This one review will be a little bit tricky: I was trying to implement a template Vector
struct in C11. Of course, templates don't really exist in C11, so I used a few macros to get the desired interface. Here is the implementation of the core features, trying to mimick those of the c++ std::vector
. Some are still missing though. First, the macro define_Vector
#define define_Vector(T) \
struct _vector_##T; \
typedef struct \
{ \
void (*delete)(struct _vector_##T*); \
T (*at)(const struct _vector_##T*, size_t); \
T (*front)(const struct _vector_##T*); \
T (*back)(const struct _vector_##T*); \
T* (*data)(const struct _vector_##T*); \
T* (*begin)(struct _vector_##T*); \
const T* (*cbegin)(const struct _vector_##T*); \
T* (*end)(struct _vector_##T*); \
const T* (*cend)(const struct _vector_##T*); \
bool (*is_empty)(const struct _vector_##T*); \
size_t (*size)(const struct _vector_##T*); \
size_t (*max_size)(void); \
void (*reserve)(struct _vector_##T*, size_t); \
size_t (*capacity)(const struct _vector_##T*); \
void (*shrink_to_fit)(struct _vector_##T*); \
void (*clear)(struct _vector_##T*); \
void (*erase1)(struct _vector_##T*, const T*); \
void (*erase2)(struct _vector_##T*, const T*, const T*); \
void (*push_back)(struct _vector_##T*, T); \
void (*pop_back)(struct _vector_##T*); \
void (*resize1)(struct _vector_##T*, size_t); \
void (*resize2)(struct _vector_##T*, size_t, T); \
} _vector_functions_##T; \
typedef struct _vector_##T \
{ \
T* _data; \
size_t _size; \
size_t _capacity; \
const _vector_functions_##T* _functions; \
} Vector_##T; \
Vector_##T* new_Vector_##T(); \
void vector_delete_##T(Vector_##T*); \
T vector_at_##T(const Vector_##T*, size_t); \
T vector_front_##T(const Vector_##T*); \
T vector_back_##T(const Vector_##T*); \
T* vector_data_##T(const Vector_##T*); \
T* vector_begin_##T(Vector_##T*); \
const T* vector_cbegin_##T(const Vector_##T*); \
T* vector_end_##T(Vector_##T*); \
const T* vector_cend_##T(const Vector_##T*); \
bool vector_is_empty_##T(const Vector_##T*); \
size_t vector_size_##T(const Vector_##T*); \
size_t vector_max_size_##T(void); \
void vector_reserve_##T(Vector_##T*, size_t); \
size_t vector_capacity_##T(const Vector_##T*); \
void vector_shrink_to_fit_##T(Vector_##T*); \
void vector_clear_##T(Vector_##T*); \
void vector_erase1_##T(Vector_##T*, const T*); \
void vector_erase2_##T(Vector_##T*, const T*, const T*); \
void vector_push_back_##T(Vector_##T*, T); \
void vector_pop_back_##T(Vector_##T*); \
void vector_resize1_##T(Vector_##T*, size_t); \
void vector_resize2_##T(Vector_##T*, size_t, T); \
void vector_delete_##T(Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
free(vector->_data); \
free(vector); \
} \
T vector_at_##T(const Vector_##T* vector, size_t index) \
{ \
return vector->_data[index]; \
} \
T vector_front_##T(const Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
return vector->_data[0]; \
} \
T vector_back_##T(const Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
return vector->_data[size(vector)-1]; \
} \
T* vector_data_##T(const Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
return vector->_data; \
} \
T* vector_begin_##T(Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
return data(vector); \
} \
const T* vector_cbegin_##T(const Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
return data(vector); \
} \
T* vector_end_##T(Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
return data(vector) + size(vector); \
} \
const T* vector_cend_##T(const Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
return data(vector) + size(vector); \
} \
bool vector_is_empty_##T(const Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
return size(vector) == 0; \
} \
size_t vector_size_##T(const Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
return vector->_size; \
} \
size_t vector_max_size_##T(void) \
{ \
return SIZE_MAX; \
} \
void vector_reserve_##T(Vector_##T* vector, size_t new_cap) \
{ \
if (new_cap > capacity(vector)) \
{ \
vector->_capacity = new_cap; \
