
I have two files.

  1. File 1. Has a list of all the dictionary words
  2. File 2. Has a list of all prepositions.

I want to remove all the prepositions from the dictionary. I want to reduce the number of lines in my code and also make it more elegant, idiomatic and readable.

    #!/usr/bin/env ruby

    path = "/Users/../Desktop/";

    file_original_wordlist = File.open("#{path}"  + "dictionary.txt",  "r")
    file_remove_wordlist = File.open("#{path}"  + "prepositions.txt", "r")

    # Need to initialize the variables else I get errors
    delete_word = false
    word_orig =  ''
    word_rem  =  ''
    count = 0
    file_original_wordlist.each_line do |line1|
      file_remove_wordlist.each_line do |line2|
        word_orig =  line1
        word_rem  =  line2 
        if word_orig.eql?(word_rem)
          puts "Deleting the word " + word_rem
          delete_word = true 
      if delete_word == false
        File.open(path + "scrubbed_list.txt", "a") {|f| f.write(word_orig) }
  # Need to reopen the file otherwise after the first iteration to start from the beginning 
      file_remove_wordlist = File.open("#{path}"  + "prepositions.txt", "r")
      delete_word = false

    puts "Deleted " + count + " words in total"
  • \$\begingroup\$ I ran some benchmarks that I reported in my answer. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 24, 2014 at 6:26

2 Answers 2


Some notes:

  • I guess you come from imperative languages. Try to write in a more functional style (more expressions, less statements).

  • Use libraries (File) to manipulate paths.

  • This double each_line is bad news for performance: O(n*m). Avoid it by building a data structure that has O(1) checks for inclusion. I'd create a set of the prepositions (it's the smaller set). The overall performance is now O(n).

I'd write:

prepositions = open(File.join(path, "prepositions.txt")).lines.to_a 
words = open(File.join(path, "dictionary.txt")).lines.to_a
filtered_words = words - prepositions
File.write("dictionary_without_prepositions.txt", filtered_words.join)

If the input file dictionary.txt is very, very large, this is a more lazy aproach:

require 'set'
prepositions = open(File.join(path, "prepositions.txt")).lines.to_set

open("dictionary_without_prepositions.txt", "w") do |output| 
  open(File.join(path, "dictionary.txt")).lines.each do |line|
    unless prepositions.include?(line)
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ +1 for the use of to_set for the prepositions - you should expand on why you chose it. \$\endgroup\$
    – Uri Agassi
    Commented Feb 23, 2014 at 20:05
  • \$\begingroup\$ @UriAgassi. Done! \$\endgroup\$
    – tokland
    Commented Feb 23, 2014 at 20:42
  • \$\begingroup\$ Great @tokland. Performance is actually O(n+m), though - you need to build the set... \$\endgroup\$
    – Uri Agassi
    Commented Feb 24, 2014 at 4:45
  • \$\begingroup\$ @UriAgassi: it's my understanding that O(n+m), m<=n -> O(n) (at worst what would be "O(2n)", but constants are ignored, so O(n)). \$\endgroup\$
    – tokland
    Commented Feb 24, 2014 at 9:27
  • \$\begingroup\$ if you know that m<=n, you are right. More generally, though O(n+m)==O(max(n,m)). If you have a big preposition file, and a small dictionary, the preposition file will be the dominant factor in your complexity. \$\endgroup\$
    – Uri Agassi
    Commented Feb 24, 2014 at 10:01

You can do this in Ruby with very little code. Here's one way:

DICT_FNAME     = "#{path}"  + "dictionary.txt"
NEW_DICT_FNAME = "#{path}"  + "new_dictionary.txt"
PREP_FNAME     = "#{path}"  + "prepositions.txt"

all_words    = File.read(DICT_FNAME).split($/).map(&:strip)
prepositions = File.read(PREP_FNAME).split($/).map(&:strip)
File.write(NEW_DICT_FNAME, (all_words - prepositions).join($/))

puts "#{all_words.size} words in the dictionary"
puts "#{prepositions.size} prepositions to be removed"

