I have been doing some programming 'exercises'. I'm trying to come up with the most efficient algorithm for tree traversal.
Consider the following function signature:
CNode * CNode::find(int number) const
where CNode
structure is not organized as a binary search tree (otherwise obviously a faster algorithm would have been used - not involving the entire tree traversal), so all the nodes have to be inspected.
I have implemented 3 algorithms so far:
Stack-based search
CNode * CNode::findStackBased(int number)
Node *tmp = this;
stack<CNode*> onStack;
while (tmp != NULL || !onStack.empty())
if (tmp == NULL)
tmp = onStack.top();
if (tmp->number == number)
return tmp;
if (tmp->right)
tmp = tmp->left;
return NULL;
Recursive search
CNode * CNode::findRecursion(int number)
if (this->number == number)
return this;
Node * result = NULL;
if (this->left != NULL && (result = left->findRecursion(data)))
return result;
if (this->right != NULL)
return this->right->findRecursion(data);
return NULL;
Walking along the edge
CNode * CNode::findWalkAlongTheEdge(int number)
Node *tmp = this;
while (tmp != NULL)
if (tmp->number == number)
return tmp;
if (tmp->left != NULL)
tmp = tmp->left;
else if (tmp->right != NULL)
tmp = tmp->right;
while (1)
if (tmp->parent->left == tmp)
if (tmp->parent->right != NULL)
tmp = tmp->parent->right;
if (tmp->parent == this)
return NULL;
tmp = tmp->parent;
return NULL;
Each of the above have have some advantages/drawbacks, but performance wise 'walking along the edge is the winner so far(out of the 3 given above).
My question is:
Do you see any way to optimize it further (recursive implementation already benefits from the tail recursion optimization, at least gcc
seems to optimize it this way)?