vector->_data = realloc(vector->_data, \
new_cap * sizeof(T)); \
} \
} \
size_t vector_capacity_##T(const Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
return vector->_capacity; \
} \
void vector_shrink_to_fit_##T(Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
vector->_capacity = size(vector); \
vector->_data = realloc(vector->_data, \
size(vector) * sizeof(T)); \
} \
void vector_clear_##T(Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
vector->_size = 0; \
} \
void vector_erase1_##T(Vector_##T* vector, const T* pos) \
{ \
T* it = (T*) pos; \
while (it != end(vector)-1) \
{ \
*it = it[1]; \
++it; \
} \
--vector->_size; \
} \
void vector_erase2_##T(Vector_##T* vector, const T* first, const T* last) \
{ \
T* it1 = (T*) first; \
T* it2 = (T*) last; \
while (it2 != end(vector)) \
{ \
*it1 = *it2; \
++it1; \
++it2; \
} \
vector->_size -= last-first; \
} \
void vector_push_back_##T(Vector_##T* vector, T value) \
{ \
vector->_size += 1; \
if (capacity(vector) < size(vector)) \
{ \
reserve(vector, capacity(vector)+40); \
} \
last(vector) = value; \
} \
void vector_pop_back_##T(Vector_##T* vector) \
{ \
if (size(vector) > 0) \
{ \
vector->_size -= 1; \
} \
} \
void vector_resize1_##T(Vector_##T* vector, size_t count) \
{ \
if (count < size(vector)) \
{ \
while (size(vector) > count) \
{ \
pop_back(vector); \
} \
} \
else \
{ \
reserve(vector, count); \
vector->_size = count; \
} \
} \
void vector_resize2_##T(Vector_##T* vector, size_t count, T value) \
{ \
if (count < size(vector)) \
{ \
while (size(vector) > count) \
{ \
pop_back(vector); \
} \
} \
else \
{ \
while (size(vector) < count) \
{ \
push_back(vector, value); \
} \
} \
} \
const _vector_functions_##T _vector_funcs_##T = { \
&vector_delete_##T, \
&vector_at_##T, \
&vector_front_##T, \
&vector_back_##T, \
&vector_data_##T, \
&vector_begin_##T, \
&vector_cbegin_##T, \
&vector_end_##T, \
&vector_cend_##T, \
&vector_is_empty_##T, \
&vector_size_##T, \
&vector_max_size_##T, \
&vector_reserve_##T, \
&vector_capacity_##T, \
&vector_shrink_to_fit_##T, \
&vector_clear_##T, \
&vector_erase1_##T, \
&vector_erase2_##T, \
&vector_push_back_##T, \
&vector_pop_back_##T, \
&vector_resize1_##T, \
&vector_resize2_##T, \
}; \
Vector_##T* new_Vector_##T() \
{ \
Vector_##T* res = malloc(sizeof(Vector_##T)); \
res->_functions = &_vector_funcs_##T; \
res->_capacity = 40; \
res->_size = 0; \
res->_data = malloc(40*sizeof(T)); \
return res; \
To access the functions contained in the global struct, I use the following macros (some also provide extra features):
// Element access
#define at(collection, index) \
collection->_functions->at(collection, index)
#define front(collection) \
#define back(collection) \
#define data(collection) \
// Iterators
#define begin(collection) \
#define cbegin(collection) \
#define end(collection) \
#define cend(collection) \
// Capacity
#define is_empty(collection) \
#define size(collection) \
#define max_size(collection) \
#define reserve(collection, new_cap) \
collection->_functions->reserve(collection, new_cap)
#define capacity(collection) \
#define shrink_to_fit(collection) \
// Modifiers
#define clear(collection) \
#define erase(collection, ...) \
DISPATCH(erase, __VA_ARGS__)(collection, __VA_ARGS__)
#define erase1(collection, pos) \
collection->_functions->erase1(collection, pos)
#define erase2(collection, first, last) \
collection->_functions->erase2(collection, first, last)
#define push_back(collection, elem) \
collection->_functions->push_back(collection, elem)
#define pop_back(collection) \
#define resize(collection, ...) \
DISPATCH(resize, __VA_ARGS__)(collection, __VA_ARGS__)
#define resize1(collection, count) \
collection->_functions->resize1(collection, count)
#define resize2(collection, count, value) \
collection->_functions->resize2(collection, count, value)
// Macros to improve usability
* @def define(type)
* Defines all the functions for the given type.
#define define(type) \
* @def new(type)
* Creates a new instance of the given type and
* returns a pointer to it.
