
I wrote the following split function. It takes a list, an element and an Ordering (LT, GT, EQ). For LT, the list will filter out all items that are >= the element argument.

split' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a -> Ordering -> [a]
split' [] _ _ = []
split' (x:xs) a LT
  | x < a     = x : split' xs a LT
  | otherwise = split' xs a LT 
split' (x:xs) a GT
  | x > a     = x : split' xs a GT
  | otherwise = split' xs a GT
-- non-exhaustive, unacceptable


*Main> split' [1,2,3] 2 LT

Note that this function can result in an exception if the Ordering argument is EQ. Of course this is terrible.

However, please review the above code, offering suggestions on how to improve it.


1 Answer 1


Your split' could be simplified using filter.

split' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a -> Ordering -> [a]
split' list value cmp = filter (\x -> compare x value == cmp) list

I think that the order of arguments to split' is awkward. I would suggest that the reverse order is more natural.

split :: (Ord a) => Ordering -> a -> [a] -> [a]
split cmp value list = filter (\x -> compare x value == cmp) list

*Main> split LT 2 [1, 2, 3]

Then you could also define split in a curried form:

split :: (Ord a) => Ordering -> a -> ([a] -> [a])
split cmp value = filter (\x -> compare x value == cmp)

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