I've been doing a simple Tic-Tac-Toe with PHP, generating only HTML code.
A few notes:
- I didn't bother yet to give an AI to the opponents (the Os), and it is intentional.
- There is no CSS style to it, I intend to append it with a css file.
- tictactoe.php is naturally the name of the script itself, so each links are refering to the page itself.
Now I don't know if I did everything correctly, here are my concern:
- If I want to expand the functionalities of the game in the future (adding javascript, opponent AIs, new game features), I fear that the structure of the code is not adapted for it. Should I change my code so it is Object Oriented? EDIT I have in mind to add new feature to the game, like powers who would change the state of the board, like rewind to a previous state and; some css and javascript in a non-intrusive way and add some way to check if options are disabled (like javascript/flash), or check for the version of the browser for html5/css3 features.
- As for now, it is easy to "cheat" and directly introduce the wished board state. I would like to prevent that, and if possible without using javascript, as I want the game to be playable also without it.
//Determine if a player as aligned three of its symbols and return the id of the player (1
//for X Player, -1 for O Player(Computer)). Otherwise return 0;
function isWinState($board){
$winning_sequences = '012345678036147258048642';
$player = $board[$winning_sequences[$i]];
if($player == $board[$winning_sequences[$i+1]]){
if($player == $board[$winning_sequences[$i+2]]){
return $player;
return 0;
//Player O plays its turn at random
function OsTurn($board){
$i = mt_rand(0,8);
$i = mt_rand(0,8);
return $board;
$winstate = 0;
$values = array();
//initializing the board
$values = array_fill(0,9,0);
//determine who begins at random
$values = OsTurn($values);
//get the board
$values = explode(',',$_GET['values']);
//Check if a player X won, if not, player 0 plays its turn.
$winstate = isWinState($values);
$values = OsTurn($values);
//Check if a player 0 won
$winstate = isWinState($values);
//Display the board as a table
//begin of a row
if(fmod($i,3)==0){echo '<tr>';}
echo '<td>';
//representation of the player token, depending on the ID
echo 'X';
}else if($values[$i]==-1){
echo 'O';
//If noone put a token on this, and if noone won, make a link to allow player X to
//put its token here. Otherwise, empty space.
$values_link = $values;
echo '<a href="tictactoe.php?values='.implode(',',$values_link).'"> </a>';
echo ' ';
echo '</td>';
//end of a row
if(fmod($i,3)==2){echo '</tr>';}
//If someone won, display the message
echo '<p><b>Player '.(($winstate==1)?'X':'O').' won!</b></p>';