Let's try it out. First, write some words to the dictionary file and to the file containing the prepositions:

all = <<_

preps = <<_

all   #=> "Now\nis\nthe\ntime\nfor\nall\nRubyists\nto\ndebug\n"
preps #=> "for\nto\n"

path = ''

DICT_FNAME = "#{path}"  + "dictionary.txt"   #=> "dictionary.txt"
PREP_FNAME = "#{path}"  + "prepositions.txt" #=> "prepositions.txt"

File.write(DICT_FNAME, all)   #=> 42
File.write(PREP_FNAME, preps) #=>  7

Now we read the two input files [$/ is the end-of-line character(s)]:

NEW_DICT_FNAME = "#{path}" + "new_dictionary.txt"

all_words    = File.read(DICT_FNAME).split($/).map(&:strip)
  #=> ["Now", "is", "the", "time", "for", "all", "Rubyists", "to", "debug"]    
prepositions = File.read(PREP_FNAME).split($/).map(&:strip)
  #=> ["for", "to"]

puts "#{all_words.size} words in the dictionary"
  #=> 9 words in the dictionary
puts "#{prepositions.size} prepositions to be removed"
  #=> 2 prepositions to be removed

...then remove the elements of the prepositions array from the all_words array:

diff = all_words - prepositions
  #=> ["Now", "is", "the", "time", "all", "Rubyists", "debug"]

...format it for writing:

joined = diff.join($/)
  #=> "Now\nis\nthe\ntime\nall\nRubyists\ndebug"

...write the output file:

File.write(NEW_DICT_FNAME, joined)

...and confirm it it was written correctly:

  #=> ["Now", "is", "the", "time", "all", "Rubyists", "debug"]  

Edit: In view of @Tokland's suggestion of constructing a set of prepositions when processing the words one at a time, I thought it might be interesting to run some benchmarks. You'll see that I just used random arrays and words, rather than read and write to files.

L = Array('a'..'z')

require 'set'

def make_samples(n,m,k,s)
  s.times.with_object([]) do |_,a|
    # Construct a sample of n unique words, each of length k
    all_words = make_sample(n,k)
    # Assume the first m words are prepositions
    preps     = all_words[0,m]
    # Shuffle the words (no need to further randomize the prepositions) 
    a << [all_words.shuffle, preps]

def make_sample(n,k)
  set_words = Set.new
  while set_words.size < n do
    set_words << k.times.with_object('') { |_,w| w << L.sample }

Here is an example of test data with 8 4-character words, of which 3 are prepositions, and a sample size of 2.

  #=> [[["fexz", "gxrv", "acte", "namz", "cpqw", "txsm", "zonm", "tvjz"],
  #     ["zonm", "gxrv", "fexz"]],
  #    [["nfdf", "djnv", "inqk", "tbgc", "asfb", "nqbg", "dnyb", "ywtv"],
  #     ["djnv", "tbgc", "inqk"]]]

These are the parameters I used for the results I report below:

n = 200_000 # number of words, inckluding prepositions
m = 40      # number of prepositions
k = 8       # length of each string
s = 20      # sample size

samples = make_samples(n,m,k,s)

Benchmark.bm('reject - arr'.size) do |bm|
  # words array - preps array 
  bm.report 'arr - arr' do
    samples.each { |(wa,pa)| wa - pa }

  # reject words in preps array
  bm.report 'reject - arr' do
    samples.each { |(wa,pa)| wa.reject { |w| pa.include? w } }

  # reject words in preps set
  bm.report 'reject - set' do
    samples.each { |(wa,pa)| ps = pa.to_set; wa.reject { |w| ps.include? w } }

                   user     system      total        real
arr - arr      0.860000   0.030000   0.890000 (  0.884945)
reject - arr  10.180000   0.020000  10.200000 ( 10.217233)
reject - set   1.830000   0.040000   1.870000 (  1.913069)

I ran a few additional tests with different parameters, but these results are indicative.

  • \$\begingroup\$ This would be my first choice if both files fit into memory. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 3, 2014 at 0:36

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