I've been trying to expand my programming horizons, and have entered the world of grammars and parsing, which I'm brand new to. I have been improving a little implementation of Dijkstra's shunting yard algorithm that currently handles negatives and parentheses correctly (which took a bit of work). I'm well aware that I could make it much easier by using a parser generator, but for now I want to try to hand code it.
template <typename Iterator>
void inline skip_space(Iterator& head, Iterator last)
while(head != last && std::isspace(*head)) ++head;
bool inline is_numeric(char ch)
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
case '0':
return true;
return false;
// Pump characters though to output while input is currently a number, and advance head iterator past number
template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
bool inline process_number(Iterator1& head, Iterator1 last, Iterator2& output)
skip_space(head, last);
bool valid = false;
while(head != last && is_numeric(*head)) valid = true, *output++ = *head++;
if(valid && *head == '.')
*output++ = '.';
while(is_numeric(*++head)) *output++ = *head;
*output++ = ' ';
return valid;
// Get next symbol and advance head iterator past it
template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
char inline get_symbol(Iterator1& head, Iterator1 last, Iterator2 symbols_begin, Iterator2 symbols_end)
using namespace std;
head = find_first_of(head, last, symbols_begin, symbols_end);
if(head == last) return 0;
else return *head++;
// Requires at least an input iterator for Iterator1, and an output iterator for Iterator2
template <typename NumType = double, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
bool parse_to_rpn(Iterator1 head, Iterator1 last, Iterator2 output)
using namespace std;
// Token list for matching
static const char tokens[] = {'+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '(', ')'};
// Map containing information about operators
static map<char, tuple<unsigned int /* precedence */, bool /* is binary */, bool /* is left associative */>> operator_info
{'+', make_tuple(1U, true, true)},
{'-', make_tuple(1U, true, true)},
{'*', make_tuple(2U, true, true)},
{'/', make_tuple(2U, true, true)},
{'^', make_tuple(4U, true, false)},
{'n', make_tuple(3U, false, true)}
// Operator stack
stack<char> oper_stack;
// Some defines to make my life a bit easier
#define IS_BINARY(c) std::get<1>(operator_info.at(c))
#define IS_LEFT_ASSOCIATIVE(c) std::get<2>(operator_info.at(c))
#define PRECEDENCE(c) std::get<0>(operator_info.at(c))
bool need_numeric = true; // If true, parser looks for a number value (or a parenthesized expression)...
// If false, parser looks for an operator
// Try block to isolate any exceptions; simply returns false if one is caught
try {
// Skip whitespace
skip_space(head, last);
while(head != last)
// Mode 1: looking for something that will evaluate to a number
if(head == last) return false;
// Handle positive or negative sign properly if looking for a number
else if(*head == '+')
else if(*head == '-')
oper_stack.push('n'); // Push unary negation operator onto stack
if(head == last) return false;
else if(*head == '(')
oper_stack.push('('); // Push left parenthesis onto stack
else if(process_number(head, last, output)) need_numeric = false; // If a number was found, switch modes
else return false;
// Mode 2: looking for an operator
char symbol = get_symbol(head, last, begin(tokens), end(tokens)); // Get next symbol
if(symbol == '(') return false; // Mistmatched parenthesis
else if(symbol == ')') // Pop operators off stack until matching parenthesis
if(oper_stack.size() == 0) return false; // Mismatched parenthesis
while(oper_stack.top() != '(')
if(oper_stack.size() == 1) return false; // Mismatched parenthesis
*output++ = oper_stack.top();
// The core of this parser: Dijkstra's shunting yard algorithm
else if(IS_BINARY(symbol))
while(oper_stack.size() > 0 && oper_stack.top() != '(' && PRECEDENCE(symbol) <= PRECEDENCE(oper_stack.top()))
*output++ = oper_stack.top();
while(oper_stack.size() > 0 && oper_stack.top() != '(' && PRECEDENCE(symbol) < PRECEDENCE(oper_stack.top()))
*output++ = oper_stack.top();
need_numeric = true; // Binary operator needs another operand, obviously; switch modes
while(oper_stack.size() > 0 && oper_stack.top() != '(' && PRECEDENCE(symbol) <= PRECEDENCE(oper_stack.top()))
*output++ = oper_stack.top();
skip_space(head, last);
return false;
// Pop remaining operators into output
if(oper_stack.top() == '(') return false; // Mismatched parenthesis
*output++ = oper_stack.top();
#undef IS_BINARY
Again, I'm really new to writing parsers, so how can I clean this up and make it more extensible? My next goal is to parse into a tree instead of text-based RPN notation. I figure that won't be too difficult in itself, but I'd also like to later include the ability to handle operators of arbitrary length, and possibly even function names and variables. To be able to do that, would it be necessary (or at least prudent) to write a separate tokenizer?
A side question: for implementing a parse tree, would it be a better choice to use an abstract base class for all nodes and implement leaf nodes and operator/function nodes as children, or to use a struct containing an ID of some sort, and a union that contains all the necessary data for each possible type of node?