Project Euler problem 26 asks us to:
Find the value of d < 1000 for which 1/d contains the longest recurring cycle in its decimal fraction part.
I wrote this function in Python to find the decimal representation of a rational number p/q. How can I improve it? Also suggest good coding styles.
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding - utf-8 -*-
"""This program converts a rational number
into its decimal representation.
A rational number is a number of the form p/q
where p and q are integers and q is not zero.
The decimal representation of a rational number
is either terminating or non-terminating but
def gcd(a, b):
"""Computes gcd of a, b
using Euclid algorithm.
if not isinstance(a, int) or not isinstance(b, int):
return None
a = abs(a)
b = abs(b)
while b != 0:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def decimal(p, q):
"""Computes the decimal representation
of the rational number p/q. If the
representation is non-terminating, then
the recurring part is enclosed in parentheses.
The result is returned as a string.
if not isinstance(p, int) or not isinstance(q, int):
return ''
if q == 0:
return ''
abs_p = abs(p)
abs_q = abs(q)
s = (p / abs_p) * (q / abs_q)
g = gcd(abs_p, abs_q)
p = abs_p / g
q = abs_q / g
rlist = []
qlist = []
quotient, remainder = divmod(p, q)
if remainder == 0:
return str(quotient)
while remainder != 0:
remainder *= 10
quotient, remainder = divmod(remainder, q)
if remainder in rlist:
qlist = map(str, qlist)
if remainder:
recur_index = rlist.index(remainder) + 1
dstring = qlist[0] + '.' + ''.join(qlist[1:recur_index]) + \
'(' + ''.join(qlist[recur_index:]) + ')'
if s < 0:
dstring = '-' + dstring
dstring = qlist[0] + '.' + ''.join(qlist[1:])
if s < 0:
dstring = '-' + dstring
return dstring
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = raw_input('p: ')
q = raw_input('q: ')
p = int(p)
q = int(q)
if q == 0:
raise ValueError
print '%d/%d =' % (p, q), decimal(p, q)
except ValueError:
print 'invalid input'
are ints? \$\endgroup\$