I've been working on a Sudoku solver as an introduction to the Java programming language. I know there's a bunch of ways to program a Sudoku solver, including a brute force/recursive approach and a logical approach. I've chosen the logical approach to start out to keep things simple.
This program solves Sudokus the exact same way I do when I'm using pen and paper. It picks a number, and then it picks a 3x3 region (I call these regions "squares" in my comments), and then it analyzes that region and the rows and columns that intersect it to see what boxes it can eliminate. Once all but one box has been eliminated, then that leaves us with our solved square.
I have big plans for the program, including adding a GUI, adding more logical techniques (Sudoku is surprisingly elaborate, check out all the techniques they have here for example), and adding that recursive/brute force technique in another method. Before I go further however, I'd like to run my code by you guys for review. That way if I have any bad habits we can catch them now.
My background is mainly PHP programming.
SudokuSolver class:
public class SudokuSolver
public static void main(String[] args)
// score 51 - websudoku.com - medium difficulty - solved in 14 iterations using LAST CANDIDATE
Sudoku easyToSolve = new Sudoku("036000820009500000800400007600100039003000500920006008500004002000002700071000450");
// score 57 - websudoku.com - hard difficulty - my solver can't solve this yet - has some HIDDEN SINGLES
Sudoku hardToSolve = new Sudoku("000007018094150700005600000106000000080070020000000904000003800008029140370400000");
// Here are the methods you can use here:
// printPuzzle() - prints the puzzle in a more readable form
// solvePuzzle() - solves the puzzle
// solvePuzzle(true) - shows you in detail how it solves the puzzle
Sudoku class:
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Sudoku
private byte[][] myPuzzle = new byte[][]
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
public Sudoku(String incomingPuzzle)
if ( incomingPuzzle.length() != 81 )
System.out.println("Invalid Sudoku puzzle syntax. Should be 81 numbers.");
for ( int row = 0; row <= 8; row++ )
for ( int column = 0; column <= 8; column++ )
myPuzzle[row][column] = convertCharToByte(incomingPuzzle.charAt(row*9+column));
if ( puzzleIsValid() == false )
System.out.println("Illegal puzzle.");
public void printPuzzle()
for ( byte y = 0; y <=8; y++ )
for ( byte x = 0; x <=8; x++ )
System.out.print(myPuzzle[y][x] + " ");
if ( x == 2 || x == 5 )
System.out.print(" ");
if ( y == 2 || y == 5 || y == 8 )
public void solvePuzzle()
public void solvePuzzle(boolean showDetails)
// print puzzle in the console
System.out.println("Unsolved puzzle:");
byte cyclesElapsed = 1;
// iterate through each square in a 9x9 sudoku puzzle and try to solve the square
while ( true )
byte squaresSolved = 0;
// We need some way to pause execution if the puzzle either becomes solved or is discovered to be unsolvable.
boolean somethingChanged = false;
// check each square
for ( byte square = 1; square <= 9; square++ )
// when we do our x-ray checks later we will need to know what row numbers and what column numbers to check
byte[] coordinates = getSquareCoordinates(square, (byte) 1);
byte checkThisRowFirst = coordinates[1];
byte checkThisColumnFirst = coordinates[0];
// make a boolean array to keep track of whether or not a coordinate in the square can be a solution for that numToCheck
// true = possibly a solution, false = not a solution
// once we are down to 1 true and 8 falses, we have solved that numToCheck and can update the box in myPuzzle
boolean[] possiblyContainsNum = new boolean[] {true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true};
// eliminate all occupied cells in the square
// iterate through the 9 boxes in the square and plug it into the getSquareCoordinates method
for ( byte i = 1; i <=9; i++ )
byte[] coordinates2 = getSquareCoordinates(square, i);
if ( myPuzzle[coordinates2[1]][coordinates2[0]] != 0 )
possiblyContainsNum[i-1] = false;
// check each number 1 through 9
// don't go box by box, go number by number
for ( byte numToCheck = 1; numToCheck <= 9; numToCheck++ )
// does the square contain this number already?