#define new(type) \
* @def delete(collection)
* Calls the class "destructor" to free what has
* to be freed.
#define delete(collection) \
* @def elem(collection, index)
* Returns the given element of a contiguous collection.
#define elem(collection, index) \
* @def first(collection)
* Returns the first element of a contiguous collection.
#define first(collection) \
* @def last(collection)
* Returns the last element of a contiguous collection.
#define last(collection) \
And here are the macros - only well-known macros - used to implement the interface macros:
// Some compilers need one more level of indirection
// than GCC, hence PASTE_3.
#define PASTE_3(x, y) \
x ## y
#define PASTE_2(x, y) \
PASTE_3(x, y)
#define PASTE_1(x, y) \
PASTE_2(x, y)
// DISPATCH cannot use VA_NARGS because of the
// sizeof check. Therefore, it uses the version
// which cannot handle the 0.
#define VA_NARGS_2(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, N, ...) \
// Note: the last dummy parameter sole purpose is
// to avoid a warning
#define VA_NARGS_1(...) \
VA_NARGS_2(__VA_ARGS__, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, /* dummy */)
* @def PASTE(x, y)
* Pastes two macros tokens together to create
* a new name.
#define PASTE(x, y) \
PASTE_1(x, y)
* @def VA_NARGS(...)
* Counts the number of arguments of the given
* macro parameter pack.
#define VA_NARGS(...) \
sizeof(#__VA_ARGS__) == sizeof("") ? 0 : \
* @def DISPATCH(func, ...)
* Calls different functions in function of the
* number of parameters in the parameter pack.
* Therefore, it allows to overload macros based
* on the number of arguments passed to it.
* @warning Can not handle 0-sized parameter packs.
#define DISPATCH(func, ...) \
PASTE(func, VA_NARGS_1(__VA_ARGS__))
And finally, here is an example of how to use all the code above:
int main()
Vector(int)* vec_i = new(Vector(int));
Vector(double)* vec_d = new(Vector(double));
printf("is_empty: %d\n", is_empty(vec_i));
printf("size: %u\n", size(vec_i));
printf("max_size: %u\n", max_size(vec_i));
printf("capacity: %u\n", capacity(vec_i));
printf("front: %d == %d\n", front(vec_i), at(vec_i, 0));
printf("back: %d == %d\n", back(vec_i), at(vec_i, 2));
reserve(vec_d, 56);
printf("capacity: %d\n", capacity(vec_d)); // 56
reserve(vec_d, 30);
printf("capacity: %d\n", capacity(vec_d)); // 56
for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
push_back(vec_d, 0.0);
first(vec_d) = 5.6;
elem(vec_d, 1) = 1.0;
elem(vec_d, 2) = 2.0;
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
printf("%f ", at(vec_d, i));
printf("capacity: %d\n", capacity(vec_d)); // 3
assert(data(vec_d) == vec_d->_data);
assert(last(vec_d) == elem(vec_d, 2));
for (int i = 5 ; i > 0 ; --i)
push_back(vec_i, i);
printf("size: %u\n", size(vec_i)); // 5
printf("capacity: %d\n", capacity(vec_i)); // 40
printf("size: %u\n", size(vec_i)); // 3
printf("capacity: %d\n", capacity(vec_i)); // 3
int foo = 8;
push_back(vec_i, foo);
printf("size: %u\n", size(vec_i)); // 4
printf("capacity: %d\n", capacity(vec_i)); // 43
// erase methods
Vector(int)* vi = new(Vector(int));
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i)
push_back(vi, i);
for (int* it = begin(vi) ; it != end(vi) ; ++it)
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
printf("%d ", *it);
erase(vi, begin(vi));
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < size(vi) ; ++i)
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
printf("%d ", at(vi, i));
erase(vi, begin(vi)+2, begin(vi)+5);
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < size(vi) ; ++i)
// 1 2 6 7 8 9
printf("%d ", at(vi, i));
Of course, none of this is meant to be used with a C++ compiler and all this code is merely done for fun; I would never use that as production code. Also, I already know that all those macros pollute everything, but I don't care - all of this is just a proof of concept. So, would there be any way to improve the interface even further? Moreover, are there ovious errors in the Vector
or a similar tool. Omitting desire for syntactic sugar,eperl
would be easy grounds of experimentation about what this thing would like to look like. \$\endgroup\$