
I am working on a project in which I have three box (as of now) and each box will have some color of balls, so I am storing the input in a Map of String and List of String as shown below:

Map<String, List<String>> boxBallMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();

Data in the above map can be like this. Below is one possible input combination and each box won't have same color balls, so two blues is not possible in box1 as an input:

{box1=[blue, red, orange]}
{box2=[blue, red, orange]}
{box3=[blue, red, orange]}

Basis on the above input, I need to return a mapping which will be List<Map<String, String>>, so for above input below mapping would be returned as an output (this is one possible output combination which follows the below rules):

[{box1=blue, box2=red, box3=orange}, 
{box1=red, box2=orange, box3=blue}, 
{box1=orange, box2=blue, box3=red}]

Some rules:

  1. In each row, boxes should have an alternate colors of ball. If you see above, each row has an alternate color of balls for each box - meaning blue for box1, red for box2, orange for box3 in the first row.

  2. I cannot have same color of balls in each row, so the below combination is not possible as it has same color of balls for two boxes in one row:

    {box1=blue, box2=blue, box3=orange}
  3. In the next row, I won't use those balls for the box which have been used in the earlier rows, so the second row cannot have blue for box1 as it was already used in the first row by box1.

Below is the code I have so far which works fine on some input combinations but somehow doesn't work on some of the input combinations:

public static List<Map<String, String>> generateMappings(Map<String, List<String>> input) {
    List<Map<String, String>> output = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
    // find all boxes
    List<String> boxes = new ArrayList<String>(input.keySet());

    // find all colors
    Set<String> distinctColors = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    for(List<String> e : input.values()) {
        for(String color : e) {
            if(! distinctColors.contains(color)) {
    List<String> colors = new ArrayList<String>(distinctColors);

    int colorIndex = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < colors.size(); i++) {
        Map<String, String> row = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
        colorIndex = i;
        for(int j = 0; j < colors.size(); j++) {
            int boxIndex = j;
            if(boxIndex >= boxes.size()) {
                boxIndex = 0;
            String box = boxes.get(boxIndex);
            List<String> boxColors = input.get(box);
            if(colorIndex >= colors.size()) {
                colorIndex = 0;
            String color = colors.get(colorIndex++);
            // a combination is generated only if the actual
            // colors does exist in the actual box
            if(boxColors.contains(color)) {
                row.put(box, color);    

    return output;

Sample Unit Test

Map<String, List<String>> input = new LinkedHashMap<>();
input.put("box1", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));
input.put("box2", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));
input.put("box3", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));

List<Map<String, String>> output = create(input);
for(Map<String, String> e : output) {


Map<String, List<String>> input = new LinkedHashMap<>();
input.put("box1", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));
input.put("box2", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));
input.put("box3", Collections.<String>emptyList());

List<Map<String, String>> output = create(input);
for(Map<String, String> e : output) {


Map<String, List<String>> input = new LinkedHashMap<>();
input.put("box1", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));
input.put("box2", Arrays.asList("blue", "red"));
input.put("box3", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));

List<Map<String, String>> output = create(input);
for(Map<String, String> e : output) {

Is there any better way of solving this algorithm?

  • \$\begingroup\$ I'm not sure I understand the requirements, say on top of your sample input I have {box4=[blue,blue]} what would the expected output be? It would be nice if you also added some unit tests. \$\endgroup\$
    – Uri Agassi
    Commented Feb 26, 2014 at 14:39
  • \$\begingroup\$ Sample input won't be like that.. It will always be different colors balls for same box in each row. Just updated the question.. \$\endgroup\$
    – david
    Commented Feb 26, 2014 at 15:21
  • \$\begingroup\$ These are not unit tests... these are samples... at least give the expected output... is the requirement that the color order will always be "blue", "red", "orange"? Are more colors allowed? \$\endgroup\$
    – Uri Agassi
    Commented Feb 26, 2014 at 16:24
  • \$\begingroup\$ There might be more colors allowed as well.. I thought those code will be sufficient.. Expected output is based on those rules I have.. let me try to grab the outputs if possible.. \$\endgroup\$
    – david
    Commented Feb 26, 2014 at 16:39