// if yes, skip. if no, try to solve
if ( squareContainsNumber(square, numToCheck) == false )
// I had possiblyContainsNum inside this loop for awhile, but then I realized it is
// more efficient to just compute it once and store it in memory. We'll make a new
// possiblyContainsNum for this numToCheck, copying the values of the original calculation
// (occupied squares) to start us off
boolean[] possiblyContainsNum2 = Arrays.copyOf(possiblyContainsNum, possiblyContainsNum.length);
// eliminate x-rays from rows and columns
// check the entire row or column (all 9 boxes), easier to code than 6 boxes
// row 1
if ( rowContainsNumber(checkThisRowFirst, numToCheck) == true )
possiblyContainsNum2[0] = false;
possiblyContainsNum2[1] = false;
possiblyContainsNum2[2] = false;
// row 2
if ( rowContainsNumber((byte) (checkThisRowFirst+1), numToCheck) == true )
possiblyContainsNum2[3] = false;
possiblyContainsNum2[4] = false;
possiblyContainsNum2[5] = false;
// row 3
if ( rowContainsNumber((byte) (checkThisRowFirst+2), numToCheck) == true )
possiblyContainsNum2[6] = false;
possiblyContainsNum2[7] = false;
possiblyContainsNum2[8] = false;
// column 1
if ( columnContainsNumber(checkThisColumnFirst, numToCheck) == true )
possiblyContainsNum2[0] = false;
possiblyContainsNum2[3] = false;
possiblyContainsNum2[6] = false;
// column 2
if ( columnContainsNumber((byte) (checkThisColumnFirst+1), numToCheck) == true )
possiblyContainsNum2[1] = false;
possiblyContainsNum2[4] = false;
possiblyContainsNum2[7] = false;
// column 3
if ( columnContainsNumber((byte) (checkThisColumnFirst+2), numToCheck) == true )
possiblyContainsNum2[2] = false;
possiblyContainsNum2[5] = false;
possiblyContainsNum2[8] = false;
// check possiblyContainsNum and see how many "true" cells there are
// if "true" cells == 1 then we have solved that numToCheck in that square
// go ahead and update myPuzzle[][]
byte counter = 0;
byte k = 0; // this will store the last value of j that was true
for ( byte j = 0; j <= 8; j++ )
if ( possiblyContainsNum2[j] == true )
k = j;
if ( counter == 1 )
byte[] coordinates3 = getSquareCoordinates(square, (byte) (k+1));
myPuzzle[coordinates3[1]][coordinates3[0]] = numToCheck;
somethingChanged = true;
if ( showDetails == true )
System.out.println("Iteration " + cyclesElapsed + " complete. Solved " + squaresSolved + " squares.");
// If no cells were solved during this iteration, that means that the puzzle is completely solved, is completely
// unsolvable, or is unsolvable using just this technique. Time to exit the loop.
if ( somethingChanged == false )
// do a quick check and make sure the puzzle is solved
// if it isn't, throw an unsolvable puzzle error
if ( puzzleIsSolved() == false )
System.out.println("Unsolvable using just the LAST CANDIDATE technique. More advacned techniques are needed.");
System.out.println("Try plugging the 81 digit number into the sudoku solver at http://www.sudokuwiki.org/sudoku.htm");
// print puzzle in the console
System.out.println("Solved puzzle:");
private byte convertCharToByte(char f)
switch ( f )
case '0':
return 0;
case '1':
return 1;
case '2':
return 2;
case '3':
return 3;
case '4':
return 4;
case '5':
return 5;
case '6':
return 6;
case '7':
return 7;
case '8':
return 8;
case '9':
return 9;
System.out.println("Invalid Sudoku puzzle syntax. Should be 81 numbers.");
return 0; // the compiler made me put this, logically it should be unreachable
private boolean puzzleIsValid()
// 1) check each row and make sure there is only 1 number per row
for ( byte y = 0; y <=8; y++ )
