This is another entry for The Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe review.
My design criteria were:
- A DLL which encapsulates the data, i.e. the game state
- Don't include the GUI, nor the decision-making (game-playing) logic
- Be careful not to allow corrupted state
- Make it as small (few lines of code) as possible
Here's the DLL code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UltimateTicTacToe.Model
// Cell only contains its state, not its own location
// true -> "O"
// false -> "X"
// null -> (not played yet)
// Immutable because it's a struct.
public struct Cell
readonly bool? state;
public bool? State { get { return state; } }
public Cell(bool state) { this.state = state; }
// A trivial struct with fly-weight static instances
// Immutable because it's a struct.
// Short, constant-length names like 'L00' so that they line up well.
public struct Location
readonly int row;
readonly int column;
public int Row { get { return row; } }
public int Column { get { return column; } }
public Location(int row, int column)
this.row = row;
this.column = column;
public static Location L00 = new Location(0, 0);
public static Location L01 = new Location(0, 1);
public static Location L02 = new Location(0, 2);
public static Location L10 = new Location(1, 0);
public static Location L11 = new Location(1, 1);
public static Location L12 = new Location(1, 2);
public static Location L20 = new Location(2, 0);
public static Location L21 = new Location(2, 1);
public static Location L22 = new Location(2, 2);
internal static List<Location> All = new List<Location>()
L00, L01, L02,
L10, L11, L12,
L20, L21, L22
// Simpler than overriding Equals etc.
public bool Matches(Location rhs)
return (this.row == rhs.row) && (this.column == rhs.column);
// Class so it may be null.
// Says who won a game or quadrant,
// and which were the winning locations.
public class Winner
public bool Player { get; private set; }
public Location[] Locations { get; private set; }
public Winner(bool player, Location[] locations)
Player = player;
Locations = locations;
// public so be careful not to expose too much.
// Not abstract so this could be used as private
// member data instead of as a public superclass.
public class BoardT<TCell>
readonly TCell[,] cells = new TCell[3, 3];
// this delegate emulates (is used instead of)
// `protected abstract bool? getCellState(TCell cell);`
readonly Func<TCell, bool?> getCellState;
public Winner Winner { get; private set; }
// This list could be a member of Location instead.
static List<Location[]> lines = new List<Location[]>()
new Location[]{ Location.L00, Location.L01,Location.L02},
new Location[]{ Location.L10, Location.L11,Location.L12},
new Location[]{ Location.L20, Location.L21,Location.L22},
new Location[]{ Location.L00, Location.L10,Location.L20},
new Location[]{ Location.L01, Location.L11,Location.L21},
new Location[]{ Location.L02, Location.L12,Location.L22},
new Location[]{ Location.L00, Location.L11,Location.L22},
new Location[]{ Location.L02, Location.L11,Location.L20}
protected BoardT(Func<TCell, bool?> getCellState)
this.getCellState = getCellState;
// Public get for Cell in Quadrant and for Qhadrant in Game.
// Protected set can only be accessed via subclass.
public TCell this[Location location]
get { return cells[location.Row, location.Column]; }
protected set { cells[location.Row, location.Column] = value; }
// Invoked by subclass at the end of each Play.
protected void Recalculate()
foreach (var line in lines)
bool? isWon = this.isWon(line);
if (isWon.HasValue)
this.Winner = new Winner(isWon.Value, line);
// private helper for Recalculate.
bool? isWon(Location[] line)
bool? rc = null;
foreach (Location location in line)
bool? cellState = getCellState(this[location]);
if (!cellState.HasValue)
return null;
if (!rc.HasValue)
rc = cellState;
else if (rc.Value != cellState.Value)
return null;
return rc;
// might be full before it's won
public bool IsFull
get { return !Location.All.Exists(location => !getCellState(this[location]).HasValue); }
// Quadrant is a Board of Cell instances
public class Quadrant : BoardT<Cell>
internal Quadrant()
: base(getCellState)
static bool? getCellState(Cell cell)
return cell.State;
internal void Play(Location location, bool cellState)
if (this[location].State.HasValue)
throw new Exception("Already played on this cell");
this[location] = new Cell(cellState);
public enum Variant
// Helpful for short unit tests,
// allows one player to play too often.
// See "crazy" variant on
// not currently implemented.
public class PreviousPlay
public Location QuadrantLocation { get; private set; }
public bool Player { get; private set; }
internal PreviousPlay(Location quadrantLocation, bool player)
QuadrantLocation = quadrantLocation;
Player = player;
// Game is a Board of Quadrant instances.
public class Game : BoardT<Quadrant>
readonly Variant variant;
public PreviousPlay PreviousPlay { get; private set; }
public Game(Variant variant)
: base(getCellState)
Location.All.ForEach(location => base[location] = new Quadrant());
this.variant = variant;
static bool? getCellState(Quadrant quadrant)
if (quadrant.Winner == null)
return null;
return quadrant.Winner.Player;
public void Play(Location quadrantLocation, Location cellLocation, bool cellState)
switch (variant)
case Variant.Cheat:
case Variant.Normal:
if (PreviousPlay == null)
// first player
if (PreviousPlay.Player == cellState)
throw new Exception("This player has already played");
Quadrant requiredQuadrant = base[PreviousPlay.QuadrantLocation];
bool canPlay = (requiredQuadrant.Winner == null) &&
// testing the isFull condition wasn't in the game specs but is required
if (canPlay && !PreviousPlay.QuadrantLocation.Matches(quadrantLocation))
throw new Exception("Not playing in the required quadrant");
case Variant.Crazy:
throw new NotImplementedException();
Quadrant quadrant = base[quadrantLocation];
quadrant.Play(cellLocation, cellState);
PreviousPlay = new PreviousPlay(cellLocation, cellState);
I decided to do without events (i.e. callbacks) in the implementation: for example, cell doesn't tell quadrant when the cell state changes (the quadrant only knows because it's the quadrant which is modifying the cell).
Here's some user code (from a separate project):
using System;
using UltimateTicTacToe.Model;
namespace UltimateTicTacToe
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
static void test3()
// TODO test a game which exercises the Quadrant.IsFull property.
static void test2()
Game game = new Game(Variant.Normal);
game.Play(Location.L00, Location.L11, false);
// try to play out of turn
bool failed = false;
game.Play(Location.L11, Location.L11, false);
failed = true;
catch (Exception) { }
// try to play in the wrong quadrant
game.Play(Location.L22, Location.L11, true);
failed = true;
catch (Exception) { }
// try to play properly
game.Play(Location.L11, Location.L11, true);
static void test1()
Game game = new Game(Variant.Cheat);
Quadrant quadrant = game[Location.L00];
assert(quadrant.Winner == null);
// play a row on top-left
game.Play(Location.L00, Location.L00, false);
game.Play(Location.L00, Location.L01, false);
game.Play(Location.L00, Location.L02, false);
assert(quadrant.Winner.Player == false);
assert(quadrant[Location.L00].State == false);
assert(quadrant[Location.L22].State == null);
assert(game.Winner == null);
// play a column in center
game.Play(Location.L11, Location.L00, false);
game.Play(Location.L11, Location.L10, false);
game.Play(Location.L11, Location.L20, false);
// play a diagonal on bottom-right
game.Play(Location.L22, Location.L02, false);
game.Play(Location.L22, Location.L11, false);
game.Play(Location.L22, Location.L20, false);
assert(game.Winner.Player == false);
static void assert(bool b)
if (!b)
throw new Exception();
Is there a more idiomatic way to code that assert
function at the bottom, when I want to assert in a release build?