A few functions to let me manage TAGS files more easily. Typically, my projects contain at least one sub-folder. I got sick of manually updating, so I wrote this to help me update a single TAGS file per project (always in the projects' root directory).
Please share your thoughts (aside from "Why are you using Emacs?", you're not likely to change my mind).
One thing I've noticed that could trip me up is that it only tags files of one language (and if I had a project that had both Haskell and JS code, for example, I could tag one or the other). I would particularly appreciate advice on better ways to write find-parent-tags than just building each path from available sub-strings.
(defun create-tag-table ()
"This will recursively tag all files of a given type starting with the current buffers' directory.
It overwrites the old TAGS file, if one exists.
Haskell files assume you've installed `hasktags`."
(let ((file-type (get-taggable-extension))
(cur-dir default-directory)
(tags-file (find-parent-tags default-directory)))
(if (equalp file-type "hs")
(shell-command "hasktags --ignore-close-implementation --etags `find . -type f -name \"*.*hs\"`")
(shell-command (concat "find -name \"*." file-type "\" -print | etags -")))))
(defun find-parent-tags (dir)
"Traverses the directory tree up to /home/[user]/ or / whichever comes first.
Returns either nil or the directory containing the first TAGS file it finds."
(interactive (list default-directory))
(find-parent-tags-rec (build-tag-paths dir)))
(defun find-parent-tags-rec (list-of-filepath)
(cond ((null list-of-filepath) nil)
((file-exists-p (car list-of-filepath)) (car list-of-filepath))
(t (find-parent-tags-rec (cdr list-of-filepath)))))
(defun build-tag-paths (dir-string)
(build-tag-paths-rec (remove-if #'empty-string? (split-string dir-string "/")) (list "/")))
(defun build-tag-paths-rec (steps acc)
(if (null steps)
(mapcar (lambda (p) (concat p "TAGS")) acc)
(build-tag-paths-rec (cdr steps)
(cons (concat (car acc) (car steps) "/") acc))))
(defun get-taggable-extension ()
"Either returns the current file's extension (if it's appropriate) or asks the user to pick one with completion"
(let ((b-name (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
(valid-exts (list "lisp" "py" "c" "hs" "rb" "ss" "scm" "js" "erl" "el")))
(string-match "\\.\\(.*?\\)$" b-name)
(let ((current-filetype (match-string 1 b-name)))
(if (member current-filetype valid-exts)
(completing-read "File type: " valid-exts nil 'confirm)))))
(defun empty-string? (s) (equalp s ""))
(provide 'tagariffic)