For the first time, I tried to use threads by myself in order to implement a parallel sieve of Eratosthenes. The trick is that each time a prime is found, a thread is spawned to eliminate all the multiples of this prime number from the boolean vector (the one that tells whether a number is a prime or not). Here is my code:
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
// Invalidates the multiples of the given integer
// in a given boolen vector
template<typename Integer>
void apply_prime(Integer prime, std::vector<bool>& vec)
for (Integer i = prime*2u ; i < vec.size() ; i += prime)
vec[i] = false;
template<typename Integer>
auto sieve_eratosthenes(Integer n)
-> std::vector<Integer>
std::vector<bool> is_prime(n, true);
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
std::vector<Integer> res;
auto end = static_cast<Integer>(std::sqrt(n));
for (Integer i = 2u ; i <= end ; ++i)
// When a prime is found,
// * add it to the res vector
// * spawn a thread to invalidate multiples
if (is_prime[i])
i, std::ref(is_prime));
for (auto& thr: threads)
// Add the remaining primes to the res vector
for (Integer i = end+1u ; i < is_prime.size() ; ++i)
if (is_prime[i])
return res;
The primes are added in two steps to the res
vector: every prime \$ p \$ such as \$ p < \sqrt{n} \$ is added when the prime is found, before the corresponding thread is thrown. The other primes are added at the end the of the function. Here is an example main
int main()
auto primes = sieve_eratosthenes(1000u);
for (auto prime: primes)
std::cout << prime << " ";
I was pretty sure that I would get some problems due to parallelism, but for some reason, it seems to work. I got the expected results in the right order. Just to be sure, I would like to know whether my program is or correct or whether it has some threading issues that I couldn't see.
Note: I used many of the ideas from the answer to improve the code and wrote a follow-up question.