I have been using this code for a while for a project at work. Actually I got it from a friends who got it from a book. But either way it worked for my demonstration.
But the other night I decided to sit down and see if I could make it into all functions and then to see about moving the variables up to the top of each function. It would be normal for simple programming and everything should work, but when I did this, the code crashed and burned (didn't show anything in the canvas). It should show bouncing balls.
<!doctype html>
<title>Bounding Balls</title>
<script src="modernizr.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEventListener('load', eventWindowLoaded, false);
function eventWindowLoaded() {
function canvasSupport () {
return Modernizr.canvas;
function canvasApp() {
if (!canvasSupport()) {
function drawScreen () {
context.fillStyle = '#EEEEEE';
context.fillRect(0, 0, theCanvas.width, theCanvas.height);
context.strokeStyle = '#000000';
context.strokeRect(1, 1, theCanvas.width-2, theCanvas.height-2);
//Place balls
context.fillStyle = "#00AA00";
var ball;//object
for (var i =0; i <balls.length; i++) {
ball = balls[i];
ball.x += ball.xunits;
ball.y += ball.yunits;
if (ball.x > theCanvas.width || ball.x < 0 ) {
ball.angle = 180 - ball.angle;
} else if (ball.y > theCanvas.height || ball.y < 0) {
ball.angle = 360 - ball.angle;
function updateBall(ball) {
ball.radians = ball.angle * Math.PI/ 180;
ball.xunits = Math.cos(ball.radians) * ball.speed;
ball.yunits = Math.sin(ball.radians) * ball.speed;
var numBalls = 100 ;
var maxSize = 8;
var minSize = 5;
var maxSpeed = maxSize+5;
var balls = new Array();
var tempBall;
var tempX;
var tempY;
var tempSpeed;
var tempAngle;
var tempRadius;
var tempRadians;
var tempXunits;
var tempYunits;
theCanvas = document.getElementById('canvasOne'); // <-- Code will not work if this is moved to the top of the method ---
context = theCanvas.getContext('2d');
for (var i = 0; i < numBalls; i++) {
tempRadius = Math.floor(Math.random()*maxSize)+minSize;
tempX = tempRadius*2 + (Math.floor(Math.random()*theCanvas.width)-tempRadius*2);
tempY = tempRadius*2 + (Math.floor(Math.random()*theCanvas.height)-tempRadius*2);
tempSpeed = maxSpeed-tempRadius;
tempAngle = Math.floor(Math.random()*360);
tempRadians = tempAngle * Math.PI/ 180;
tempXunits = Math.cos(tempRadians) * tempSpeed;
tempYunits = Math.sin(tempRadians) * tempSpeed;
tempBall = {x:tempX,y:tempY,radius:tempRadius, speed:tempSpeed, angle:tempAngle, xunits:tempXunits, yunits:tempYunits}
function gameLoop() {
window.setTimeout(gameLoop, 20);
<div style="position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 50px;">
<canvas id="canvasOne" width="500" height="500">
Your browser does not support the HTML 5 Canvas.
The code is similar to another post which I posted but in this cases I was wondering why these two lines of code could not be moved to the top of the function.
Code here that does not seem to work at the top of the function.
theCanvas = document.getElementById('canvasOne');
context = theCanvas.getContext('2d');
My canvas will not see any of the code that is drawn two it if this code is at the top of the function.
How can this become more efficient?
before a stray remark, I got it to work for me. \$\endgroup\$