I've taken a look at the SPL Listener/Observer model but found that it doesn't work when using static methods. So I wrote my own but it's very simply. Can anyone suggest ways to make it more like the Model standards and if there is anything obvious that I've missed?
namespace modular\core;
class Listeners{
private static $listeners = array();
private static $triggered = array();
private static $broadcasts = array();
public static function attach($event, $key, $callback){
$config = \modular\core\ModuleLoader::getModuleConfig($key);
$config['instance'] = get_class($callback[0]);
$callback['config'] = $config;
static::$listeners[$event][md5($event.$key)] = array('module' => $key, 'callback' => $callback);
public static function detach($event, $key, $callback){
public static function listeners($event = ''){
return ($event == '') ? static::$listeners : static::$listeners[$event];
public static function listenersRegistered(){
return static::$listeners;
public static function listenersTriggered(){
return static::$triggered;
public static function getBroadcasts(){
return static::$broadcasts;
public static function broadcast($event){
$rendered = \modular\core\Renderer::rendered();
$caller = debug_backtrace();//true, 1 - check version and implement this
static::$broadcasts[$event][] = $caller;
foreach(static::$listeners[$event] as $listener){
$myEvent = (\modular\core\Router::routed() ? ($listener['module'] == \modular\core\ModuleLoader::getActiveModule()) : true);
static::$triggered[$event] = $listener;
$test = \modular\core\ModuleLoader::runModule($listener);
The code to add a listener:
public static function addListener($event, $callback){
$modules = \modular\core\ModuleLoader::getModules();
if(($key = array_search($callback[0], $modules)) !== false){
\modular\core\Listeners::attach($event, $key, $callback);
//problem - object not found...
_::addListener('pre-render', array(&$this, 'init'));
Callback is a callback function set as an array to specify the instance
The MD5 is used to combine both the $event
and $key
as a $key
(module) can register to multiple events and vice-versa.
Broadcast is purely checking if any output has already occurred, if not then block all output if so then allow output whilst it calls the module callback method.
Because it's a framework static methods are used as my preferred method to access a class from multiple classes without having to worry about creating variables of instances that I either have to remember globally or re-instantiating the class constantly.