I have the following Lua script which I use against my redis environment to perform some non-production analytics on my data.
My dataset contains hundreds of millions of records, hence I want to make sure that the approach that I am taking is optimal for query performance and best coding practices.
-- Tables to store the aggregations
local aUsers = {} -- [sizeInBytes] = userID (Table is created the other way around to allow for sorting)
local aFileTypes = {} -- [fileTypeID] = sizeInBytes
local aFileTag = {} -- [fileTagID] = sizeInBytes
-- Global Count of Records and Sum of Sizes in Bytes
local sumCount = 0
local sumSize = 0
-- For users 'sizeBytes' is the Table[ID] to allow sorting. Collissions are not a big deal
local function userAgregations(table, key, size)
table[size] = key
-- For other agregations the `fieldID` is the key mapped against the `size` agregation
local function genericAgregations(table, key, size)
if table[key] then
table[key] = table[key] + size
table[key] = size
-- For users only, sort the table by Key (size) and print return it
local function printTopUsers(t)
local str = "["
local sortedTable = {}
local maxResults = 25
for key in pairs(t) do
sortedTable[#sortedTable+1] = key
table.sort(sortedTable, function(a,b)
return a > b
if #sortedTable < 25 then
maxResults = #sortedTable
for i=1, maxResults do
str = str .. sortedTable[i] .. ":" .. t[sortedTable[i]] .. ","
local formatted = str .. "]"
return formatted
-- For other fields just return the table
local function printTable(t)
local str = "["
for key,value in pairs(t) do
str = str .. key .. ":" .. value .. ","
local formatted = str .. "]"
return formatted
-- Return all the keys in redis that match a given pattern (Yes, its non-production)
-- Where the keys are: 0:0000:00:00000:00:00:00:0
-- Sample query is: 5:123?:??:12346:1?:??:??:2--
local matches = redis.call("KEYS", query)
-- For each Key match, get the value and perform the agregations
for _,key in ipairs(matches) do
local val = redis.call("GET", key)
local sCount, sSize = val:match("([^:]+):([^:]+)")
local count = tonumber(sCount)
local size = tonumber(sSize)
-- Extract a part of the key which refers to a particular agregation fieldID
userAgregations(aUsers, string.sub(key, 11, 15), size)
genericAgregations(aFileTypes, string.sub(key, 17, 18), size)
genericAgregations(aFileTags, string.sub(key, 17, 18), size)
-- Increment the Global sum and count
sumCount = sumCount + count
sumSize = sumSize + size
-- Contatenate and return response
local globalAgregation = string.format("[%s:%s]", sumCount, sumSize)
local result = printTopUsers(aUsers) .. printTable(aFileTypes) .. printTable(aFileTags) .. globalAgregation
return result