I wrote this function last year to convert between the two encodings and just found it. It takes a text buffer and its size, then converts to UTF-8 if there's enough space.
What should be changed to improve quality?
int iso88951_to_utf8(unsigned char *content, size_t max_size)
unsigned char *copy;
size_t conversion_count; //number of chars to convert / bytes to add
copy = content;
conversion_count = 0;
//first run to see if there's enough space for the new bytes
if(*content >= 0x80)
if(content - copy + conversion_count >= max_size)
return ERROR;
while(content >= copy && conversion_count)
//repositioning current characters to make room for new bytes
if(*content < 0x80)
*(content + conversion_count) = *content;
*(content + conversion_count) = 0x80 | (*content & 0x3f); //last byte
*(content + --conversion_count) = 0xc0 | *content >> 6; //first byte
return SUCCESS;