
Other people will be looking at this jquery code and i'm not an expert with jQuery so im asking. How can i make this jQuery code shorter, more efficient, and easier to read?

/* navigation tabs click highlight */
$(".header-main-tabs").click(function() {
/* drop menu hide and show for desktop */
$(".header-main-tabs").hover(function() {

/* search input hide and show when search icon is pressed */
$("#search-icon-container span").click(function() {

/* mobile navigation */
/* show mobile tabs when toggle nav mobile button is clicked and when browser width is      over 990px */
/* toggle mobile navigation when nav button is clicked */
$("#toggle-mobile-nav").click(function() {

var browserWidth = $(window).width();

$(window).resize(function() {
browserWidth = $(window).width();
if (browserWidth > 990) {

$('#nav-tabs-list li').click(function() {
if (browserWidth <= 990) {

/* always show drop menu when on mobile version (when browser width is below 960px) */
$(document).ready(function() { 

$(window).resize(function() { 

function fadeMobile() {
  browserWidth = $(window).width(); 
  if (browserWidth < 990) { 

2 Answers 2


Easier to Read

Make sure you use the same standard everywhere, indent nicely and be consistent. Then the code already looks a lot better:


/* navigation tabs click highlight */
$(".header-main-tabs").click(function() {

/* drop menu hide and show for desktop */
$(".header-main-tabs").hover(function() {

/* search input hide and show when search icon is pressed */
$("#search-icon-container span").click(function() {

/* mobile navigation */
/* show mobile tabs when toggle nav mobile button is clicked and when browser width is      over 990px */
/* toggle mobile navigation when nav button is clicked */
$("#toggle-mobile-nav").click(function() {

var browserWidth = $(window).width();

$(window).resize(function() {
    browserWidth = $(window).width();
    if (browserWidth > 990) {

$('#nav-tabs-list li').click(function() {
    if (browserWidth <= 990) {

/* always show drop menu when on mobile version (when browser width is below 960px) */
$(document).ready(function() { 

$(window).resize(function() { 

function fadeMobile() {
    browserWidth = $(window).width(); 
    if (browserWidth < 990) { 


  • Don't use $('...') twice for the same selector and don't use it in an event. Instead, save the element in a variable and use that. It's both faster and easier to read
  • Group events on the same element. The first 2 events are both placed on $('.header-main-tabs'), group them together
  • Put all code in the $(document).ready() callback, this will avoid "DOM not ready" errors
  • Use CSS to hide/show elements, don't use jQuery for that
  • Combine the same events, you now have 2 $(window).resize() events
  • Don't show on each resize, only show if it was hidden before
  • Don't use global variables to store data

$(document).ready(function () {

    var $mainTabs = $(".header-main-tabs");
    var $searchInputContainer = $("#search-input-container");

        .click(function() { // navigation tabs click highlight

        .hover(function() { // drop menu hide and show for desktop

    /* search input hide and show when search icon is pressed */
    $("#search-icon-container span").click(function() {


    /* mobile navigation */
    /* show mobile tabs when toggle nav mobile button is clicked and when browser width is      over 990px */
    /* toggle mobile navigation when nav button is clicked */
    var $navTabsList = $("#nav-tabs-list");
    var $toggleMobileNav = $("#toggle-mobile-nav");
    var $headerDropMenu = $('.header-drop-menu');

    $toggleMobileNav.click(function() {


    $(window).resize(function() {
        browserWidth = $(window).width();

        if (browserWidth > 990 && $navTabsList.is(':hidden')) {


    $('li', $navTabsList).click(function() {
        if ($(window).width() <= 990) {

    /* always show drop menu when on mobile version (when browser width is below 960px) */

    function fadeMobile(browserWidth) {
        if (browserWidth < 990) { 
            if ($navTabsList.is(':visible')) {

            if ($headerDropMenu.is(':hidden')) {

            if ($toggleMobileNav.hasClass('toggle-mobile-nav-clicked')) {


All changes are documented below, however here is a quick-hit list:

  • contain everything in $(document).ready() to ensure elements exist before assigning handlers
  • make better use of caching, .find(), and event delegation
  • combine width-specific functions into a single item, with width passed as parameter
  • make use of .on() rather than shorthand (.click(), .hover()) to combine bindings into a single handler
  • split hover into mouseenter and mouseleave to prevent possible double-toggling

Many of these not only make the code more readable, but makes runtime much faster by preventing excessive DOM querying, having smaller object sets to source from, consolidating similarly-applied code, and removal of unneeded code / event handlers.

Here's a draft of the new setup:

/* contain everything within a $(document).ready() function to ensure elements 
* exist before handlers assigned to them - shorthand of $(function used here */

$(function() {
    * cache objects used more than once, as well as appropriate children
    * make use of $(this) rather than re-querying the DOM
    * make use of .find() selector when caching children rather than requerying for a new object
    var $mainTabs = $(".header-main-tabs"),
        $headerDropMenu = $mainTabs.children('.header-drop-menu'),
        $navTabsList = $("#nav-tabs-list"),
        $searchInputContainer = $("#search-input-container"),
        $toggleMobileNav = $("#toggle-mobile-nav");

    /* place function declarations prior to event handlers in case any of the handlers use it,
    * and consolidate your winWidth-based logic into one function */
    function setMobile(winWidth) {      
        /* this was two separate functions, since you run this every time you can consolidate */
        if (winWidth <= 990) { 

            /* only bind the click handler if winWidth calls for it, and use delegation of click 
            * events where possible, rather than using CSS selector */
            $navTabsList.on('click','li',function() {           
        } else {

            /* else remove the binding */

    /* combine multiple on declarations into a single .on() binding */
        /* separate hover event into mouseenter / mouseleave to prevent possible double-toggling,
        * which can happen on rapid hover changes and .toggleClass() */

    $searchInputContainer.on('click','span',function() {

    $toggleMobileNav.on('click',function() {

    /* call your consolidated function, passing the width as parameter rather then
    * assigning to a variable within the function */

    /* change to non-shorthand in case you wanted to add a different window 
    * handler later ('load' to wait for images, for example). also, contain it within the 
    * document.ready so that it doesnt accidentally fire before document.ready (bug in early 
    * webkit versions) */
    $(window).on('resize',function() {

Here it is without the clutter of the comments:

$(function() {
    var $mainTabs = $(".header-main-tabs"),
        $headerDropMenu = $mainTabs.children('.header-drop-menu'),
        $navTabsList = $("#nav-tabs-list"),
        $searchInputContainer = $("#search-input-container"),
        $toggleMobileNav = $("#toggle-mobile-nav");

    function setMobile(winWidth) {      
        if (winWidth <= 990) { 

            $navTabsList.on('click','li',function() {           
        } else {



    $searchInputContainer.on('click','span',function() {

    $toggleMobileNav.on('click',function() {


    $(window).on('resize',function() {

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