// we need a new oneThroughNine for each row, so we'll put this inside the "y" loop
boolean[] oneThroughNine = new boolean[] {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false};
for ( byte x = 0; x <=8; x++ )
if ( myPuzzle[y][x] != 0 )
if ( oneThroughNine[myPuzzle[y][x] - 1] == false )
oneThroughNine[myPuzzle[y][x] - 1] = true;
// 2) check each column and make sure there is only 1 number per column
for ( byte x = 0; x <=8; x++ )
// we need a new oneThroughNine for each column, so we'll put this inside the "y" loop
boolean[] oneThroughNine = new boolean[] {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false};
for ( byte y = 0; y <=8; y++ )
if ( myPuzzle[y][x] != 0 )
if ( oneThroughNine[myPuzzle[y][x] - 1] == false )
oneThroughNine[myPuzzle[y][x] - 1] = true;
// 3) check each square and make sure there is only 1 number per square
for ( byte square = 1; square <=9; square++ )
// we need a new oneThroughNine for each square, so we'll put this inside the "y" loop
boolean[] oneThroughNine = new boolean[] {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false};
for ( byte i = 1; i <=9; i++ )
byte[] coordinates = getSquareCoordinates(square, i);
if ( myPuzzle[coordinates[0]][coordinates[1]] != 0 )
if ( oneThroughNine[myPuzzle[coordinates[0]][coordinates[1]] - 1] == false )
oneThroughNine[myPuzzle[coordinates[0]][coordinates[1]] - 1] = true;
private boolean puzzleIsSolved()
for ( byte y = 0; y <= 8; y++ )
for ( byte x = 0; x <= 8; x++ )
if ( myPuzzle[y][x] == 0 )
private byte[] getSquareCoordinates(byte squareNumber, byte i)
byte[] startCoordinates = null;
switch ( squareNumber )
case 1:
startCoordinates = new byte[]{0,0};
case 2:
startCoordinates = new byte[]{3,0};
case 3:
startCoordinates = new byte[]{6,0};
case 4:
startCoordinates = new byte[]{0,3};
case 5:
startCoordinates = new byte[]{3,3};
case 6:
startCoordinates = new byte[]{6,3};
case 7:
startCoordinates = new byte[]{0,6};
case 8:
startCoordinates = new byte[]{3,6};
case 9:
startCoordinates = new byte[]{6,6};
byte[] finalCoordinates = null;
// let's check the square in this order:
// 1 2 3
// 4 5 6
// 7 8 9
switch ( i )
case 1:
finalCoordinates = new byte[] {startCoordinates[0], startCoordinates[1]};
case 2:
finalCoordinates = new byte[] {(byte) (startCoordinates[0]+1), startCoordinates[1]};
case 3:
finalCoordinates = new byte[] {(byte) (startCoordinates[0]+2), startCoordinates[1]};
case 4:
finalCoordinates = new byte[] {startCoordinates[0], (byte) (startCoordinates[1]+1)};
case 5:
finalCoordinates = new byte[] {(byte) (startCoordinates[0]+1), (byte) (startCoordinates[1]+1)};
case 6:
finalCoordinates = new byte[] {(byte) (startCoordinates[0]+2), (byte) (startCoordinates[1]+1)};
case 7:
finalCoordinates = new byte[] {startCoordinates[0], (byte) (startCoordinates[1]+2)};
case 8:
finalCoordinates = new byte[] {(byte) (startCoordinates[0]+1), (byte) (startCoordinates[1]+2)};
case 9:
finalCoordinates = new byte[] {(byte) (startCoordinates[0]+2), (byte) (startCoordinates[1]+2)};
return finalCoordinates;
private boolean squareContainsNumber(byte square, byte numToCheck)
for ( byte i = 1; i <= 9; i++ )
byte[] coordinates = getSquareCoordinates(square, i);
if ( myPuzzle[coordinates[1]][coordinates[0]] == numToCheck )
private boolean rowContainsNumber(byte rowToCheck, byte numToCheck)
for ( byte column = 0; column <= 8; column++)
if ( myPuzzle[rowToCheck][column] == numToCheck )
private boolean columnContainsNumber(byte columnToCheck, byte numToCheck)
for ( byte row = 0; row <= 8; row++)
if ( myPuzzle[row][columnToCheck] == numToCheck )