Trying to learn shell sort, I kinda understood what wikipedia was trying to say, but I wanted a bit of confirmation, so I went on youtube, here, but this code does not work and does not look like what I read on wikipedia. I go to hi's website just in case I misspelled anything to copy+paste hi's code, nop not working either.
So here is my version, or rather what I understood of it. It does work (as in it gives me a correctly sorted array) but I'm not 100% sure this is even shell sort, or is it ? I don't know.
public int[] shellSort(int[] numbers, compare compare) {
int firstPivot, secondPivot, temp;
int interval = numbers.Length / 2;
while (interval > 0) {
// Start from interval, go all the way to the end
for (secondPivot = interval; secondPivot < numbers.Length; secondPivot++) {
firstPivot = secondPivot;
temp = numbers[secondPivot];
// Compare with predecesors from interval to interval
while ((firstPivot - interval >= 0) && compare(temp, numbers[firstPivot - interval])) {
numbers[firstPivot] = numbers[firstPivot - interval];
firstPivot -= interval;
// At the end we find the almost correct position for our "secondPivot" number
numbers[firstPivot] = temp;
// Decrease interval
interval = interval / 2;
} // Untill interval is "1" then we practically get an insertion sort that cleans up
// and have a properly sorted array
return numbers;