters in a Repository? Feedback on whether there is a more decoupled way would be highly appreciated.