1 Answer 1


First of all, save some manual checking work and make your test self-checking with JUnit and Google Guava:

import static com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;


public void test1() {
    final Map<String, List<String>> input = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    input.put("box1", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));
    input.put("box2", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));
    input.put("box3", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));

    final List<Map<String, String>> output = Generator.generateMappings(input);

    final List<Map<String, String>> expected = newArrayList();
    expected.add(ImmutableMap.of("box1", "blue", "box2", "red", "box3", "orange"));
    expected.add(ImmutableMap.of("box1", "red", "box2", "orange", "box3", "blue"));
    expected.add(ImmutableMap.of("box1", "orange", "box2", "blue", "box3", "red"));

    assertEquals(expected, output);

public void test2() throws Exception {
    final Map<String, List<String>> input = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    input.put("box1", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));
    input.put("box2", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));
    input.put("box3", Collections.<String> emptyList());

    final List<Map<String, String>> output = Generator.generateMappings(input);

    final List<Map<String, String>> expected = newArrayList();
    expected.add(ImmutableMap.of("box1", "blue", "box2", "red"));
    expected.add(ImmutableMap.of("box1", "red", "box2", "orange"));
    expected.add(ImmutableMap.of("box1", "orange", "box2", "blue"));

    assertEquals(expected, output);

public void test3() throws Exception {
    final Map<String, List<String>> input = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    input.put("box1", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));
    input.put("box2", Arrays.asList("blue", "red"));
    input.put("box3", Arrays.asList("blue", "red", "orange"));

    final List<Map<String, String>> output = Generator.generateMappings(input);

    final List<Map<String, String>> expected = newArrayList();
    expected.add(ImmutableMap.of("box1", "blue", "box2", "red", "box3", "orange"));
    expected.add(ImmutableMap.of("box1", "red", "box3", "blue"));
    expected.add(ImmutableMap.of("box1", "orange", "box2", "blue", "box3", "red"));

    assertEquals(expected, output);

Then make it a little bit more readable with extracted out methods and new* factory methods:

import static com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList;
import static com.google.common.collect.Maps.newLinkedHashMap;


public static List<Map<String, String>> generateMappings(
        Map<String, List<String>> input) {
    final List<Map<String, String>> output = newArrayList();
    final List<String> boxes = getAllBoxes(input);
    final List<String> colors = getAllColors(input);

    int colorIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < colors.size(); i++) {
    return output;

private static List<String> getAllBoxes(
        Map<String, List<String>> input) {
    return newArrayList(input.keySet());

private static List<String> getAllColors(
        Map<String, List<String>> input) {
    final Set<String> distinctColors = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    for (final List<String> e: input.values()) {
        for (final String color: e) {
            if (!distinctColors.contains(color)) {
    final List<String> colors = newArrayList(distinctColors);
    return colors;

Note that it made the comments superfluous so I removed them.

I don't completely understand the requirements nor the code but maybe I'm just too tired. Anyway, I'd suggest you another approach: Generate every possible row (invalid ones too) and decide with one or more Rule classes whether a row is valid or not.


public interface Rule {
    boolean isValidRow(row, acceptedRows);

public class AndRule implements Rule {
    List<Rule> rules;

    public AndRule(Rule rules...) {
        this.rules = newArrayList(rules);

    public boolean isValidRow(row, acceptedRows) {
        for (Rule rule: rules) {
            if (!rule.isValidRow(row, acceptedRows)) {
                return false;
        return true;


Rule mainRule = new AndRule(rule1, rule2, rule3);

List<Map<String, String>> output = newArrayList();
// maybe you need nested loops here, but an Iterator would be better
for (...) { 
    Map<String, String> row = createNextRow(...);
    if (mainRule.isValidRow(row, output)) {
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Thanks for your suggestion.. I was able to find a solution for this from your suggestion.. Appreciated your help.. I also have similar question here. Can you take a look if possible? \$\endgroup\$
    – david
    Commented Feb 27, 2014 at 21:52

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