I was trying to write some of the Haskell list functions into Java, and I realized that one of the key strengths for many of the functions was the ability to pass in a boolean expression. I decided to write a parser to facilitate this. It has worked perfectly as far as I have tested it, but I want to know just how [in]efficiently I've done this, and if there's anything key that I missed.
A few rules for using this parser:
- You cannot use the
operator in an expression [yet]. - For comparison of strings, use
, etc... - For exponentiation, use
. - PEMDAS ("order of operations") is followed for mathematical expressions.
Otherwise, expressions can be written almost exactly like a normal if
statement. For example:
Halo.takeWhile("[x]>=2", someArray);
As a direct call to the parser:
ExpressionParser.evaluate("2+[x] == [y] && (1==1 && Joe==Joe && 3^2>10)", "x", 5, "y", 7);
class ExpressionParser
private static final String[] operators = { "!=", "==", ">=", "<=", ">", "<", "||", "&&", "*", "/", "+", "-", "^" };
private static boolean parseAndEvaluateExpression(String ex)
for (char c : ex.toCharArray())
if (!Character.isSpaceChar(c))
return parseWithStrings(ex);
System.err.println("ERROR: Expression cannot be empty!");
return false;
static <T> boolean evaluate(String or, T... rep)
String[] temp = new String[rep.length];
for (int i = 0; i < rep.length; i++)
temp[i] = "" + rep[i];
return evaluate(or, temp);
static boolean evaluate(String or, String... vars)
if ((vars.length % 2 == 1 || vars.length < 2) && vars.length != 0)
System.err.println("ERROR: Invalid arguments!");
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i += 2)
or = or.replace("[" + vars[i] + "]", "" + vars[i + 1]);
return parseAndEvaluateExpression(or);
private static boolean parseWithStrings(String s)
int[] op = determineOperatorPrecedenceAndLocation(s);
int start = op[0];
String left = s.substring(0, start).trim();
String right = s.substring(op[1]).trim();
String oper = s.substring(start, op[1]).trim();
int logType = logicalOperatorType(oper);
System.out.println("PARSE: Left: \"" + left + "\" Right: \"" + right + "\" Operator: \"" + oper + "\"");
if (logType == 0) // encounters OR- recurse
return parseWithStrings(left) || parseWithStrings(right);
else if (logType == 1) // encounters AND- recurse
return parseWithStrings(left) && parseWithStrings(right);
if (containsMathematicalOperator(left)) // evaluate mathematical expression
left = "" + parseMathematicalExpression(left);
if (containsMathematicalOperator(right))// see above
right = "" + parseMathematicalExpression(right);
String leftSansParen = removeParens(left);
String rightSansParen = removeParens(right);
if (isInt(leftSansParen) && isInt(rightSansParen))
return evaluate(Double.parseDouble(leftSansParen), oper, Double.parseDouble(rightSansParen));
return evaluate(leftSansParen, oper, rightSansParen); // assume they are strings
private static int[] determineOperatorPrecedenceAndLocation(String s)
s = s.trim();
int minParens = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int[] currentMin = null;
for (int sampSize = 1; sampSize <= 2; sampSize++)
for (int locInStr = 0; locInStr < (s.length() + 1) - sampSize; locInStr++)
int endIndex = locInStr + sampSize;
String sub;
if ((endIndex < s.length()) && s.charAt(endIndex) == '=')
sub = s.substring(locInStr, ++endIndex).trim();
sub = s.substring(locInStr, endIndex).trim();
if (isOperator(sub))
// Idea here is to weight logical operators so that they will still be selected over other operators
// when no parens are present
int parens = (logicalOperatorType(sub) > -1) ? parens(s, locInStr) - 1 : parens(s, locInStr);
if (containsMathematicalOperator(sub))
// Order of operations weighting
switch (sub)
case "^":
case "/":
case "*":
case "+":
case "-":
if (parens <= minParens)
minParens = parens;
currentMin = new int[] { locInStr, endIndex, parens };
return currentMin;
private static int logicalOperatorType(String op)
switch (op.trim())
case "||":
return 0;
case "&&":
return 1;
return -1;
private static boolean containsMathematicalOperator(String s)
s = s.trim();
for (char c : s.toCharArray())
if (c == '/' || c == '+' || c == '*' || c == '-' || c == '^')
return true;
return false;
private static int parens(String s, int loc)
int parens = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
if (s.charAt(i) == '(' && i < loc)
if (s.charAt(i) == ')' && i >= loc)
return parens;
private static String removeParens(String s)
s = s.trim();
String keep = "";
for (char c : s.toCharArray())
if (!(c == '(') && !(c == ')'))
keep += c;
return keep.trim();
private static boolean isOperator(String op)
op = op.trim();
for (String s : operators)
if (s.equals(op))
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isInt(String s)
for (char c : s.toCharArray())
if (!Character.isDigit(c) && c != '.')
return false;
return true;
private static boolean evaluate(double left, String op, double right)
switch (op)
case "==":
return left == right;
case ">":
return left > right;
case "<":
return left < right;
case "<=":
return left <= right;
case ">=":
return left >= right;
case "!=":
return left != right;
System.err.println("ERROR: Operator type not recognized.");
return false;
private static double parseMathematicalExpression(String s)
int[] op = determineOperatorPrecedenceAndLocation(s);
int start = op[0];
String left = s.substring(0, start).trim();
String right = s.substring(op[1]).trim();
String oper = s.substring(start, op[1]).trim();
System.out.println("MATH: Left: \"" + left + "\" Right: \"" + right + "\" Operator: \"" + oper + "\"");
if (containsMathematicalOperator(left))
left = "" + parseMathematicalExpression(left);
if (containsMathematicalOperator(right))
right = "" + parseMathematicalExpression(right);
return evaluateSingleMathematicalExpression(Double.parseDouble(removeParens(left)), oper,
private static double evaluateSingleMathematicalExpression(double result1, String oper, double result2)
switch (oper)
case "*":
return result1 * result2;
case "/":
return result1 / result2;
case "-":
return result1 - result2;
case "+":
return result1 + result2;
case "^":
return Math.pow(result1, result2);
System.err.println("MATH ERROR: Mismatched Input.");
return 0;
private static boolean evaluate(String left, String op, String right)
switch (op)
case "==":
return left.equals(right);
case "!=":
return !left.equals(right);
System.err.println("ERROR: Operator type not recognized.");
return false;